When Your Enthusiasm Overpower Someone’s Consent… Find out more now with Reid Mihalko from http://www.ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from http://www.TheIntimacyDojo.com. Reid: Alright there we go. Ah! Cathy: Are we live? Reid: I think we’re live. Cathy: Does anyone see anything? Reid: This is real life. I don’t know. Cathy: Hopefully not. Reid: Hello everyone it’s […]
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How Do I Transition from A Polygamous to A Monogamous Relationship? Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, I would love to hear Reid’s thoughts about transitioning from a poly lifestyle to entering a monogamous relationship. This is Reid Mihalko from https://www.ReidAboutSex.com/. Reid: This is Cathy Vartuli from https://TheIntimacyDojo.com/ and hear my thoughts. Can you hear […]
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