For Sex Educators

Some Useful Definitions & Resources for Facilitators and YOU!

Some Useful Definitions & Resources for Facilitators and YOU! Originally from Sex Geek Summer Camp’s Workbook… Scroll down LIVE links to audio/video/text resources at the bottom. NOTE: This is not a complete list… May these concepts and links be just the beginning of much, much more #BrainSex & Geekery! Resiliency: One’s ability to recover from […]

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Covid Update + Protocol Suggestions for Camp (and Your Summer)…

Hey, SexGeek! Reid here with an important announcement regarding Covid and other illnesses currently rearing their inconvenient heads at retreats I’ve been attending. As you may know, Sex Geek Summer Camp (my business retreat for educators) is rapidly approaching. I have 107 Campers about to spend 6 days and nights together, and I want Camp […]

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Elevate Your YouTube Game in Minutes!

Ever wonder how the big Youtubers reach so many people? Do they have 15 assistants doing all that work? Some of them do… But you don’t have to! With AI, you can do the things that look super professional and help the Google spiders find your content and recommend it to folks! No assistant needed! […]

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Will using AI corrupt my work and turn me to the Dark Side?

In a recent article, I talked about how much time AI could save you as an entrepreneur (and how there are certain approaches available to sex educators to help AI befriend you and assist you on your spicy projects). And today I want to address the concern many smart sex educators are having… What If Artificial Intelligence […]

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Save 70 percent of the time you spend on Marketing? Is that even possible?! Yep…

Attention: Sex Educators and Workshop Leaders… Ever felt like marketing is an uphill battle, especially for those of us in the Sex-Positive realm? Creating GREAT content will always take effort. But entrepreneurs in the “muggle world,” those who don’t have to worry about Terms of Service Violations and being reported, don’t have that EXTRA LAYER […]

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Ready to Join the AI Party?

Can AI Be Used for Seggz-Positive Work? ✅ The answer is yes, Sex Geek! Read on…  Does running your own business feel like you’re an octopus in need of a few more arms? Do you wish you had a great virtual assistant to help you complete your to-dos and daily tasks? But when you look at your […]

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One Online Class. $1423 In Ticket Sales. 61 NEW Customers! Here’s how I did it…

One Online Class. $1423 In Ticket Sales. 61 NEW Customers! Here’s how I did it… A quick post just for you Sex Geek! Here’s my take on how —with less than 3 hours work— I taught a 90-min, Zoom class for a new’ish dating App that yielded me 61 new, paying fans… over 100 people signing up for my freemiums… […]

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Don’t Get Spooked by Public Speaking This Halloween Season

Don’t Get Spooked by Public Speaking This Halloween Season [Leave a Comment below or jump to Facebook or Instagram to share your comments!] Happy almost Halloween, Sex Geek! The thought of public speaking for many educators can be SPOOOOKY! The idea of getting up in front of a LIVE audience or appearing on TV or on a podcast can feel like […]

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Are You Ready For The Final Secret “C” Sauce For Your S£x Ed Business? 👀 👀 👀

Are You Ready For The Final Secret “C” Sauce For Your S£x Ed Business? Are you ready for the fourth and final “C”, Sex Geek? In the first three postss of this series, we covered Competence, Courage, and Confidence… And now it’s time to reveal the 4th “C” that, combined with the others, will help you make an impact SO large, […]

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What If You Had “For Reals Confidence” In Your S£x Ed Business? – The 3rd of 4 C’s

What If You Had “For Reals Confidence” In Your S£x Ed Business? What would your life (and business) be like with more authentic Confidence, Sex Geek? Welcome to the 3rd post in this series. The first two posts covered Competence and Courage. If you haven’t read them yet, you can find them here: What’s Blocking You From Seggs Educator […]

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