Sexual Shame

My Partner Has Erectile Dysfunction, How Could We Have Safer Sex?

  My Partner Has Erectile Dysfunction, How Could We Have Safer Sex?     Cathy: Another intrepid viewer wrote in I’ve been enjoying your YouTube videos where you and Reid answer questions saying thank you so much for everything you do. I have a question and I haven’t been able to find an answer to […]

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I Put My Dick In And She Screamed, What Do I Do When She Says Stop?

I Put My Dick In And She Screamed, What Do I Do When She Says Stop?             Cathy: So this might be somewhat trigerring question but I think it’s really important to answer. Someone wrote in and said I put my dick in a pussy and she screamed, what do […]

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Reid’s Safer Sex Elevator Speech – UPGRADED for Your P.L.E.A.S.U.R.E.

Many people find it difficult to have a safer sex conversation because no one ever taught us how! I use the P.L.E.A.S.U.R.E. acronym to help me recall each of the Safer Sex Elevator Speech’s 8 steps…

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Are You Clean or Clear When Your STI Test Comes Back Negative?

Some people us the word “clean” when their STI or STD test results come back negative… Is there an upgrade? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: Hey Cathy, I just got tested and I’m clean. How about you?  Cathy: Reid, I love that you got tested, and you’re clean whether […]

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Not Climaxing With Your Partner? How Do You Feel Satisfied Anyway?

What do you need to feel satisfied, if you don’t come? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Fresh off the press, someone said in a question-  Reid: There’s a press? We have a press? This is amazing. What’s the question?  Cathy: They said, “For a woman who haven’t figured out […]

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If You Have HSV1 (Herpes) How Do You Know When You Can Kiss Again?

When is it safe to kiss people if you have herpes? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “If you have HSV-1 or Herpes 1, how do you know when to kiss again?” That’s really a pointy question. If you found out and diagnosed with something, […]

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Is Your Condom Too Long?

Does your condom slip forward so there’s a bunch of material at the end? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “My partner and I often have a problem when the condom will slip off his dick or over stretch the tip so there’s this long […]

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Is It Normal To Have Pain In Certain Sexual Positions?

Does everyone have pain in some sexual positions? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “I’m wondering if it’s normal to have pain during certain sexual positions. I noticed that when riding my boyfriend or being in the doggy position, my lower back really hurts or […]

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Dealing With Shaming Comments About Herpes

How can you deal with hurtful, shaming comments around STIs? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: Hate mail, hate mail, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when the haters come for you? Okay, so this really isn’t necessarily hate mail …  Cathy: Well, calling us “fucking wackos” is a little […]

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Only Able To Have Orgasms With A Vibrator? How Can You Have More Fun With Your Partner?

How can you talk to your partner about needing a vibrator to have an orgasm? And have more fun with and without one? Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: A reader wrote in and said, “I can only have orgasms with a vibrator and I haven’t really talked […]

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