Reid’s Broadcasting Live Inside The Train!

Reid’s Broadcasting Live Inside The Train!         Reid: Hello sex geek! It is Reid Mihalko from and I’m trying to live stream from the train. Let’s see if I can do this…..there you go. I know it’s noisy but I just wanted to do… share this really fun experience. Woh! It’s […]

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How Do You Tell When Something Is A Good Business Investment For You? | Cathy And Reid Facebook Live

How Do You Tell When Something Is A Good Business Investment For You? | Cathy And Reid Facebook Live           Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid Mihalko from with Cathy Vartuli from the and I’m wearing my sex geek summer camp T-shirt and this is going to be some business […]

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The Power of Being a Sex-Positive Entrepreneur | Cathy and Reid Facebook Live

The Power of Being a Sex-Positive Entrepreneur | Cathy and Reid Facebook Live             Reid: Come over here Cathy Vartuli while we bask in the amazing well we’re in La Jolla I guess? Cathy: La Jolla Reid: San Jose not San Jose Santa Monica La Jolla sunset.  Hi everyone! It […]

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What To Do When I Get Turned On…I Feel Less Deserving For Pleasure?

What To Do When I Get Turned On…I Feel Less Deserving For Pleasure?           Is it okay to have a lot of pleasure? Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from   Cathy:  We had another intrepid viewer write in and say “I noticed that sometimes when […]

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Different Experiences When Sharing Vulnerably?

Does everyone feel the same when they share vulnerably?     With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: We talk a lot about vulnerability on these videos. And Reid and I were talking the other day and we kind of discovered we had different experiences when we shared vulnerably and we […]

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How Do You Respond To Someone Saying You’re Mentally Ill If You’re Fat?

If you’re bigger, and someone says there’s something wrong with you for being fat, how do you handle it?     Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in in response to a video that Ashley Man did together about being bigger and being sexual. And they […]

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I Just Found Out My Boyfriend Has Herpes… What Do I Do?

My boyfriend just told me he has Herpes, what do I do now?     With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli with Cathy: Someone wrote in and said hey Reid I really hope you get the chance to read this reply. I just found out my boyfriend had herpes he had it […]

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How Can A Sex-Positive Woman Help People Feel Less Intimidated?

If you’re sex-positive, what if people are intimidated about hitting on you or sleeping with you? Cathy: Another fabulous viewer wrote in and said “Hi! I am a sex positive woman and sex educator and I find that many people intimidated by me. Do you have any tips to make people feel easier about accepting […]

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Does Herpes Ever Go Away?

Is there a cure for Herpes? Does it go away?   Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: I’ve done several videos on herpes and people… Reid: People love herpes man they can’t just get enough of it. Cathy: There’s a lot of question about it because there’s a […]

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What’s The Importance Of Wearing Your Name Tag at Business Events?

Why should you wear your name tag all through business events? Why does it matter?   With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Why is it important to wearing your name tag when you’re at business events? This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: Cathy Vartuli from the And when […]

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