Come Flirt, Cuddle, and Play with Reid and Monique in Portland April 7-10

by Reid on January 24, 2016

Reid Monique Fearless Relating

Join Reid and Monique for a weekend full of Speed Flirting, a Cuddle Party, and an Energetic Sex Play Party in Portland April 7th-10th!

Official Cuddle Party Thurs April 7th

Cuddle Party is a 3 hour workshop experience where participants engage in communication exercises, explore touch in a non-sexual space, experience personal exploration and intimacy, and have fun with like minded friends from the community.

Nurturing and consensual loving touch is good for maintaining healthy blood pressure, a strong nervous system and a balanced emotional health. One’s ability to connect with and develop greater trust in others is emphasized during the group exchanges during Cuddle Party’s. Self-care is a cornerstone of Cuddle Party experience.

As seen on CBS’s the DR’S –

Cuddle Party is a formal, non-sexual event that offers participants an opportunity to explore intimacy with like-minded others. In a relaxed environment, that upholds personal boundaries and maintains a professional atmosphere at all times, one is encouraged to engage in communication and touch, in a non-threatening, share-affirming environment.

Cuddle Party is a holistic, social environment, that attracts fascinating people from all walks of life. It provides a special and unique opportunity for connection, learning and growth. Come cuddle with us!

About Cuddle Party from Monique:

I have facilitated 100”²s of Cuddle Parties. I am as passionate about the Cuddle Party experience today, as I was for the first one, over five years ago. YES! It helped me reclaim my voice and I am passionate about helping others do the same.

Cuddle Party experiences teach participants, they alone create their own safety container. How did it change my life? When I was growing up and received a NO, it felt like I was being rejected. The result was my emphasis on being nice, being lovable and being unconditionally available. The profound learning came when I realized my unyielding YES became a subconscious inability to trust another person’s YES, without their own personally vocalized NO!

I am very appreciative and honored by the courage shown by those who have clear boundaries, and an ability to voice their YES and NO decisions without guilt, shame or fear. It gives me the confidence to ask for what my own heart desires, instead of censoring myself, knowing the receiver of my request has the voice and courage to embrace or withdraw, based on their own perimeters. “Thank you for taking care of your self.”

After the Welcome Circle, Reid will offer a mini version of his speed flirting class, to help break the ice and dive us into getting to know one another.

Speed-Flirting is a rambunctious, social event for men, women, humans of all ages. The usual definition of flirting as just “a sexual thang” limits our ability to engage with people playfully. What if flirting meant “increasing the fun and play in any interaction?” Perfect for singles, couples, and entire communities, Speed-Flirting gives us the tools to go deeper than just a wink and a smile…

Speed-Flirting will teach you to:

–Break the ice with ease and confidence.

–Make your dating and relationship life pressure-free.

–Say No without feeling guilty.

–Keep people from misunderstanding your intentions.

–Relate with rejection gracefully and leave people feeling better for having met you.

–Get anyone to make the first move.

Join sex and relationship educator Reid Mihalko (creator of the pop-culture phenomenon Cuddle Party) for an exciting and comical evening of flirtation. Add more aliveness to your existing relationships. Make new friends in the most exciting way possible.

Speed-Flirting features a series of structured games and exercises with lots of easy-to-apply tools for breaking the ice, overcoming awkward moments, and for deep-connection through play.


BRING: Comfortable PJS, Blankets, Pillows and any kind of soft fluff to enhance your experience.


Doors lock at 7:15. The opening Welcome Circle is for introductions and to go over the rules of Cuddle Party. This is an important aspect of the Cuddle Party experience and creates a safe container for all participants. It is essential that everyone be on time.

DATE: Thursday April 7th 2016
TIME: 7:00pm-10:30pm
LOCATION: Portland, Oregon
COST: $35 per person OR $40 per person at the door (IF not sold out)

TIX: Buy tickets HERE

View the Facebook Event Here!


Join Our Energetic Sex Practicum and Playshop Intensive (plus energetic sex play party)

Energetic and Play Practicum with Reid and Monique Fri April 8th-Sun April 10th 

Sex and Relationship Expert Reid Mihalko, and Authenticity Coach Monique Darling, will weave an expansive, life and pleasure affirming weekend, rich in practice, process and play. 18-hours (two and a half days plus an Energetic play party evening of deep, playful, powerful exploration, self-discovery and energetic sex “geekery!”

This is a BEAUTIFUL home out in the woods. Hot Tub, trails, common sleeping room and plenty of room to camp out if you plan to join us ALL weekend. Please RSVP with Monique at 619 655-6877 if you plan to sleep over as there is limited space availalble.

Join Sex and Relationship Expert Reid Mihalko of and Authenticity and Vulnerability Coach Monique Darling of Divine Interludes in Woodside, California, for Part 2’s continuation of 6-hours of deep, playful, powerful exploration, self-discovery and energetic sex “geekery!”

Tap into your own sense of ecstatic, sensual energy while expanding your understanding of how energy can be generated and released. Bring your energetic abilities to the next level.

Regardless of what belief system you subscribe to, our bodies are giving off signals. These cues and clues can be read and tracked with practice, especially during sex! Engaging these subtle and powerful energies, and interacting with them in a focused state, can make for a deeply transformative experience.

When sexual impulses are free flowing in the body, something natural and beautiful happens in our psyche and life pulsates with aliveness. Sexual energy is a profound whole-body healer and can bring forth delicious feelings of bliss and ecstasy from endorphin release. We will explore underlying principles and approaches to playing with sexual energy, energetically.

In this 15-hour intensive “dojo” where we will play, learn, and practice, you will:

–Learn Reid and Monique’s underlying principles and approaches to playing with sexual energy energetically.

–Continue to deepen and anchor your ability to transform life into an orgasmic playground that doesn’t have to look anything like “sex”…

–Claim your right to sexual pleasure and passion

–Communication skills that encourage asking for what you want

–Get in touch with and expand your own energetic field, manipulate it, and turn it into a powerful source of connection and bliss.

–Reinforce your abilities and awareness for engaging in group energetic play

–Strengthen and hone your skills to engage and play one-on-one with individuals

–Tap into the energy of all 7 major chakra’s by yourself, with a partner, or in a group

–Deepen your discernment for the differences in “taste” between energetic orgasms from chakra to chakra

–Ways to use pressure, body weight, and sound to enhance you and your partner’s making out

–Hone and deepen your abilities to keep your energy “clean,” ways not to be “clingy” or “creepy” with your energy, and how to support yourself and others in feeling safe and grounded before, during, and after play.

–Continue to practice how to take care of your physical body when your orgasmic body doesn’t want to stop and keeps moving more and more ecstatic energy!

This event is intended to be sensual, and energetically sexual, but not physically sexual.
All playful activities and exercises will be guided and are optional, and you can do the entire workshop by yourself or with a partner or in groups. Clothes can stay on completely. All participants are asked to practice with each other or by yourself in whatever manner supports you best.

There will be a hot tub available during break, please bring a bathing suit if you so desire to wear one!

Bring a partner, find a partner there, switch partners, or experience the course on your own. Many options will be offered to support each individual experience.

DATE: Fri April 8th 2016-Sun April 10th 2016
TIME: 7:30pm-10:30pm
LOCATION: Portland, OR (private residence)
COST: Only $347 for a full weekend, $297 early bird and if you are one of the first 5, it’s only $247!

If you ever begin to understand who you are, you could not possibly ever compare yourself to another, to envy, wish to impress, to BE different than you are. For in the beauty, wonder, and awe at discovering how magnificent “your” puzzle pieces fit together, at the ever changing infinite ways YOU shift, dance, I Need Your Love – Is That True?: How to Stop Seeking Love, Approval, and Appreciation and Start Finding Them Insteadeave together, each one so unique, so extraordinary, it would take an entire lifetime to only just begin to discover. Yet so often we abandon the quest of self discovery, to follow another, or to invest in relationships, doing what we have been told is the “right” way to be. The greatest freedom that we could ever express or imagine, is by simply giving ourselves permission to gently keep returning to us and we can transform the world by simply being 100% ourselves.

Come with an open heart and a willingness, a longing, to bring your stories into the light, so that they can stop you running away from your shadow.

There will be times, over the weekend, when the atmosphere will be sensual and energetically sexual. All activities and exercises will be guided and are always optional. You can participate in the workshop solo, with a partner and in small groups. All participants are asked to practice with each other, or by oneself, in whatever manner supports you best. Many options will be offered to support each individual experience.

Set your sights on registering for this breakthrough weekend, and get a two for the price of one deal by paying only what it ordinarily costs to learn from just one of these facilitators.

So say ‘HELL YES’ to discovering ‘YOU’

View the Facebook Weekend Event Here!

View the Facebook Saturday Night Play Party Event Here!


ABOUT REID: America’s favorite sex geek, Reid Mihalko of and helps adults and college students create more self-esteem, self-confidence and greater health in their relationships and sex lives using an inspiring mixture of humor, keen insight, and comprehensive sexual health information.

Reid frequently speaks at colleges and universities on sexual assault prevention and healthy relationship skills, and regularly appears in the media sharing his views on consent, dating, and shame-free sexuality.

Reid’s workshops and college lectures have been attended by close to 50,000 men and women. He has appeared in media such as Oprah’s Our America With Lisa Ling on OWN, the Emmy award-winning talk show Montel, Dr. Phil’s The Doctors on CBS, Bravo’s Miss Advised, Fox News, in Newsweek, Seventeen, GQ, The Washington Post, and in thirteen countries and at least seven languages.

Reid is also founder of Sex Geek Summer Camp and Sex Geek School for Gifted Sex Geeks which help sex educators learn valuable business skills that allow them to reach more people, transform move lives, and make a better living as sexperts.

Follow Reid on Twitter and Facebook and YouTube.

Healer and teacher Monique Darling with a huge, happy, laughing smile and flowing brown hair in a flowery bushABOUT MONIQUE: Monique Darling, workshop facilitator extraordinaire has led over 800 workshops in the past 5 years. She is the founder of Juicy Enlightenment an organization dedicated to empowering people who are questioning the assumptions of how their life should be and to offering tools for self expression that create trust, inner knowing and wisdom to enjoy the life they have. Monique has been featured on TLC and The Dr’s as well as various radio shows, podcasts and magazines across the USA. She specializes in helping others reclaim their power and natural sensuality by transmuting fear and repression into courage, self-love and freedom. Her primary purpose is helping folks bring out their vulnerability, energetic embodiment and fearless relating.She guides from a place of understanding and her natural exuberance is infectious! She is available for private sessions, experiential workshops and Cuddle Parties. Learn more about Monique by going to or track her whereabouts at

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