Do you ever find yourself being attracted to aspects of people that you think you shouldn’t like? Or not being attracted to people you think you should like? Join Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com as they discuss preferences, attraction, and image! Cathy: Today we’re talking about body preference and body image. A […]
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When is it your problem when someone was attracted to you? With Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com. Reid: Oh, this is going to be a good one. You’ve picked the right video. Cathy: When is someone else’s attraction or arousal your problem? Or is it ever? I’m Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com. […]
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