Tips On Designing A Powerful Sex Positive Workshop Cathy: Reid can you give us some tips on designing a powerful workshop? Reid: Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Reid Mihalko from Reid: However, I can teach you things and give you ideas maybe they occur to […]
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I got my 2nd vaccine dose almost two weeks ago, and I’m worried…
I’m worried about being vaccinated and going back to seeing people.
Will It Be a Roaring 20’s, Vax On/Masks Off Summer? Or Will This Be the Year of Maskless Heartbreaks & Trainwrecks?
Think about it… Maybe this doesn’t apply to you, but how many people are starving for touch, affection, and going to be voraciously looking for love this summer?
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