
Growing Up In A Poly Family | Facebook Walk With Reid And Koe

Growing Up In A Poly Family | Facebook Walk With Reid And Koe           Reid: Hello Facebook it’s Reid Mihalko from https://reidaboutsex.com/ Koe: And Koe Creation from http://koecreation.com. That’s K.O.E Creation.com and that’s the tall ship and then I’m kind of freaking out about it. Reid: So, we’re talking about growing […]

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Why Do Reid And Allison Like Open Relationships?

Why Do Reid And Allison Like Open Relationships?           Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid from https://reidaboutsex.com/  and I’m just trying to wipe the lip balm off the camera. Allison: So that we don’t have the Barbara Walters special Reid: Oh yeah. We could go for the Barbara Walter special effects Allison: […]

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When and How Should I Tell My Partner That I Fell In Love With A Poly Person?

When and How Should I Tell My Partner That I Fell In Love With A Poly Person? Cathy: So someone wrote in and said they fell in love with someone who’s already in a poly relationship. They didn’t mean to fall in love, it was not the partnership … Reid: It’s supposed to be casual […]

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What If My Partner Asked Me About Polyamory, What Should I Do?

What If My Partner Asked Me About Polyamory, What Should I Do?           Cathy: I’m a little bit scared guys. Hi. So, another question from one of our intrepid viewers. I’ve recently been asked by my lover this is a good this is a sweet question. I’m serious   Reid: Focus […]

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Polyamory And Being Honesty-Oriented | With Reid Mihalko and Cathy Vartuli

Polyamory And Being Honesty-Oriented | With Reid Mihalko and Cathy Vartuli       Cathy: Someone wrote in with a question said. I don’t know if you can answer this or not. But how do I find Poly people that know how to be transparent and honor and an honest. I’ve been wondering? This is […]

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Not Sure If You’re Non-monogamous or Have Intimacy Issues?

Are you a monogamous person with intimacy issues or poly? With Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com. Reid: Do you ever feel like you’ll never fall in love, that you might be broken?  Cathy: That’s a really scary feeling.  Reid: We had a question, some of you awesome folks and you’re writing […]

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Are You Poly or Monogamous In Your Business Relationship…

How do you do sex-positive business? With Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and SexGeekSummerCamp.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com. Cathy: Are you poly or monogamous in your business relationships? Reid: What? Business conversation. Sex Geek Summer Camp T-shirt means business conversations for sex educators. This is Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com. Cathy: This is Reid Mihalko from […]

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Is Polyamory Only For The Affluent And Privilege?

Does poly belong only to the wealthy and well educated? Find out… with Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com. Cathy:   In regards to the interview you did with Diane Adams, which was really good- Reid:     Thank you. Cathy:   About polyamory, someone said, “Would these academic people think differently if they lost their […]

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How Do You Negotiate With Your Partner Around Their Overnight Dates?…

Dealing with new relationships in your relationship can be challenging… Listen to Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com disagree on what’s reasonable and draw your own conclusion! Leave comments below. Cathy:   Hi Reid and Cathy. I really need some advice and someone to tell me if the rule I have in my […]

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How Do You Transition Your Poly Relationships?

A lot of poly relationships don’t so much end they transition… how do you do that well? With Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com. Cathy: In poly relationships, you don’t so much break up always as transition. Reid:    Those relationships never end, do they? Cathy: Some of them don’t. Reid:    They’re like […]

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