Imagine you have a special birthday or holiday coming up, and you want to throw a play party for your friends but you’re worried it won’t go well… Maybe you’ve already been to or hosted play parties and all you see is that they cause MORE drama and upset than fun and orgasms…
It’s true that a successful play party has lots of moving parts and things to consider, especially if you want to reduce potential harm and increase the odds that your friends (and YOU!) have a wonderful & debaucherously sexy, non-pressured, and consensual time!
The good news is throwing a kick-ass play party is easier than you think, especially if you know how to:
- Avoid the most common mistakes even smart play party hosts make when first starting out.
- Pick a play party format that is intentionally designed to help you and your friends start the party out in an informed, empowering, risk-aware and consent-savvy way.*
- (*Sometimes the drama is coming from the design of the play party itself.)
- Set up the play party space so it’s sexy AND conducive to an amazing (and easier-to-run) play party experience — This includes the music playlist, what safer sex supplies to have at the ready, and which snacks to have on hand (and what NOT to serve)!
- Invite the friends who are already a good fit for a play party (rather than trying to recruit or make exceptions for the friends who are the WRONG fit!)
- Support your friends before, during, and after your play party so your community feels nourished, inspired, and excited to help you throw the next one!
It also helps to:
- Know how to tell when your guest list has gotten too big and unwieldy, and how to deal compassionately with friends who get butt-hurt that they didn’t get invited.
- Figure out how big a support team your party needs and how to pick the right friends to do it (as well as how to rotate their “shifts” so everyone still gets a chance to frolic and play).
- Already have in place approaches to help clean up messes, mistakes, and missteps that might happen between you and your friends as you all go through your learning curves participating in play party community, as well as ways for YOU to show up responsibly and be accountable when the mistakes and missteps made are yours.
While the world is full of sex negativity, shame, and trauma, you and your friends deserve the opportunity to create brave, safer spaces where you are free to frolic, explore, and celebrate your bodies, your pleasure, and your desires in ways that honor everyone’s nos as well as their yeses. Where everyone is encouraged to change their minds (especially in the middle of sex) and be thanked and respected for it. And so much more that can help us grow and support each other as the amazingly complex and flawed humans that we all are.
Friends don’t let friends “just wing it” when it comes to throwing play parties. True friends do what they can to stack the deck in everyone’s favor of having a GREAT time AND “leaving the campsite better than they found it.”
Is that you? Are you that kind of friend?
If what you just read has you excited (or nervous with excitement), then this online course with weekly, LIVE Q&A Zoom classes to help you feel supported while answering your most pressing questions… This course might be exactly what YOU need to throw yourself and your friends a successful, kick-ass play party!
Four Steps To Throwing Your First Play Party:
1. Register NOW — 2. Do the Course — 3. Invite your Friends —
4. Throw the Party

My name is Reid Mihalko and I’m a professional sex and relationship geek whose workshops and lectures have been attended by over 50,000 people around the world (full bio below). I even threw a play party for Oprah’s OWN Network for the Lisa Ling show, Our America.
I identify as a queer, polyamorous, slut, and I hosted my first, unintentional play party on New Year’s Eve, December 31st, 1999 with eleven of my closest friends.
That play party wasn’t planned. It just happened organically. I wasn’t a professional sex educator yet. I was barely a sex geek. And, before that night, I’d only had —maybe— five threesomes and less than 4 games of spin-the-bottle. An unintentional orgy was waaaaay above my pay grade and skill set.
However, it was a HUGE success and my friends begged for me to throw another immediately, but I suspected that we might have had beginner’s luck that first night and I didn’t trust we’d get so lucky a second time. So, being the worrisome geek that I am, I set out to make sure to stack the deck in everyone’s favor and throw an intentional orgy the 2nd time… And then a 3rd time… And a 4th… And so on.
I kept throwing play parties because I discovered how important they were to my journey of self-discovery. I had so much sexual shame, so many things I wanted to explore, and so many ways to overthink them all.
I needed a “safe,” intentional space where I knew my friends and I were on the “same page” when it came to consent, encouraging folks to use their words, respecting people’s boundaries, and not shaming people for their desires, traumas, preferences, kinks, etcetera. When I felt we were all on the same page, I could then feel braver to ask and explore the things I was curious about. Play parties became a HUGE playground for the growth and sexploration of myself and my friends.
Those things I needed to feel safer and “on the same page” would become the format for the play party’s opening check-in conversation, rules, and ice-breaking exercises, what I would eventually call the Play Party Welcome Circle Format. My sexy, inspired friends would take that format and use it to host their own successful play parties (which I loved attending because I could take the night off and not have to be the host!).
And now, 20 years and OVER 1000+ play parties later (one of them for Lisa Ling’s Our America show! WTF?!)… My friends and I continue to use the Play Party Welcome Circle Format to throw play parties all over the world. These play parties have helped thousands and thousands of our friends across several communities explore their sensuality, sexuality, and eroticism in safe, sane, and consensual ways… Experiences that have transformed lives and encouraged us to grow and support one another to live and love with less shame, and be our best erotic selves.
This course is designed to help you understand and use the Play Party Welcome Circle Format, plus a few other bits of savvy hosting advice, to throw a successful play party for your friends — one that reduces harm, encourages consent, and allows people to explore (which includes opting out) at their own pace.
Again, this course is designed to help you throw a play party for your friends. If you are looking to throw a play party for the public, for strangers who do not know one another and are just meeting you, THAT is a different animal to tackle, which requires a deeper, more extensive course and training (which launches later in 2023). However, THIS COURSE is a GREAT place to start or enhance your play party-throwing journey (Plus, you’ll get to help you and your friends experience a kick-ass, sexy-AF party!).
A Note On Play Parties & Harm: There is only one way to truly guarantee that no one is ever harmed at one of your play parties, and that is to never throw one. However, many people will attempt throwing a play party. Some will go okay, some great, and some will fail miserably, destroying friendships and leaving regrets where orgasms and smiles should have been. It is this course’s hope to share powerful, tried-and-tested frameworks and approaches to help you create successful events that minimize harm, encourage accountability, and leave people feeling more empowered and savvy in regard to their sexy skills and erotic play.
It IS possible to thoughtfully host a mindful and savvy play party, and this course is designed to share with you the ways and approaches that have been working for me and my friends since I started hosting play parties back in 2000.
What This Course Will Cover:
- This course will share 20 years of what’s been working best in the play parties I host and attend and hopefully shorten your learning curves so you and your communities don’t have to reinvent the wheel making the mistakes and working through the upsets me and my friends had to.
- We will cover the topics discussed on this page in several, learn-at-your-own-pace videos and audio training lessons.
- Additional checklists, handouts, and wall/door signs you can download and print out, each designed to help make hosting your play party smoother and easier on you and your friends.
- PLUS… Access to four (4) weekly, LIVE Q&A Zoom Calls to give you time to get your questions answered and allow you to hear the brilliant questions from other play party hosts. The Q&A Calls alone are worth the price of this class… Where else can you get your questions answered and short-cut how to avoid common mistakes BEFORE you throw your first play party?
What People Are Saying About Reid’s Work…

“This was my first ever play party. I felt so honored and empowered. I felt very safe with the consent system and people respected my boundaries. I experienced my wildest fantasy and will definitely be going back!”
“I felt like I took charge of manifesting my desired experience that evening. I’d had a great flogging and was feeling just wonderful about it and ended up leaving before closing circle because I wanted to take that feeling home with me without clouding it with any further experiences or input. It’s unusual for me to leave early (I tend to close down any party I’m at, due to a mixture of FOMO and being trained all my life to see things through), and I felt really empowered about it and still do. Thanks for your help and for creating such rad space!”
~Lauren, Virginia U.S.A.
“Reid is an incredible teacher and coach who lives what he teaches. His classes are fun, playful and packed with great information. I highly recommend his workshops and have had a fantastic time at all of the events her’s presented. I was so wowed by Reid that I hired him as my one-on-one coach. The impact of Reid and his teaching has literally changed my life.”
~Caroline Carrington, Oakland, CA
I Want To Throw a Kick-Ass Play Party for My Friends!
How Does the Course Work, Reid?
- Register for the course via the payment option that works best for you — payment plan, full-pay option, or request a discounted/scholarship ticket (see below).
- Invite your friends to join you in the course (since throwing a play party with help makes everything easier and usually waaaay MORE fun).
- Enter the Members Portal for all the course videos, audios, and resources go. Log in and start geeking out at your own pace. (This means you can binge-watch the course like it’s a NETFLIX show or take it slow and easy. You. Do. You.)
- Join us for the LIVE, Zoom Q&A Calls. There will be 4 weekly calls to help you feel supported, get your questions answered, and allow you to bond with fellow course members so you don’t feel so alone in the world!
- Participate (or not) in the Play Party 4 Friends Challenge… Put a date on your calendar to throw your friends a play party. If you’re feeling brave and want to “use” New Year’s Eve as an excuse to put all your newfound knowledge into action, go for it! (Our 4th and final Q&A call is scheduled for January 5th, 2023, so we can learn how things went for those of us who chose to throw a play party for New Year’s Eve!)
Follow These Four Easy Steps:
1. Register NOW — 2. Do the Course — 3. Invite your Friends
4. Throw the Party
You’re only a few clicks away from throwing a kick-ass play party…
Pay $197 One Time — Click HERE
Pay 3-Payments of $77 — Click HERE
Pick the payment option on this page that works best for you…
If you are experiencing financial hardship,
consider requesting a Discounted/Scholarship Ticket by Clicking HERE.
If you’ve read this far, chances are you’re interested in throwing a play party (or at least in knowing that you could!), but maybe it feels risky? What are the guarantees that this course is REALLY for you? I get it. Can I help? If you take the brave leap of action and register for the course, I’ll take on the risk of your investment for you… How? Check out my No-Risk Guarantee that gives you 30-days to see if I’m the right teacher for you and if this is the right course for you…
How To Throw a Successful, Kick-Ass Play Party for Your Friends
Comes with My 100% No-Risk, Money-Back Guarantee!

Get Immediate, Lifetime, 24/7/365 Access with your purchase.
Includes Reid’s 30-Day, No-Risk Money-Back Guarantee
Test-drive the entire course for 30-days, and if it’s not the right fit or the right content for you, simply ask for your money back within the 30-day window and receive a full refund, no questions asked!
Yep, you read that right. You could do the entire course and still ask for your money back! THAT is how much I want you to join us and how much I believe that you and your friends deserve to be experiencing kick-ass play parties!
I really hope you will join us by registering NOW.
See you inside the course, future play party host!

ABOUT REID: Reid Mihalko of ReidAboutSex.com has been called America’s Favorite Sex Geek, as well as the Tom Hanks of Sex Education. Reid helps adults create more self-esteem, self-confidence, and greater health and accountability in their relationships and sex lives using an inspiring mixture of humor, personal stories, keen insight, and comprehensive sexual health information.
Reid’s workshops and college lectures have been taught all over the world and attended by over 50,000 people. He has appeared in media such as Netflix’ Chelsea Does… with Chelsea Handler, Oprah’s Our America With Lisa Ling on OWN, the Emmy award-winning talk show Montel, Dr. Phil’s The Doctors on CBS, Bravo’s Miss Advised, Fox News, in Newsweek, Seventeen, GQ, The Washington Post, and in thirteen countries and at least seven languages
In early 2018, some very brave people came forward during #MeToo sharing harms that Reid had caused them. Reid stepped down from teaching and initiated a restorative justice-based accountability process to address his misconduct and make amends if and where possible. If your curious about learning more, this formal, year-long process along with Reid’s apology and further resources is shared publicly at Bit.ly/reidaccountability.
Reid is also founder of Sex Geek Summer Camp, Sex Geek Conservatory, and Sex Geek School for Gifted Sex Geeks, which help sex educators and sex-positive entrepreneurs learn valuable business skills that allow them to reach more people with greater ease, transform more lives, and make a better living as sexperts.
If you are looking to spice things up and take your NETFLIX’ing and Chilling to unprecedented levels… What’s keeping you and your friends from throwing a play party for someone’s upcoming birthday, next New Year’s Eve, Halloween, or just because you want to?
1. Register NOW — 2. Do the Course — 3. Invite your Friends
4. Throw the Party
Pay $197 One Time — Click HERE
Pay 3-Payments of $77 — Click HERE
Pick the payment option on this page that works best for you…
If you are experiencing financial hardship,
consider requesting a Discounted/Scholarship Ticket by Clicking HERE.