Practical advice, tips and tricks on how to make love like Sting without the New Age language!
With Reid Mihalko and special, sexpert guests… Nellie Wilson, Ed Ehrgott, Celeste Hirschman, and Whittney Matlock (see below)
Do you wish there was more than just the hump, grunt and grind of conventional sex? Ever feel like your lover (or yourself) was cursed with only one color to paint your sexual landscape with?
Don’t get us wrong, we know sex -even mediocre sex- can be lots of fun, but do you ever wish you had a wider palette of techniques and experiences to draw from?
Perhaps you’ve heard of Tantra and remember reading somewhere (last month’s Cosmo?) something about “expanded orgasms,” but think that kind of stuff is only for people like Sting, yoga instructors or porn stars.
Maybe you’ve had ecstatic experiences in the bedroom that boarder on spiritual, but they’re so far and few between that you can hardly recall (and maybe it was just the booze…).
What if we told you mind blowing sex on a regular basis
was not only possible, but learnable?
What if we told you that conventional sex is like arts and crafts’ class with a box of crayons that only holds eight colors? What if we told you there is a box of crayons with 64 colors AND a sharpener!… And it can be yours to color your world with (and that you don’t have to stay inside the lines)!
Join world renowned sex and relationship educator Reid Mihalko and his distinguished “sexpert” guests (see below) for this delightfully informative (and FREE) 90-minute, downloadable, podclass discussion on the ins and outs of energetic sex!
In this podclass, you will be introduced to:
- The basics of energetic sex, how it “works” and why so many of us never figure it out
- Breathing techniques that you can use to access new areas of sensation and body awareness
- Kissing as the “gateway drug” to higher states of ecstatic sex!
- Simple exercises and pressure points you can practice alone and with a partner that will kick off your energetic sexual journey
- A few advance tips and tricks that are sure to make you smile and your partner moan!
This download is FREE! Just sign up and you can be listening and learning about energetic sex in minutes. Really!
Recorded on Monday, March 23, 2009
What people had to say about Energetic Sex: From Mystical To Practical…
I liked the diversity of professionals. I took notes on Erotic Quickies and added them to my website!
Since this class I have learned that touch while inhaling feels different
than touch while exhaling. Its been an interesting experiment.~Anonymous
Makes so much sense to slow down and enjoy. It is too easy to get into a routine. Appreciate comments on knowing your own body and what works for you. Thank you!
Our Energetic “Sexperts” for the call:
NELLIE WILSON; CSB, CMT: Nellie is a massage therapist and somatic sex educator working in Oakland and San Francisco. She currently works at the Center for Sex & Culture, is the co-creator of, and has a private massage and coaching practice.
Nellie studied massage at the McKinnon School of Massage in Oakland and has completed the level one training in Craniosacral Therapy with the Milne Institute. In August 2008 she completed the Sexological Bodywork Certification at the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco.
She has assisted in numerous classes on topics ranging from female ejaculation to masturbation. She co-taught a workshop on self-loving with Roy Turpin, MA, CMT, CSB and co-hosts an ongoing series of masturbation events
benefiting CSC.
Nellie offers a presence and facilitation skills to create a safe space for people to explore their eroticism in one-on-one or group settings.
ED EHRGOTT: Ed is a massage therapist, an erotic coach and a life coach in San Francisco. He has been working with men for over 4 years though his massage and coaching practice, Sacred Touch for Men.
He holds an Advanced Massage Practitioner License in San Francisco and an Arizona Massage Therapist License. He completed training to be a CMT and received additional specialty training in pelvic release massage at the Body Electric School in Oakland, CA. He completed his Arizona LMT training at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe, AZ.
As he studied massage, he saw many people who view massage as a purely clinical encounter – not unlike the doctor’s office. These practitioners can deny any sensual aspect of a massage. Massage is to be enjoyed. If you feel sensual as you receive a massage that’s wonderful! Ed believes that touch – regardless of where it is on the body – is a sensual experience. Arousal is common and should be celebrated. A sensual massage focuses on your entire body. It’s about relaxing your body and mind while channeling sensual energy throughout the entire body. This results in a wonderful combination of relaxation with a heightened level of energy!
As Ed gave this sensual massage, he realized that many men were having amazing experiences through this work. Ed wanted to further explore body based erotic healing. He completed additional training to be a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, certified by the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexology in San Francisco and approved by the State of California. Sexological Bodyworkers are somatic (body based) educators who help others with concerns in their erotic lives.
Ed is also a Sacred Intimate (trained through the Body Electric School). Sacred Intimates are specialists in embodiment, not analysis or processing. Sacred Intimacy is about how to change, not why you are wounded. Sacred Intimacy sessions can help you find wounds in your life and offer body based experiences to help heal those wounds. He brings this somatic experience to his work at Sacred Touch School.
Dreams continue to evolve. He completed the Co-Active Coaching Program at The Coaches Training Institute. This program is powerful training in how to be a professional life coach. He’s been weaving training as a coach with his bodywork background to develop the art of an Erotic Coach.
Ed recently joined with Nellie to create Sacred Touch School. The school arose from the many comments he had from men looking for erotic coaching, but not in the San Francisco area. Through Sacred Touch School he intends to bring his experience in erotic coaching to the internet!

In her teaching and coaching, she draws on multiple perspectives, including somatic therapy, sexual healing, celebrating eroticism, and Tantra to help her clients realize their full potential and deepen their experiences of pleasure and embodiment. Celeste brings her unconditional love, presence, erotic energy and spirituality to her coaching in order to create an open, safe and exciting container where her clients can explore every aspect of themselves without guilt or shame. She uses her training in psychology, role-play, and body-based modalities to create real-time experiences where people learn to transform old patterns and incorporate new passions and possibilities into every aspect of their lives, including their loving and intimate relationships.
WHITTNEY MATLOCK: Whittney is a professional massage therapist, Pagan priest, healer and educator. His path to the Old Ways began when he was very young and every step has been an exciting journey. After years of exploring his connection to the Gods and Goddesses, in the early nineties he began a journey into the world of BDMS. Discovering the magik in BDSM pushed him deep into the world ecstatic trance, giving him the tools to explore this amazing world of consciousness. All of these experiences have taught him to help others learn to heal through trust, touch and ecstasy.
He has learned his crafts from the bottom up, beginning by following the path of ordeal and coming to discover his personal power through it. Now, a teacher in the BDSM and Pagan communities, he combines his experience of healing, faith and trance work to offer insights into the many ways in which magik manifests itself around us in every aspect of life.
Whittney is a perennial presenter for Black Rose Society and The Crucible, in DC. He explores and teaches about the ordeal path with the members of Kindlers of the Sacred Rhythm. He and his partner are facilitators for a public ordeal rite called SuspenDC. He and his lover are also working on many projects to be of service to their community, their ultimate goal, to create a fall healing retreat, Healing the Spirit, focusing on teaching people through trance to use the healing power inside themselves to change their lives.
Whittney’s classes are not for the faint of heart. He’ll see to it that everyone gets involved. His charm and panache will captivate you, as he pulls you out of your chair and eggs you on to discover what’s inside yourself. Take a chance, risk discovering parts of yourself that you lost track of, or, maybe, even find something in you which you never knew existed.
REID MIHALKO: Reid helps people create more self-esteem and greater health in their relationship and sex lives, no matter what their self-expression of those happen to be or where their interests lie. The sometimes “woo-woo” and esoteric realms of Tantra and energetic sex are no exception.
Reid has worked with thousands of individuals from myriad walks of life, orientations, relationship styles, countries and religions. Known for his charisma, wit and emphasis on integrity, Reid travels the country teaching, coaching, consulting and collaborating. He has been a writer and producer on a number of film and television projects about sex and relationships, and appears regularly in the media.
In 2004, Reid experienced what in the yoga community would be called a Kundalini awakening. Since then, he’s been applying this new awareness through his unique lens of being a sex and relationship educator. Using his own sexual experiences as research and collaborating with other teachers and sex geeks, Reid is sharing his findings in pragmatic ways to help more people access and understand the nuances of energetic sex.
Reid has been a featured speaker at dozens of conferences on relationships and sexuality. He has also appeared on the Emmy award-winning talk show Montel, Fox News, VH1’s Scott Baio is 45 and Single, Showtime’s Penn & Teller’s Bulls**t!, Canada’s The Sex Files and SexTV, and the short-lived Life & Style, on NPR, Sirius’ Maxim Radio and Cosmo Radio, and in Marie Claire, GQ, People, Newsweek and The National Enquirer, as well as media across the globe in thirteen countries and at least seven languages.
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