Premature Ejaculation is a problem most people face at some point. If you want practical suggestions, join Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com. Cathy: Hi, everyone. Have you ever wondered… I’m sorry I’m messing this up, I don’t know how to start this. Reid: You messed up prematurely? Cathy: I prematurely messed […]
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It can be hard to discuss safer sex issues with your partner if you’ve been in a relationship and may already be physically intimate. How do you bring the subject up without hurting feelings, and is it even worth it? Join Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com as they discuss how you […]
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