
If I Had A Breakthrough in ______, I’d Have Better Sex…

If I Had A Breakthrough in ______, I’d Have Better Sex… Cathy: So Reid you did this great exercise at I thought it would really be fun to share here. Reid: Okay, the chance is I don’t remember what it was. Cathy: I know and I’ll tell you Reid: Okay Cathy: And then you […]

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I’m Interested In Dating Someone But I Always End Up Running Away, What’s Should I do?

I’m Interested In Dating Someone But I Always End Up Running Away, What’s Should I do? Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, I’m having a hard time dating because I get really messed up when I’m interested into someone. I’m usually okay for the first couple weeks but then, either I ended up clinging or […]

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What Does Society Tell Us About Attraction?

What Does Society Tell Us About Attraction? Cathy: Someone wrote in about we have been….we had some video about INCEL and people that are involuntarily in celibate and someone Reid: Yeah, that’s what Incel stands for. Cathy: Yes, and someone wrote in and said that most people think I’m creepy because they… I….my look are not […]

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When and How To Use The Safer Sex Elevator Speech?

When and How To Use The Safer Sex Elevator Speech? Cathy: I’m curious about when to initiate the safer sex elevator speech. It sounds like it comes before kissing especially for including oral herpes in this discussion. But I don’t usually talk about sex until I know someone’s interested which I frequently find out by […]

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If Someone Talks Over You, What Do you Do?

If Someone Talks Over You, What Do You Do? Cathy: So, what if you just met someone and they’re talking over you and kind of controlling your interactions and even when you try to do boundaries you’re not really, Reid: They keep talking over you? Cathy: Yes. Reid: Even when you’re sharing? Cathy: They are not […]

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When Your Enthusiasm Overpower Someone’s Consent….

When Your Enthusiasm Overpower Someone’s Consent… Find out more now with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: Alright there we go. Ah! Cathy: Are we live? Reid: I think we’re live. Cathy: Does anyone see anything? Reid: This is real life. I don’t know. Cathy: Hopefully not. Reid: Hello everyone it’s […]

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How Do I Transition from A Polygamous to A Monogamous Relationship?

How Do I Transition from A Polygamous to A Monogamous Relationship? Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, I would love to hear Reid’s thoughts about transitioning from a poly lifestyle to entering a monogamous relationship. This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: This is Cathy Vartuli from and hear my thoughts. Can you hear […]

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Free Permission Party Orientation

Curious about how a Virtual Permission Party works? Looking to attend Crista and Reid’s upcoming event? Join play party facilitators Crista Reid and Reid Mihalko for a FREE 27min orientation + 10mins for Q&A!

In 27 minutes, you will take away:

⭐ How to feel more confident engaging during a virtual play party
⭐ How to functionally use the tech and get your groove on in front of the webcam
⭐ A feel for the cultural design of this space and our consent culture system
⭐ Lots of tidbits on being a good, giving, and game virtual play party goer

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Bad Relationship Advice | Facebook Walk With Reid And Allison

Bad Relationship Advice | Facebook Walk With Reid And Allison Reid: Hello everybody it’s Reid Mihalko from and I think my mic not be working…might not be working so please let us know if you can hear us. I’m with Allison Moon and today is bad relationship advice because I think I remember that […]

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Why Is It So Hard To Deal With Shame Around Sexuality?

Why Is It So Hard To Deal With Shame Around Sexuality?               Reid: C’mon… Hello it’s Reid Mihalko from  and we have a special guest star today. Amy: Hello. Reid: It’s Amy Jo Goddard. What…what’s your website URL? Amy: Reid: and I’m wearing one of AJ’s […]

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