Lets Talk About Voyeurism Cathy: Reid at a recently play party you shared something about voyeurism. That I thought was really powerful I was wondering if you’d share it for the camera. This is Reid Mihalko from http://www.ReidAboutSex.com/ Reid: Cathy Vartuli from http://www.TheIntimacyDojo.com/ Cathy, what is a play party? […]
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Distinction Between Transgender and Transgendered Cathy: What’s the difference between transgender and transgendered? Reid: Cathy Vartuli from http://www.TheIntimacyDojo.com/ Cathy: Reid Mihalko from http://www.ReidAboutSex.com/ Reid: Okay. I’m going to, I didn’t want to do this video at first and now I do want to do this video. But I’m […]
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