
I’m Interested In Dating Someone But I Always End Up Running Away, What’s Should I do?

I’m Interested In Dating Someone But I Always End Up Running Away, What’s Should I do? Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, I’m having a hard time dating because I get really messed up when I’m interested into someone. I’m usually okay for the first couple weeks but then, either I ended up clinging or […]

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What Does Society Tell Us About Attraction?

What Does Society Tell Us About Attraction? Cathy: Someone wrote in about we have been….we had some video about INCEL and people that are involuntarily in celibate and someone Reid: Yeah, that’s what Incel stands for. Cathy: Yes, and someone wrote in and said that most people think I’m creepy because they… I….my look are not […]

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When and How To Use The Safer Sex Elevator Speech?

When and How To Use The Safer Sex Elevator Speech? Cathy: I’m curious about when to initiate the safer sex elevator speech. It sounds like it comes before kissing especially for including oral herpes in this discussion. But I don’t usually talk about sex until I know someone’s interested which I frequently find out by […]

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If Someone Talks Over You, What Do you Do?

If Someone Talks Over You, What Do You Do? Cathy: So, what if you just met someone and they’re talking over you and kind of controlling your interactions and even when you try to do boundaries you’re not really, Reid: They keep talking over you? Cathy: Yes. Reid: Even when you’re sharing? Cathy: They are not […]

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When Your Enthusiasm Overpower Someone’s Consent….

When Your Enthusiasm Overpower Someone’s Consent… Find out more now with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: Alright there we go. Ah! Cathy: Are we live? Reid: I think we’re live. Cathy: Does anyone see anything? Reid: This is real life. I don’t know. Cathy: Hopefully not. Reid: Hello everyone it’s […]

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How Do I Transition from A Polygamous to A Monogamous Relationship?

How Do I Transition from A Polygamous to A Monogamous Relationship? Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, I would love to hear Reid’s thoughts about transitioning from a poly lifestyle to entering a monogamous relationship. This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: This is Cathy Vartuli from and hear my thoughts. Can you hear […]

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Bad Relationship Advice | Facebook Walk With Reid And Allison

Bad Relationship Advice | Facebook Walk With Reid And Allison Reid: Hello everybody it’s Reid Mihalko from and I think my mic not be working…might not be working so please let us know if you can hear us. I’m with Allison Moon and today is bad relationship advice because I think I remember that […]

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Checking Digital Technology Like As If You’re Wearing A Condom

Checking Digital Technology Like As If You’re Wearing A Condom               Reid: Hello Facebook its Reid Mihalko from  and I’m on a train, can you see that? Let’s move may be over here is better and…and I want to talk to you all about a bunch of different […]

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Does Ejaculation In Older Men Decreases Life Force Energy?

Does Ejaculation In Older Men Decrease Life Force Energy?               Reid: Hello Facebook it’s Reid Mihalko from and hello YouTube as well because we take this videos and we post them there as well. If you want to subscribe go to There is an airplane flying directly […]

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What Are Best Practices For Dating A #SexWorker

What Are Best Practices For Dating A #SexWorker               Reid: Hello everybody it’s Reid Mihalko from and I am here with my good friend. Andre: Ohh. Reid: Hi. So you in my…when we got to know each other, we’ve got we’ve got some questions for about dating sex […]

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