Can AI Be Used for Seggz-Positive Work?
✅ The answer is yes, Sex Geek! Read on…

Does running your own business feel like you’re an octopus in need of a few more arms? Do you wish you had a great virtual assistant to help you complete your to-dos and daily tasks? But when you look at your bank account… Does having a virtual assistant feel years away financially? Maybe it feels more like “not in this lifetime,” right?
Don’t give up yet, Sex Geek! Help is on the way and we’re gonna make it fun… 🎉🎉🎉
If You Are…
- Tired of struggling to promote your workshops, classes, products, coaching, and events…
- Stressed at the constant catch-up to get everything done…
- Frustrated with how much effort and time it takes to create blog & social media posts, send out invitations, and craft engaging copy that connects with your audience and gets them to take action…
I’ve got good news for you, Sex Geek! There are ways to make quantum leaps forward in completing those daunting daily tasks, creating new ideas, and making your sex-positive business so much easier to run… You won’t need more arms to be the #BossBitch Octopus that gets shit done each day because we’re gonna show you how to use Artificial Intelligence to do your bidding!
Yes, it’s true: YOU can use AI to save you 70% of the time (and frustration!) you’re putting into creating authentic, touching, and powerful invitations… In transcribing your videos and time stamping your YouTube videos… In generating new ideas that inspire you and your customers… And much more!
And despite what the rest of the Internet experts are telling you… AI can even work when you’re a sex educator!
All it takes is you knowing a few important approaches and adjustments… Approaches & adjustments you won’t learn from the “experts” who just happen to work in “muggle industries” and have no experience dealing with the unique challenges & hurdles sex-positive educators struggle with every day.
Once you know the approaches and adjustments sex-positive professionals need to know… Viola!
You Can Join the AI Party and Get AI To Be Your Personal VA Sex-Positive Assistant!

If you’re feeling like you got left out of the party with AI, because you do sex-positive work… There are simple and powerful ways to work WITH AI, rather than fighting with it or abandoning it completely.
AI is not going to go away. And the educators who learn how to harness AI to help them create in their own, authentic voice will have a huge advantage over those who don’t. HUGE.
Used the right way, AI can be your virtual assistant and make your business life SO MUCH easier!
If you’re ready to:
- Save 70% of your time,
- Get tons of inspiring thoughts and ideas for your business,
- And tap into a new ease with creating polished written posts, sales pages, social media, and the like…
Cathy Vartuli and I have a free mini-course for you that will introduce you to some powerful AI support quickly. It’s our gift to you to help get you unstuck and feeling more comfortable using this powerful technology.
Sign up now so you can join the party! 🥳🥳🥳
REiD and Cathy
P.S. This training can help you transform your business with far less effort than you can imagine. Join Now! It’s free!
P.P.S. Please tell your friends. The more sex-positive folks who know about the power of AI, the bigger difference we can make in the world – the world needs us more than ever!!