
How Do I Build Great Connection To Actually Initiate Sex? | Part 1

How Do I Build Great Connection To Actually Initiate Sex? | Part 1           Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “One of my problems is that I tend not to ask for, initiate or even accept sex with women. I’m good at creating connection and actually I’m very interested in having […]

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I Have Doubts And Fears Going Forward During Sex, What Do I Do?

I Have Doubts And Fears Going Forward During Sex, What Do I Do?           Cathy: Is there something wrong with me if part way through sex I start having doubts and concerns and even though my body is really enjoying it, part of me feels scared or nervous about going forward? […]

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What To Do When I Get Turned On…I Feel Less Deserving For Pleasure?

What To Do When I Get Turned On…I Feel Less Deserving For Pleasure?           Is it okay to have a lot of pleasure? Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from   Cathy:  We had another intrepid viewer write in and say “I noticed that sometimes when […]

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My Fiancee Thinks He’s A Great Lover… But I Need Him To Rev My Engine: Part 3

My Fiancee Thinks He’s A Great Lover… But I Need Him To Rev My Engine: Part 3               How can I communicate my needs to my partner better? Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from   Cathy: We had someone write in and this […]

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FREE Permission Party Orientation

Curious about Virtual Play Parties? Come to our FREE orientation to see what they’re all about!

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I Want My Boyfriend To Rev My Engine More: Part 2

I Want My Boyfriend To Rev My Engine More: Part 2           How can you experience more turn on during sex… Is it always “his” responsibility? Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from   Reid: Oh hi! It’s on. So we’re going to answer a question. […]

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How Can I Get My Boyfriend To Rev My Engine Without Making Him Feel Like A Bad Lover?

How Can I Get My Boyfriend To Rev My Engine Without Making Him Feel Like A Bad Lover?               How can you tell your partner that you need something different or better in bed, without crushing their confidence? Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from […]

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How Do You Pick Right Relationships? | Facebook Walk With Reid And Allison

How Do You Pick Right Relationships? | Facebook Walk With Reid And Allison           Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid Mihalko from Allison: And Allison Moon from Reid: So one thing, let us know if you can hear us. I think I fixed the mic. I’ve I realized why it […]

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Is It Possible To Find Your Soulmate At Retreats? | Facebook Walk With Reid

Is It Possible To Find Your Soulmate At Retreats? | Facebook Walk With Reid           Reid: Hello Facebook! It is Reid Mihalko from and it’s our time for our walk and I’m late today because I was super busy getting a bunch of stuff ready for sex geek summer camp […]

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When Is Your Partner’s Sex Life Your Responsibility? | Facebook Walk With Reid And Allison

When Is Your Partner’s Sex Life Your Responsibility? | Facebook Walk With Reid And Allison         Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid Mihalko from with our special guest star today Allison: Allison Moon of Reid:  Yes…yes. I even put Girls Sex 101 in the description. Allison: Nice Reid: And I think […]

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