Spring has sprung as Reid talks about Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion, Conference Crushes, and More for May!
Just so you know, I’ve been having the darndest time with my website and a Google Malware Warning these last few weeks, and wanted to say thank you to everyone who emailed me to give me a heads up that this started happening. You all rock, and thanks for your patience while we got this sorted out.
My website guy assures me that everything’s fixed, that my site isn’t going to eat your computer and that all we’re waiting on is for the Powers that Be at Google to re-scan my site, declare it harmless, and remove the Defcon-5 warning page.
Thanks again for your patience and concern…
We now return you to your regularly scheduled newsletter…
- Article of the Month: Sex Positive Round-Up
- Pics from the Road…
- Videos of the Month
- Coming-Up in June – Reid Takes Chicago!
Article of the Month!
Dr. Charles Glickman and Dr. Carol Queen invited me to chime in on a conversation happening on the Good Vibrations blog about how today’s Sex-Positive Movement might be creating it’s own form of Sex-Negativism… Hmmmmm…
Sex-Positivity Round Robin: The Sexual-rati, Role Modeling, and Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion by Reid Mihalko
“It ain’t easy being this easy,” is a phrase that recently shot across the Twitter-sphere. I uttered this bumper sticker-worthy quip to a roomful of sex and tech geeks at the 3rd annual Sex 2.0 conference (a conference focusing on the intersection of social media, feminism, and sexuality). True to the nature of the conference, my peers laughed and nodded in sex-positive approval as they blasted the sound bite across the Interwebs.
I identify as a sex-positive slut. My preferred way of getting to know someone is through sensuality and sexuality (Which, btw, is my definition of “slut”). I am also the person who created the non-sexual, boundary and intimacy workshop/social event known as Cuddle Party, the media darling that launched my career when it blew up in the news in 2004.
You might be asking yourself, eyebrow raised and head tilted sideways, “How does a slut create a non-sexual workshop?” The irony isn’t lost on me, either. My journey from Cuddle Party creator to Show-N-Tell sex educator illustrates a lot of what the comment which kicked-off this thread of essays points at: a socio-sexual illustration of Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion – To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.
I think the struggle that anyone goes through to discover and claim or reclaim their sexual expression produces a Newton-esque effect: the freedom released in that reclamation must be defended and protected, which is a less-than-expansive reaction. And like Dr. Queen and Dr. Glickman have expressed so eloquently, there isn’t a whole lot of role modeling, or at least hasn’t been till now, for how to combat the human tendency to reactively reduce life into a see-saw: Two sides. Pick one.
Sharing sensuality with others is a lot of work. […]
Jump to the full article on Good Virbations’ site!
Pics from the Road…
I’ve been traveling nearly this entire month and, oh, what a trip it’s been! From speaking at Brown University to teaching and coaching in New York City to hopping coasts to Los Angeles for more teaching and an appearance on Nina Hartley’s SexWise.TV show to America’s North West for a week and a half in Seattle to speak, teach and coach. Whew!
Here are some pictures and links from this month’s whirl-wind tour…

I was invited to speak on the Sex Panic! censorship panel at Brown University (my alma mater). I think I might have been the comedic relief… 🙂

My Rated-R, “The Ins and Outs of Hand-Sex” workshop at LA’s Pleasure Chest where my lovely assitant and I took advantage of an over-ripe cateloupe…

One large cucumber, two kiwis, a few latex gloves, and one, willing audience volunteer: Reid’s R-rated recipe for Show-N-Tell Sex Ed!

Teaching a 2-Day intensive on Energetic Sex in Santa Monica, CA. I’ll be teaching it again in July 10-11th! Click on the Reid’s Calendar for more info.

Pornstar and Sex Educatrix Nina Hartley and me Vanna White’ing it up on her SexWise.TV show. Tune in below…

Raise your hand if you’re a sex geek… Speaking at the 3rd annual Sex 2.0 conference in Seattle, WA, on the “Media Whore” panel with Veronica Monet and Meitar Moscovitz, et al.

Seattle’s legendary sex educator/community activist Allena Gabosch making me squirm at the Seattle debut of Iron Slut Sex Educator Showdown!
Videos of the Month….
Good friend and peer, the amazing Nina Hartley invited me to be on her SexWise.TV show while I was in LA to talk about polyamory and sex education. We had a blast and here’s a segment from the show…
For all of you workshop leaders and sex-positive professionals out there, this 60-minute talk I gave at the 3rd annual Sex 2.0 conference in Seattle might be of interest to you… I lead several sessions to my tech-savvy and sex-savvy peers over the weekend. This one’s topic: Why I think sex geeks should be attending conferences and hitting on their peers! Yep, you read that right: Mack’n on your peers and why!… Let me know what you think, ‘k?
Sex 2.0 – The Need For “Peermanship” In Meat-Time: from Castle Megastore on Vimeo.
Coming up in June…
Curious about girl/boy strap-on play? Join Reid and sapphic savant Allie Moon for Pegging 101 at San Francisco’s legendary Center for Sex and Culture for 2-hrs of informative (and humorous) Show-N-Tell sex education!
Join Reid in Chicago for a week of workshops, talks, and an intense 3-day training for workshop leaders and teachers!
Check out Reid’s Calendar for more!
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