June is late! But only because we were busy juggling all those dildos and dental dams! Plus, it was Belladonna’s fault, we swear…
June was a busy, busy month for me and ReidAboutSex… It was busy mostly because I was decompressing from a month on the road in May (see May’s newsletter), dealing with pesky website virus warnings (my website’s healed now! Hallelujah!), and hitting the road again.
June was two weeks in Oakland, then off to New York City and then Chicago, with a quick wedding stop in between in lovely Akron, Ohio (My first time!). And then -boom!- back to Oakland to finish out the last two days of the month. Whew!
No sooner am I’m back at Fruitopia, my East Bay event space, than it occurs to me that I might not want to unpack. Why? I leave on Monday to teach in Los Angeles for 10-days. But… But…. When I was calendaring this all out, it looked so relaaaaaaxed.
I think it’s time to call Delta or Virgin America to see if they’ll sponsor me… Hehehe… Virgin Airlines, official sponsor of ReidAboutSex? Hmmmm…. Who’s got Sir Branson on their speed-dial?
Where ever I am this month, will you’ll join me? Yes? Great! Can’t? No worries, I’ve got a few things you can check out from where ever you are… One of ’em just so happens to be this newsletter!
Picture of the Month: Three’s Company…
I’ve included some more pics down below from my workshops, but THIS one, which is obviously NOT from my travels had to get top billing, as I’m sure you can agree…
I had to post this on account that it made me laugh so hard. Tip of the hat to my friends from the Poly-Living conference who sent it along. Apparently, this frustrated feline might have gotten more tail (sorry, couldn’t resist) if they’d listened to my Initiating Successful Threesomes podclass, but who can say for sure, right? Join me in Seattle this October, why don’cha? I’ll be teaching my Negotiating Successful Threesomes workshop at the Poly Living West Cost conference, happening from the 23rd to the 24th.
Got Facebook? Fan me, why don’cha!
Video of the Month: Joseph Kramer!
It’s taken me forever to get around to editing some of the valuable footage I’ve got sitting in my hard drive. With apologies to the patient pioneer of Sexological Bodywork and founder of the New School for Erotic Touch, Joseph Kramer, for taking months to get this uploading to YouTube, here is Part 1 of what turned out to be an amazing interview. I was deeply honored that Joseph granted me the interview and took time out of his busy schedule to drive into San Fran in hallacious traffic it turns out.*
Thanks again, Joseph, for sharing so deeply your views, opinions and journey. It was a blast!
(*Traffic on the Bay Bridge was unbelievable that evening and ended up making Joseph late for the interview. As an added bonus, go to my ReidAboutSex YouTube channel to see the Prologue bit from Joesph’s interview, the part I edited out. Watch it to find out how a soccer game made Joseph late and what we did in response to that…)
College Speaking Tour
As many of you who’ve attended my workshops know and can see from the Joseph Kramer interview above, I’ve been dutifully filming footage of everything I’ve been teaching for about a year now. As some of you know, footage doesn’t edit itself! And while I’ve got a long history of working in the film and television world (actor, writer, producer), I’m not the fastest film editor in the West… Heck, I’m not the fastest editor anywhere in the U.S. for that matter!
To make matters worse, I’ve also been gathering and digitizing lots of old footage of me teaching and being interviewed. I even have a bunch of my old Soap Opera acting gigs and old commercials on disc now (I was an actor, film producer and fight choreographer prior to launching my career as a sex and relationship expert, if you didn’t know).
Here’s the headshot that landed me a McDonalds commercial where I played a… Wait for it… Wait… You guessed it: a hockey player! Just wait till I show you my ESPN2 commercial with me as a Swedish lumberjack! Flannel never looked so sexy…
As my friend and old bartending/waitering buddy, Hollywood actor Billy Crudup (who’s also the voice for MasterCard in those commercials) would say, “Priceless!”
Short story long, I hope to have a lot of fun video stuff available for you in the coming months, including some really fun and insightful clips from some past in-store teaching gigs and college gigs. I know it’s Summer now and school’s out, but if you want to book me to come to speak at your College or University this September and October, I’m beginning to book my Fall Tour now, so email me at Reid@ReidAboutSex.com.
Speaking of college tours, hopefully, I’ll be able to include your school in something really BIG and exciting that I’ve been plotting now for several months… Nothing is certain yet, but, if I can manage to pull it off, it’s going to be awesomely fun and make for some great video footage, and maybe bring me to your Campus. Keep your fingers crossed and wish me luck!

Rhode Island Sexpert Megan Andeloux of OhMegan.com doin’ what she does best: Talkin’ to students ’bout sex…

Reid with a group of delighted (and silly) college students after presenting one of his first ever “Stand-Up Sex Ed” comedy talks, which was to a packed room of over 200 students!
And for the sex educators among you who’re interested in booking college teaching/speaking gigs, if you’re in the East Bay this July 21st, come spend the day with one of the busiest sexperts in the biz, Megan Andeloux and yours truly as we share our gig-landing secrets in Booking U.: How To Book Paid, College and In-Store Sex Ed Teaching Gigs.
Month in Review, in Pics…
It’s been a busy month on the road… And I’ve got the pix to prove it! 😉

Whoa! Look at that Brooklyn, NY, sunset!… Hey! Who put that cool refreshing beverage in my hand? I’m supposed to be workin’!
I swear I was busting my hump the four days I was in the Big Apple; however, my trip home to New York City was nearly entirely filled with Relationship Coaching and Sex Ed Mentoring Clients. The one night I did have a few free hours, I stole away to Brooklyn to a BBQ hosted by the amazingly smart (and cute) sexual civil rights lawyer Diana Adams, Esq., who collaborated with me on the Women Who Give Too Much teleclass series.
After a quick skip to Akron, Ohio, for a wedding, it was back on a plane to the Windy City for…
And so it begins…
It was my first trip to Chicago as a sex and relationship educator and, truth be told, I was a tad nervous…

At Chicago’s The Pleasure Chest letting off a little nervous energy before my first Chicago workshop EVER: Dildos, Dental Dams and Deep Throating!

Dildos, Dental Dams, and Deep Throating has begun… As evidenced by the… proliferation of… Dildos! Double fisting, you say?

My patented Neo from The Matrix’s “over the shoulder” move got a good laugh from the workshop participants… “Are you saying I can dodge dildos?” “No, Neo. I’m saying one day, you won’t have to!”

Demonstrating how to properly place a dental dam on a store display (displaying a strap-on harness, btw) in my Dildos, Dental Dams and Deep Throating workshop…

Now it’s a mask!… Demonstrating how to properly use a dental dam to the audinece at Chicago’s The Pleasure Chest during Dildos, Dental Dams and Deep Throating!

Under NO circumstances should you try to deep throat THIS!… Showing off one of my favorite toys to NOT deep throat, NJoy’s ever awesome “The Eleven!”

Describing how you can access the G-spot and P-Spot (the prostate) via anal pleasuring… Yes, that’s an official latex “Belladonna Extreme Pussy and Ass” in my lap. How’d THAT get there?!?

I’d always dreamnt of working with Belladonna… I should have been more specific. (The Secret DVD warned me this might happen.)

Demonstraing a trick Nina Hartley likes to teach called the “door bell,” which can create lots of exciting sensations without ever penetrating the anus… (Belladonna was kind enough to tirelessly hold her butt cheeks apart for me during the entire workshop!)

I love my job… Deep, hearthfelt thanks to the amazingly knowledgable staff at Chicago’s The Pleasure Chest! See you in November!
I was very pleased with how well The Pleasure Chest gigs went. Thursday in Chicago was devoted to Relationship Coaching and Sex Ed Mentoring (and catching up on emails). Friday was devoted to prepping for the two and a half day long Foundations of Facilitation Weekend Training Intensive, which got kicked off by an awesome, 22-person Chicago Cuddle Party! White Sox and Cubs fans cuddling together! Unbelievable!

Potential Cuddle Party Facilitators and workshop leaders at Chicago’s Foundation of Facilitation weekend intensive. After nearly 14 hours of intense but fun training (with several more hours to go), it’s time to let off some steam by applying serious facilitator skills sets to none other than… a silly game of Itsy Bitsy Spider!

All work and no play… LET’S EAT! Lunch time at Foundations of Facilitation. (Many thanks to Roman, our chef, who prepared some of the yummiest FoF Training grub yet!)
The next upcoming Foundations of Facilitation Weekend Intensives in are in Toronto, Canada, and Washington, D.C. in September and October. Wanna come?
I flew back to Oakland, CA, and promptly slept twelve hours! Woke up at 6am, went for a run, and been at my desk ever since, making phone calls, updating the website, and cranking out the June newsletter before it officially turns into July…
And what a busy, event-full July it’s going to be… Better make myself some more coffee!!! Shall I pour you a cup?
Events In July…
Juuuuuust in case you’re in the neighborhood…
July 7th: Join Reid at LA’s The Pleasure Chest for an outrageiously funny night of eXXXtreem sex education…
Dildos, Dental Dams and Deep Throating!
July 10-11th: Join Reid in Santa Monica for two days of amazing exploration into the world of energetic sex!

Reid demonstrates an energetic orgasm and what he calls “Tantric Twitchies” (Kriyas) for the audience with the generous help of Amber Seitz at a workshop in Oakland
July 21st: Join two of the busiest sexperts in da’ bid’ness as they walk you through what you need to do to get paid to teach across the country!
Booking U.: How To Book Paid, Sex Ed Teaching/Speaking Gigs at Colleges and Stores!
July 31st: Join sexperts Reid Mihalko and Sheri Winston for an afternoon of experiential, one-on-one and group learning designed to make Energetic Sex simple and attainable, and fun!
Breath-gasms and Energetic Sex Revealed! with Sheri Winston and Reid Mihalko
July 31st: Watch as two sexperts go pelvis-to-pelvis… Reid Mihalko Vs. Nurse-midwife and Gynecology Nurse-practitioner-turned-Workshop Guru Sheri Winston in an all-new…
Iron Slut Sex Educator Showdown!
Well, I almost got the June newsletter out while it was June, but no worries. What’s a few hours between friends, right?
No matter what month it is, like I’m fond of thinking Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the bedroom!”
Hope yours was a fulfilling June, now go and have an amazingly explosive July. And while I’m at it: Happy birthday, America!
Till next month, yours in savvy, accessible and sexy sex ed…