Why Friendships in The Sex Geek Community Matter and How Sex Geek Summer Camp Helps

by Reid on October 5, 2016


Mike Guichet from http://MikeMFT.com shares about his experience with Sex Geek Summer Camp.


Michael: Hello, I’m Michael Guichet of http://michaelguichetsextherapy.com/, more easily found at http://MikeMFT.com — Marriage and Family Therapist. I really enjoy Sex Geek Summer Camp for what it gives to me and when it gives my ability to meet people in the community — the community at large. My ability to actually get and have experiences with individuals who are poly and kinky and have some sympathy and empathy and friends that I can go to and understand more of what I don’t tend to know from my training or haven’t actually met people and making friends and individuals who can be a support to what I do in my life. One thing I would say I experiencing is the ability to have enlightening experiences, first time experiences, the ability to have a wonderful food in the woods, have a nature experience. Like the ability to have this is my yearly break sometimes, whether that is once a year I can go and be with some friends and some people I start to really consider my family and my community and really get to meet and understand how everyone’s growing and striving and meeting new people. So, maybe some thinking on the fence so if you’re a therapist or counselor professional, I’d like to say that it’s really a safe place and a really wonderful place with a lot of great sets of like boundaries and intentions and the ability to you know, experience what you want to experience and how they had the ability to talk to those people that are around you and maybe they’ll never meet. And also, give you great opportunities for referrals, for the ability to consult with somebody and to get a better perspective on so much. This is Mike Guichet of http://MikeMFT.com, sex therapist of Monterey and Santa Cruz, California. Thank you very much.

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