Sexual Skills

VIRTUAL Blowjob Grad School

You’ve learned the basics… Now it’s time to get your masters in the advanced tricks, and leave with your PhD in Fellatio! And Do It Without Ever Leaving Your Home! If you… Would like to take your current skills and craft to Jedi levels… Ask questions and get advanced-level tips and tricks… Leave your loved ones stammering, […]

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I Put My Dick In And She Screamed, What Do I Do When She Says Stop?

I Put My Dick In And She Screamed, What Do I Do When She Says Stop?             Cathy: So this might be somewhat trigerring question but I think it’s really important to answer. Someone wrote in and said I put my dick in a pussy and she screamed, what do […]

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A Few Resources on Power Dynamics…

An area that often gets overlooked in relationship and sex education is the area of individual/institutional power dynamics and how they impact relationships. This is an area that I was sorely lacking understanding in, but as I continue to journey further down the rabbit hole, slowly developing more awareness and understanding, I would be remiss if I didn’t shout from the rooftops, “Learning how power dynamics are impacting your relationships changes everything!”

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Reid’s Safer Sex Elevator Speech – UPGRADED for Your P.L.E.A.S.U.R.E.

Many people find it difficult to have a safer sex conversation because no one ever taught us how! I use the P.L.E.A.S.U.R.E. acronym to help me recall each of the Safer Sex Elevator Speech’s 8 steps…

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You’re Partner’s Sex Drive On Again, Off Again? What Can You Do?

How can you take care of yourself when you’re partners sexual connection is on-again, off-again? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “We have had this relationship with this woman on and off again, and the -“  Reid: Is it “we have had” or “I have […]

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Is There Such A Thing As A Male G-Spot?

And if there is… How do you play with them? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: Is there a male G-spot? I’m Reid Mihalko from  Cathy: I’m Cathy Vartuli from  Reid: The answer’s yes.  Cathy: Called the P-spot.  Reid: But it begins with a P, yes. It’s the […]

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Keep Falling In Love When You’re Sexual? Feel Like Its Easier To Avoid Sex All Together?

What do you do if you always fall in love when you have sex? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: What do you do if you’ve been struggling with being sexual? You’re a really sexual person, but every time you’re sexual you kind of fall in love, and it doesn’t […]

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If You Go Down On Someone, Do You Have To Go Until They Finish?

If you give someone a blow job or cunnilingus, are you stuck doing it until they come? Learn more from Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “If you start a blow job or cunnilingus, don’t you have to finish?” Like, when we’re talking about how you […]

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Not Climaxing With Your Partner? How Do You Feel Satisfied Anyway?

What do you need to feel satisfied, if you don’t come? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Fresh off the press, someone said in a question-  Reid: There’s a press? We have a press? This is amazing. What’s the question?  Cathy: They said, “For a woman who haven’t figured out […]

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If You’re Demi-Sexual, Can You Balance Your Relationships?

If you need to have an emotional connection with your play partners, how do you deal with a community that is more “slutty”? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: If you’re demi-sexual, meaning that you like to have an emotional connection with someone you’re sleeping with.  Reid: I thought denim […]

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