Kama Sutra Sponsors Sex Geek Summer Camp 2017! Kama Sutra @KamaSutraCo – http://Twitter.com/KamaSutraCo http://facebook.com/thekamasutraco http://kamasutra.com Reid: Hello it’s Reid Mihalko from https://reidaboutsex.com/, creator of http://www.sexgeeksummercamp.com/ the only business retreat for sex educators out in the wilds of the woods, an actual summer camp, a sleepaway summer camp […]
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Where Is The Line Between Swinging And Polyamory? Cathy: Someone wrote it and said, “I’ve been listening to some of your fabulous podcast, they had polyamory and it has sent me thinking about what my personal situation is and where does swinging become polyamory? I expected it that it would be […]
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