Who Is Reid Mihalko?
What Is a Sex Geek?
What Is The Sex Geek Chic Challenge?
What Workshops and Lectures Can We Pick From?
What Does My Campus Get Out of Hosting Reid?
What About Title IX?
What Are Administrators & Students Saying About Reid?
How Do I Bring Reid To My School?
Who is Reid Mihalko?
Reid Mihalko is a nationally renown sexuality & relationships educator. Known for his humor, memorable teaching frameworks, and emphasis on integrity, Reid travels the country teaching, consulting and collaborating on fulfilling his two missions: 1) Create more self-esteem, self-confidence and sexual health for people in and out of the bedroom, and 2) Get America talking in more empowered, less fear-based ways, about dating, mating, and relating!
“There is a myth that respect, consent, and safety are “uncool” and get in the way of fun sex; Reid busted it without being preachy, and students left the lecture hall believing that all three make sex even more worthwhile.”
Reid has been a featured speaker at dozens of colleges, conferences, and university Sex Weeks in the United States and Canada. His work on combining healthy relationship skills and shame-free, LGBTQ inclusive, consent-based sexuality education with comedy and frank talk as a means of reducing sexual assault has made him unique among college presenters. His research and findings on this unique approach have been presented at Planned Parenthood’s National Sex Ed Conference, the Association of American Sexuality Educators and Counselors’ annual conference, as well as several private meetings with college deans and university administrations.
Reid is one of the only, cis-gendered male sex educators touring North America that connects with all genders and orientations of young adults, including athletes and those in the Greek system. One of the greatest compliments Reid was ever given was a teacher asking him to reveal his secret for keeping 700 students off their smartphones for 90-minutes.
Schools that have invited Reid to lecture include the likes of Brown, Columbia and Yale Universities, University of South Carolina, Georgia Southern University, University of New Mexico, Brock University, Lynchburg College, Vassar College, Rhode Island School of Design, and San Francisco State University, to name a few. (View Reid’s CV here).
Using a combination of humor, personal stories and research-based evidence, Reid got a group of 100+ students to sit up, turn their phones off and pay attention for two hours.
Reid has been a writer, producer, consultant and/or guest on a number of films and television projects about sex and relationships, and appears regularly in the media. You can see more about his background and his work at his website

Reid Mihalko is asked to appear regularly in the media to offer his insight and unique, humorous take on healthy relationships, pleasure, and consent. [Photos of Reid with Chelsea Handler, Lisa Ling, Tyra Banks and on CBS’ The Doctors]
What is a Sex Geek?
Sex Geek: n. 1. Someone who takes pride in learning, applying and spreading throughout their lives accurate sexual health information, effective communication skills, and pragmatic relationship know-how regardless of sexual identity and practices. 2. Term popularized by sex geek and relationship expert, Reid Mihalko!
What is the Sex Geek Chic Challenge?
The Sex Geek Chic Challenge is Reid’s call to action for college students and administrations everywhere to reduce sexual assault on campus by making shame-free sexual health know-how, consent savvy, and great relationship/communication skills the new cool!
“I have never attended a lecture on my own campus or any other that was so informative, or that promoted such refreshingly candid discussion of important issues. Reid Mihalko’s message struck me as extremely appropriate for a campus community to hear, as it is fundamentally one of self-respect and respect for others.”
Can you and your college group use peer pressure in a positive way to engage your fellow students into talking and thinking about sex and intimacy in more empowering ways? Can you make sexual health, consent, pleasure, diversity awareness, better communication, inclusivity, and stronger relationship skills for all genders & orientations a campus-wide conversation? Can your school and administration elevate this conversation about empowered dating, mating and relating to be the new standard for campus behavior?
Sex and relationship expert Reid Mihalko believes YOU can! And Reid wants to help!
Reid’s Sex Geek Chic Challenge Tour consists of a selection of 90-min to 2-hour, interactive, educational workshops. You and your campus can take your pick of the workshop(s) that most excite you and help fulfill on your campus-wide initiatives! See two or three workshops you like? Bring Reid in for several days in a row, or have him return to teach over the course of a semester or school year! Don’t see what you need? Contact Reid with your suggestions and let’s tailor Reid’s offerings to exactly what you need.
All of Reid’s workshop lectures take sexual health, consent, relationship education, and sexual assault prevention to a whole new, exciting, interactive level! All of Reid’s offerings use humor, sass and savvy, and make learning about sex and relationships chic, lively & accessible for students of all genders, races, & orientations.
Reid would like to help your campus student groups coordinate with your administration and throw a kick-ass, hugely attended, high-energy, educational and fun workshop on consensual, healthy sex and relationships… an event that makes learning about sex and intimacy feel less like going to the dentist and more like watching The Daily Show with Jon Stewart!
Reid’s Personal Challenge:
“Help me bring the Sex Geek Chic message of
healthy, educated, consensual sex-positivity to
YOUR campus!”
What Does My Campus Get Out of Hosting Reid?
Experience and What’s Working Best. Experience has demonstrated that sex-positive, comprehensive based, consent focused sex education –especially high-energy, interactive, humorous events such as Reid’s– go a long way towards empowering students, increasing tolerance and awareness, and lessening sexual assault, unconscious sexual behaviors, and violent acts. And Reid’s a geek about this kind of stuff, constantly looking for new and innovative ways to help students, ways that are actually producing results.
Some of “the old ways” of sexual assault education aren’t working. Students no longer want to be lectured at. They need to be engaged and given frank, easy to learn steps and advice on how to navigate relationships and sexuality in the digital age. This frank kind of advice can be tricky for administrators and teachers to give, but not tricky for Reid. As an “outsider” and non-administrator, Reid gets to say the things that a Dean wishes they could say.
Improving Lives While Meeting Mandates. An added bonus for college administrators is that Reid’s catchy, memorable lessons may also help meet federally mandated Title IX requirements.
“He was able to navigate the difficult topics of male privilege, rape culture, consent and masculinity without losing anyone in the audience. Reid uses a sex positive approach to bring men into this crucial conversation as part of the solution, giving them a space and a voice in violence prevention efforts.”
Want double the bang for your buck? While Reid is on campus, schedule him for a sit down with deans, department heads, and administrators to discuss what he’s seeing (and what the research is saying) is working best at the schools he’s speaking at. Reid is passionate about shortening learning curves, avoiding disasters, and brainstorming transformational ways to create safer, healthier campuses for all students.
For organizations looking for win-wins that will serve their students and keep their Board of Directors in line, Reid gets to be the not-so-secret weapon allowing everyone to benefit.
Powerful Promotions. Let Reid put the power of the Sex Geek world behind your promotions! In bringing Reid to your school, you will have the advantage of Reid’s own social media and networking savvy to cross-promote his appearance and build awareness of your initiatives and mission. Got a media department looking to promote your upcoming Sex Week or Wellness Fair and need someone who gives great radio or television interviews? Reid’s willing and able and would like nothing better than to work together with you to maximize attendance, energize and inspire students (as well as administration!), and leave a lasting, positive impact on your campus culture.
Accept Reid’s Sex Geek Chic Challenge by hosting one or more of his lectures and let Reid help you start creating a positive peer pressure movement on your campus, one where the new cool is knowing one’s sexual health status, reducing sexual misconduct and shame for all students, being more inclusive of genders and sexual orientations, and dating and communicating in more healthy ways! Start role modeling for your campus an educated, consensual, sex-positive (and memorable) message and show your peers how to have better relationships and a sexual expression that leaves everyone safer, healthier AND happier.
Will you join the many campuses across the country in helping make being a Sex Geek chic?
Your fellow students are thinking & talking about relationships, sex, safety and communication (or lack thereof) constantly. Let’s work together to give them a chance to learn & talk openly about better relationship skills, communication, consent, sexual health & safety! Let’s get them excited about how they can make informed decisions about their own bodies & choices. And let’s make it fun!
What Workshops And Lectures Can We Pick From?
Reid has a handful of lectures to choose from, and he loves taking requests and customizing presentations to meet the unique needs, initiatives, and aspirations your institution may have.
Reid’s skills and knowledge base are a great fit for:
- Private, informal talks with fraternities and athletes
- Classroom guest lectures and discussions with student groups
- Big themed sex ed talks that cover “the gamut”
- Topic specific workshops focusing on particular issues
- Mandatory trainings for 1st year students
- Trainings for administration and peer-to-peer educators
Reid’s facilitation savvy and ability to capture the attention of his audience means you can put him to work where ever he’s needed most.
Don’t see what you’d like on the Lecture Descriptions Page? Email Reid with your suggestions.
Reid’s most popular talk at the moment:

This poster designed by the talented people at Lynchburg College
How to Be a Gentleman AND Get Laid: Navigating Consent, Sexual Freedom, Partying, Dating, Relationships and What It Means To Be a Man On Campus
Presentation Objective: Engage and educate students of all genders and orientations on how consent-based sex and dating help encourage healthy relationships and lessen sexual assault and relationship violence.
Why THIS Talk Title: This unique title catches students’ attention of all genders. For the cis-gendered men on campus, the title piques their interest and promises tips and supportive education without the “male bashing” and demonization that they fear they might experience.
Topics Covered: Understanding and Navigating Consent and Consent Culture, Understanding Male Privilege and Male Fragility, Healthy Relationship Skills, Safer Sex, Consent vs Drug and Alcohol Use, Understanding Sexism and Rape Culture, Encouraging Bystander Intervention.
Who Is This Talk Appropriate For: All students and all genders and orientations. Especially good for fraternities and cis-male athletes. As with all of Reid’s presentations, LGBTQA inclusive.
Presentation Length: 90-min and 2 hour versions.
[View All of Reid’s Most Popular College Presentations HERE]
What Are Administrators Saying About Reid?
“We have never had a crowd of fraternity men attend a CARE event in such numbers — and actually stay engaged the whole time! Using a combination of humor, personal stories and research-based evidence, Reid got a group of 100+ students to sit up, turn their phones off and pay attention for two hours. He was able to navigate the difficult topics of male privilege, rape culture, consent and masculinity without losing anyone in the audience. Reid uses a sex positive approach to bring men into this crucial conversation as part of the solution, giving them a space and a voice in violence prevention efforts. You know an event has been effective when students and staff are continuing to talk about it weeks after the event, and Reid has definitely sparked discussion about positive cultural shifts at our campus. Thank you, Reid!”
~Emily Crutcher, Prevention Education Coordinator
Campus Advocacy Resources & Education (CARE)
University of California, Santa Barbara
“I want to personally thank you for your presentation(s) last week. The responses from the students were overwhelmingly positive, and it was exactly the message and attitude that I wanted conveyed to our students. I am sure we will see you in the future.”
~Lorraine Schroeder, M.A., LPC
LGBTQ Resource Center, Director
University of Houston
“I know all of the students enjoyed your informative and entertaining presentation last night. With that being said, I am asking that you place Georgia Southern University on your calendar for Fall semester. I would like to have you on the Success Series Calendar which is a list of events/programs that students enrolled in the First Year Experience course are encouraged or required to attend.”
~LaShanda N. Johnson, MPH, Assistant Director
GSU Health Services
Georgia Southern University
What Are Students Saying About Reid?
“I am a student at Sweet Briar College and recently drove to Lynchburg’s campus to attend Reid Mihalko’s lecture “How To Be a Gentleman and Still Get Laid.” I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated the opportunity to attend, and to thank you for supporting this.
In three years at Sweet Briar, I have never attended a lecture on my own campus or any other that was so informative, or that promoted such refreshingly candid discussion of important issues. Reid Mihalko’s message struck me as extremely appropriate for a campus community to hear, as it is fundamentally one of self-respect and respect for others. I very much admire Lynchburg College’s willingness to sponsor this lecture, and hope that you will continue to promote similarly edifying events in the future.”
– Marta Saul, student
Sweet Briar College
“My friends and I had an amazing time at your Sex Week kick off talk last night. Thank you for your straightforward powerpoint, your hilarious stories, for helping us start asking and answering the kinds of questions that no one else really addresses. It’s been a rough couple years for sexuality at Yale, and it was so refreshingly wonderful to focus on the most important, most basic things – health, happiness, communication.”
– 3rd year Yale student
Yale University
“…we spoke last night after the presentation. I just wanted to say that your presentation was inspiring and entertaining. I also wanted to say that I talked to my bf about the tips you gave on communication in and out of the bedroom and he was very receptive. Hopefully we can take what your advise and use it to enhance our relationship further.
I will definitely be recommending you come back next year and hopefully your presentation can become a mainstay at Georgia Southern!”
– Emily E.
Graduate Assistant to GSU’s Health Services’ Assistant Director
Georgia Southern University
“To be honest, I mostly came to Reid’s presentation out of morbid curiosity. What teenager doesn’t want to sit and listen to someone spend two hours telling her how to have better sex? But my attendance at the talk was also partially motivated by my eagerness to see if Reid could put on a fun, engaging and, yes, sexy performance without undermining the importance of respect, consent, and safety in sexual encounters. Having spent years educating my fellow teens about dating violence, I know how vital it is to keep a presentation enjoyable, but not too goofy that it gets in the way of serious subject matter. It’s a fine like to walk, and I wanted to see if Reid could walk it.
Well, he walked it. The audience was engrossed from start to finish — most didn’t even notice it was nearing 1:00 AM. But not only did Reid convey information about how to make sex better, he did it while seamlessly incorporating how to make it smarter, too. He interwove the theme of taking care of oneself and others into nearly every slide and presented in a way that made it extremely attractive to students. There is a myth that respect, consent, and safety are “uncool” and get in the way of fun sex; Reid busted it without being preachy, and students left the lecture hall believing that all three make sex even more worthwhile.”
– L.J., freshman
Yale University
What Other Leading Sexperts Are Saying About Reid?
“College students want and need a no-nonsense sex and relationship education. Reid Mihalko deliver(s) accurate sex information with a sense of humor. [He] will show students how to make sex safer, more respectful and a lot more fun.”
~Betty Dodson, PhD
“Watch out world!… Reid will guide you into bliss, liberation and lots o’ sexy fun. [He’s] smart, shame free, and [has] loads of hands on experience. Plus [he] will make you laugh until you have a big gigglegasm. All hail!”
~Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D.
“Reid Mihalko is the perfect person to bring good news about sex to college students. He’s funny, knowledgeable and very accessible in his language and demeanor. Young people respond very well to his energy and presence. He makes being sexually responsible, instead of being somehow dreary or onerous, fun and exciting and full of possibility.”
~Nina Hartley, R.N. and Sexual Rights Activist
How Do I Bring Reid To My School?
If you would like to be part of this national event please contact Reid via email at or call him directly at (917) 207-4554.
Please help Reid help students across the nation get their sexual health, relationship self-esteem, diversity awareness, and consent acts together!