How can you do self-care and work with more people?
With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from
Cathy: How can I work with more clients without burning out? Someone wrote in and said they’re really concerned about this. They want to make more money. They want to reach more people and they’re feeling burnt out.
Reid: Well, the first question that I will answer being Reid Mihalko from Who are you?
Cathy: Cathy Vartuli from
Reid: Are you already burnt out, working with few clients?, if you haven’t figured that one out yet, adding more is not going to solve the problem. With whatever client workloads you’re working with, is that sustainable before you want to expand it? Because unless you’re going to expand it by training other people to work with those clients, if you’re not taking care of yourself because this is really a self-care and scalability question, if you’re not taking care of yourself with the workload that you have working with more people is just going to make it worst.
Cathy: One of the people we’ve learned a lot from is Lisa Sasovich. She talks about this…
Reid: Hi, Lisa.
Cathy: She’s amazing. She talks about one way to reduce that kind of burnout is to figure out the things you’re always saying to your clients. I do emotional freedom techniques with a lot of clients. If I’m starting out every new session with going through this tapping points, that might be something that I want to make a small program for or video that I could give them and have them watch before we get together. When we spend a lot of time repeating the same stuff, it’s useful in the very beginning as we’re trying to get our wording down and figure out how we can reach people in different ways because different people hear it in different ways.
But once you’ve got it down, making some kind of, what we call passive way to deliver it, some video and audio, an eBook of some kind that you can say, “Hey, you just signed up for the first session. Here’s this free intro.”
Reid: Here’s your homework. Go through these tapping points and the first thing we’re going to do on our call is I’m going to have you show me what the tapping points are. In that way, you’re giving them stuff to do that’s working them through something way quicker and so that when you start the call, you can jump ahead faster and that will start to lighten your load.
Cathy: That also let’s you get into the really creative part because there’s aspects of what I do like identifying what the core issue is, that’s something you really need someone, one on one to look at a lot of times. You can identify it sometimes by yourself but if you go deep enough and you’re just not finding it, we all have blind spots. By having that professional, someone who does this regularly help you find it, that’s really how you value added. If you can eliminate doing the repetitious and just do the value added parts of it and then ease your burden and you can actually serve your clients more with less time in that sense.
Reid: The other thing you can start to do is you build out programs that are digital. For me, there is Relationship 10X, there’s Sex 10X, which is six-week online courses for people. That way, I can be working with more people but not having to work with them one on one, hour by hour. I can sell a course and have 60 people in those courses and I’m working with them, it’s just virtual. Then I can do follow up sessions or have them do one on one sessions and design other ways for me to work with them in person so that I’m actually scalable because I can have 100 people in a course and then only 20% of them will actually hire me for one on one coaching.
That works better for me because the course, if I designed it well, gets from point A to point D and then I can work with them from D to point G. Rather than having to take somebody all the way from A to G. As you work and build your own careers, there’s a certain ceiling to how many hours you actually have in a day, however my courses can being taken from people all over the world and hundreds and hundreds of people and that runs fairly smoothly with a little bit, with minimal upkeep in certain ways.
Cathy: One last thing you may want to look at is what kind of clients are you attracting. You may find that one or two of them are sucking a lot of your bandwidth and you may want to look at if that’s a good fit. There’s also something called psycho demographics and we look into it and really helped our business. There’s people that need a lot of hand holding and care and if you’re a caregiver, that’s beautiful. That’s right in your wheelhouse. There’s other people that are explorers or discoverers. If that’s a good fit for you, you’re going to work with those people and feel really excited about it.
If you can find people that are a good match for you, what your love languages are, what your self-expression is, you can work with 10 clients with the same energy as you might work with a different one for an hour where in some you’re just going to be worn out. Notice what clients leave you feeling energized and excited and which ones that you’re really exhausted and try to look for their commonality.
Reid: Then the scalability point on that is can you, when you find those sweet spots, because do not do this with somebody who’s not in your sweet spot, is there are group coaching program that you can create or a group experience. You literally could take working with one person one on one for an hour and multiply it by 10 and now you do group work with a group of 10 people and maybe it’s a 2 hour session or a 3 hour session so that everyone gets a chance to work together. There’s that idea as well, depending on how you look at working with people and what actually makes you happy. Leave your comments below. What do you think works for you? What are your ideas?
Cathy: Help us out.
Reid: Bye.