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In-Person Event and Workshop Resources for COVID Times

Here are some of my favorite resources for my fellow sex educators educators, event producers, artists and entrepreneurs… [If you’re looking for COVID resources for day-to-day life, go HERE.] [Last Update: June 30, 2022] Now that we’re going on 2 THREE years into the pandemic… I wanted to gather the COVID resources and best policies […]

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Organizing In-Person Events In a Vaccinated World (Discussion Panels for Sex Educators)

What are the best COVID event policies to use if you’re going to run or be teaching at in-person events? If you’re thinking about teaching in-person events and wondering what are the best, COVID policies to use… Or what safety protocols need to be in place for you to teach at someone else’s event… Then […]

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Is Megasexual a Gift or Curse? Plus, Using Dopamine To Make Naughty Things NICE…

Yesterday was the Winter Solstice – the shortest day & longest night of the year – and I went on a lovely winter hike with Allison and her parents (see photo). I got home to find that a good friend had posted a Solstice blessing, which I wanted to share with you… “Shortest day and longest […]

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Midlife Crisis, Anyone?

Midlife Crisis, Anyone? 🏖️ I’ve taken up kitesurfing in Mexico! Is it the Pandemic? A midlife crisis? Both? It might be both – the pandemic seems NEVER ending, and I am about to turn 54 at the end of January… However; I also think I’m finally harnessing my sex geeky learning skills to exert some […]

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I’m Almost Fully Vaccinated and I’m Freaking Out! 😬

I got my 2nd vaccine dose almost two weeks ago, and I’m worried…

I’m worried about being vaccinated and going back to seeing people.

Will It Be a Roaring 20’s, Vax On/Masks Off Summer? Or Will This Be the Year of Maskless Heartbreaks & Trainwrecks?

Think about it… Maybe this doesn’t apply to you, but how many people are starving for touch, affection, and going to be voraciously looking for love this summer?

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Free Permission Party Orientation

Curious about how a Virtual Permission Party works? Looking to attend Crista and Reid’s upcoming event? Join play party facilitators Crista Reid and Reid Mihalko for a FREE 27min orientation + 10mins for Q&A!

In 27 minutes, you will take away:

⭐ How to feel more confident engaging during a virtual play party
⭐ How to functionally use the tech and get your groove on in front of the webcam
⭐ A feel for the cultural design of this space and our consent culture system
⭐ Lots of tidbits on being a good, giving, and game virtual play party goer

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FREE Permission Party Orientation

Curious about Virtual Play Parties? Come to our FREE orientation to see what they’re all about!

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Attn: Sex Educators! How To Give Good Freemium

Attention: Sex Educators! Looking for powerful and easy ways to help people AND expand your sex ed business? Check out the free training Cathy and I put together for you!

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I Want To Have Sex With Both Men and Women, How Do I Do It Ethically?

I Want To Have Sex With Both Men and Women, How Do I Do It Ethically?       Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “I’m a guy who has had sex with women for my entire life but I think I’m gay or bi. How do I ethically have sex with both men and […]

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How To Figure Out Your Specific Needs When You Feel Ashamed of Them?

  How To Figure Out Your Specific Needs When You Feel Ashamed of them?   Cathy: Someone wrote it and said, “How do you go about finding out what your specific needs are when you feel ashamed for needing things at all from anybody else? For example I don’t feel comfortable with asking for a […]

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