10 Tantra Teachers Over 4 Days on 11-Acres In the Sunshine and Under the Stars… WHO? Teachers include Reid Mihalko, David Cates, Francoise, Jaiya ma, Katie Weatherup, Kirin Khalsa, Liquid Bells, Robert Silber, Shawn Roop and Kamala Devi. The retreat is limieted to 64 sexy spiritis from around the country. WHAT? In 8-8-08 Kamala Devi […]
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An Expansive and Experiential Weekend Exploring Kundalini, the “Tantric Twitchies” and Vibrational Luvin’ with Live Demonstrations! Reid’s Tantra for Beginners and the first Hands-On Energetic Sex 2-Day Intensive went so well, that he’s running it again, July 1oth and 11th in Santa Monica… Day-1 will be Rated-R. Day-2 will be more explicit. Read below… This […]
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