For anyone interested in Sacred Sexuality, Tantra, Conscious Relationships, and Sexual Healing…
and Reid Mihalko Present:
The Great North-East Sacred Sexuality

September 25-27th, 2009
Reflections Yoga, 250 West 49th Street, 2nd Floor
Times Square, New York City
- Curious about Sacred Sexuality or have that general feeling that the intimacy in your life is “missing something” or isn’t “deep enough?”
- Had ecstatic experiences in the bedroom that border on spiritual or transcendent, but they’re so far and few between that you’re beginning to doubt if they were real at all?
- Frustrated with your current sex life and really want to “take it to the next level,” but have no idea what the “next level” means, looks like, or how to get there?
- Want to take a workshop on Tantra or Taoist Sexual Practices, but don’t know where to look or how to find a teacher you would connect with?
- Perhaps you know exactly what you want to study, but can’t seem to get your partner or friends to stop calling what you’re into “New Age” and “Woo-Woo Mumbo Jumbo?”
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, or if you or your friends think that shame-free, deeply moving sex and mind expanding orgasms are only for people like Sting, then check out The Great North-East Sacred Sexuality Round Up! and see what is possible for YOU…
If you’re feeling shy about working on your love life in a conscious, intentional way, then why not attend one of the most fun and informative, least threatening and unpretitious (and deeply inspirational!)events on conscious loving happening in the country!
If you love the idea of using sex as a healing path towards greater self-esteem and connection with whatever you label as “the Divine” but can’t understand all the “woo-woo” lingo about Chakras and Divine Masculine that gets tossed around, then join us for one of the most accessible and understandable weekends on sacred sexuality ever put together.
What if we told you mind blowing sex on a regular basis was not only possible, but learnable?
The first of it’s kind, The Great North-East Sacred Sexuality Round Up! is the “gate way drug” for anyone who wants to begin to explore sexuality as a pathway to accelerated healing and spirituality, or continue to deepen their understanding of sex and love, period.
If you’ve been trying to get your friends to understand what is possible in the realm of expanded relationships and sacred sexual yoga, but to no avail, then get them to New York City this September 25th thru the 27th for what promises NOT to be Sex And the City!
Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte, and Samantha
might have been more successful (and less flustered) if they’d attended
The Great North-East Sacred Sexuality Round Up!
Two amazing days and two delicious nights of the world’s top sacred sexuality educators, teachers, writers, and workshop facilitators.
Join us for Friday Night’s FREE/By Donation, Kick-Off Event…
Alan Steinfeld and Anton Diaz’s The Sacred Sexual Symposium!
Saturday night’s Triple Goddess Tantric Puja – $15 online price, $20 at the door!
And don’t forget a Saturday-day and Sunday-day full of Presenters, too!
Presenter Schedule HERE.
Register Online for the Weekend Events and Save!
Whether you are a beginner, a skeptic, or have been involved in the conscious, spiritual sexuality movement for years, this is your chance to learn from and meet the Who’s Who in Sacred Sexuality in one fell swoop. Gathered together in one place, witness these articulate and dynamic men and women “doing their thing” while also meeting and interacting with like-minded adults just like you!
What if screaming “Oh, God!” in bed was a way of praying?
Connect to a Higher Power (even if, to you, that means staying connected to yourself during sex) by joining the world’s leading experts and teachers in the realms of Tantra, Sacred Sexuality, Conscious Relationships, Pleasure Positive Activism, and Sexual Healing for three amazing days and two delicious nights in New York City!
Come for the day or for the entire weekend! Expand your social network, deepen your insight, and transform your sense of what is possible in love, sex, and life!
For a Current List of Round-Up Presenters, click HERE.
Ticket Prices and Online Savings for the Round-Up:
Recession-Proof Group Savings for Pairs:
Check out who’s presenting at the Round-Up…
Post-Round-Up Events You Should Know About…
Daka/Dakini Conferece East in the Catskills
Healing the Wounded Feminine, Post-Conference Intensive
And… the Round-Up’s FREE/By Donation Kick-Off Event…