Polyamory and Non-Monogamy Resources

by Reid on December 2, 2014

ThreesomesCompanyResources! Resources! Rah! Rah! Rah!

It’s hard enough to have a successful relationship with one person and you want to explore open relationships and non-monogamy?! You came to the right place!

Congratulations on being the kind of person who’s smart enough and courageously curious enough to fortify themselves with resources on open relationships and non-monogamy!

Let the brain-sex begin… And, if these resources helped, please share this with others! If you think something awesome is missing, please leave your suggestions in the comments sections.

Yours in sex geekery,
Ps. Some of the links you’ll find below are affiliate links. Feel free to use them if you’d like me to get credit for your purchases. Affiliate links don’t cost you anything extra. I means companies like Amazon send me small percentage of their sale as a sort of “finders fee.”

Table of Contents

Recommended Books

Some of these books aren’t about polyamory per se, but have amazingly powerful information on relationships that will help you understand and navigate whatever your relationship styles may be. And, for the books that do deal specifically with non-monogamy, these are, in my opinion, some of the best of the best…

Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma and Consensual Nonmonogamy by Jessica Fern

Polywise: A Deeper Dive into Navigating Open Relationships by Jessica Fern

Building Open Relationships: Your hands on guide to swinging, polyamory, and beyond! by Dr. Liz Powell

Getting It: A Guide to Hot, Healthy Hookups and Shame-Free Sex by Allison Moon
(Fun Fact: Allison is my primary partner! Yes, THAT Allison!)

Love’s Not Color Blind: Race and Representation in Polyamorous and Other Alternative Communities by Kevin Patterson

The Ethical Slut by Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy

Mating In Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence by Esther Perel

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

Tongue Tied: Untangling Communication in Sex, Kink, and Relationships by Stella Harris

Girl-Sex 101 by Allison Moon

Designer Relationships: A Guide to Happy Monogamy, Positive Polyamory, and Optimistic Open Relationships by Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson

Opening Up by Tristan Taormino

The Ultimate Guide to Kink: BDSM, Role Play and the Erotic Edge by Tristan Taormino

Radical Honesty: How To Transform Your Life By Telling The Truth by Brad Blanton

The Art of Living Consciously: The Power of Awareness to Transform Everyday Life by Nathaniel Branden

The Hard Questions by Susan Piver – This is a book that focuses on marriage, but the questions in it are AMAZINGLY POWERFUL. Super useful!

Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss what Matters Most by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen, and Roger Fisher

More Than Two:  A Practical Guide To Ethical Polyamory, 2nd Edition by Eve Rickert and Andrea Zanin
-This second edition does not involve Franklin Veaux, who was one of the authors on the first edition – You may want to read this article first, FYI.

The New Intimacy: Open-Ended Marriage and Alternative Lifestyles by Roanld Michael Mazur

Recommended Videos

Rather than overwhelm you with video after video, here’s a great discussion on non-monogamy that the boundless Sunny Bates invited me to contribute to. Alongside the brilliant thoughts and ideas of Esther Perel and Diana Adams, Esq., I talk about the value of Dating Your Species, treating jealousy like asthma, and more. Enjoy, Special Arrangements: The Changing Face of the 21st Century Relationship

Jessica Fern Ask Me Anything with Misha Bonaventura of The Bonobo Network – Replay Link HERE.

Recommended Podcasts

These are a few of my favorite podcasts for polyamory and other amazing sex geeky brain-sex…

Nope! We’re Not Monogamous Podcast – This podcasts lets you listen in to the candid conversations that give you a peek into the inner lives of other non-monogamous folks.

Polyamory Weekly Podcast – Podcasts devoted to exploring polyamory by one of my favorite poly geeks, Cunning Minx! This link is set to find all of Reid’s appearances, btw.

Life On The Swingset Podcast – Podcasts on Non-Monogamy. This link is set to find all of Reid’s appearances, btw.

Sex Nerd Sandra Podcast – One of my favorite sex-positive podcasts. This link jumps to a podcast where Sandra, Allison Moon of Girl-Sex 101, and I talk about Threesomes.

Sex Out Loud Podcast –  Being a guest on Tristan Taormino podcast is always an honor! This link jumps to one of my favorite appearances on her show.

Recommended Websites and Organizations

Loving More, national polyamory organization – LoveMore.com

Sex Positive World, an umbrella organization that encourages and supports worldwide sex positive communities. They started in Portland, OR and now have over 10 Chapters – SexPositiveWorld.com

Open Love NY, New York’s most diverse organization focused on polyamory, open relationships and supporting the like-minded community – OpenLoveNY

Kasidie, international swinger website run by great people – Kasidie.com

FetLife, the Facebook for Kinky People and the Kink-Curious… As with Facebook, be sure to read and be clear on their privacy policy. Because posting explicit photos. That’s why. It’s just good to know what you’re agreeing to. – FetLife.com

Reid-Created Courses and Programs…

1-on-1 Coaching with Reid Mihalko

Are you in desperate straits with your current relationship or bedroom situation and want Reid’s unique advice NOW?!? Or maybe you’re not in a relationship meltdown per se, but you’re motivated to take your good relationship up a notch to a great relationship. Reid’s take on what you should be doing, considering, and communicating with your loved ones may be just what you need to shift the course of your relationship life forever.

Relationship10x: Transform Your Relationships 10 fold in Just 10 Minutes a Day!

Up your relationship skills and sexual savvy with Relationship10x. Spend the 6-weeks with internationally known sex and relationship geek, Reid Mihalko, upgrading your abilities in 3 key areas: Communication, Sex & Affection, and Relationship Aptitude. Why? So your loved ones will feel more open, more able to share and be themselves with you, and so they will associate YOU with the joy and delight they feel.

Battling the 8-Armed Octopus of Jealousy

Is jealousy kicking your butt? Or a lover’s butt? Check out Reid’s course on taming the 8-armed octopus of jealousy!

From Premature Attachment To Slut Secure

Struggling to keep things “casual?” Breaking too many hearts? If you or someone you know has ever fallen in love too fast or grown attached to someone too soon, then this workshop series focusing on attachment theory and Reid’s Casual Sex Protocols is going to change things for the better!

Transforming Your Protocol Weak Spots

Reid Mihalko created the Casual Sex Protocol Checklist so folks could slow down and stop making the most common casual sex mistakes. And do you know what helps even more? Knowing ahead of time which of the protocols you’ll be most prone to screwing up! Why? So you can strengthen those weak areas and have more fun, better sex, and healthier connections!

Earning Your BLACKBELT In Relationships

Check out Reid’s humorous and informative polyamory advice DVD with Kamal Devi from the Showtime show, Polyamory: Married and Dating!

Poly-Curious 101: Understanding Non-Monogamy e-Course

Curious about this new “lovestyle” you’re hearing a lot about called polyamory? With articulate and generous Relationship Specialists, LiYana Silver and Reid Mihalko, learn all you ever wanted to know (and probably a little bit more) about Polyamory: the movement for responsible non-monogamy that is opening up hearts and relationships in even the most unexpected of places.

Finding Your Perfect Poly Match

Join renowned sex and relationship expert Reid Mihalko and expert in interpersonal relationship dynamics, Dr. Beth, for this downloadable, 3-call teleclass series (click link above for Call Outlines) designed to teach you to stop picking Mr. and Ms. Wrong, and how you can find better matches for your open relationships.

Negotiating Successful Threesomes

In this downloadable podcast, designed for adults of any orientation and relationship status, Reid will share his basic, foundational approaches on how to take an exciting, erotic idea (in this case, the threesome) and turn it into an actuality. This approach you can implement across all sorts of other intriguing desires in your lovelife, not just menagé à trios, btw!

Oral Sex Expertise Made Simple

Join sex and relationship expert Reid Mihalko for the next installment in his Sexual Self-Confidence Series: Oral Sex Expertise! 2-hours of humorous, down to Earth, clothes-on-sex education where Reid personally walks you through his best teachings and techniques for creating AND receiving oral pleasuring.

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A smart phone self-portrait of Kimmie David, owner of New York City's Blue Stockings Independent Bookstore, in bed on white sheets wearing ReidAboutSex.com's cranberry colored SEX GEEK t-shirt
Wearing a Sex Geek tee is one of the easiest conversation starters to get folks sharing their views on sexuality because it allows them to come up to you and ask… Just sayin’.

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