
What People Are Saying About Working with Reid…
“Reid. My life would have likely been ruined without your advice on honesty.”
~A.S., New York
“Reid gave two of the best workshops that I have every organized or attended at The Smitten Kitten. The content of both was detailed and nuanced without being overly dry or clinical and he easily integrated floor-stomping humor with serious information. The audience was engaged and eager to participate–they even enjoyed communicating with one another. The general feeling throughout the entire workshop was that of safety and respect; Reid had a clear awareness of how to create and maintain an inclusive space.
Perhaps one of the most significant parts of the two days of workshops, was how inspired The Smitten Kitten staff was after attending. Reid not only talks about communication techniques but models them in his workshops; this style really spoke to the staff and many of the attendees. It was a refreshing, inspiring, fun, and sexy series of education–I can’t wait to have him back.”
~Clare Jacky
General Manager, The Smitten Kitten
“If you are stuck in your business, your love life, want inspiration and digestible chunks of information for your next steps, I can’t recommend him more strongly. I love our workdays with solutions to challenges I’ve been circling around and around in my head. Thank you. 🙏”
~Monique Darling, EverydayTantra.com
“In his Energetic Sex 2-Day Intensive, (based off of Energetic Sex for Pragmatists) Reid creates a sweet, safe, and sassy environment that allows for women to be authentically expressed, appreciated, and valued exactly as they are. If you want to learn more about energetic sex or blending energetic sex with physical sex, Reid will guide you through laughter, acceptance, and savvy expertise. Super fun. Super sexy.“
~Isabella, San Diego

“Although I only had a couple of sessions with Reid, I always feel completely understood in what my needs and questions are at that very moment. In an open, fun and comforting session, he makes it easy to talk pretty much about everything and gives great new impulses in how to change/understand/act or react in relationships.”
“I am in awe at your ability to conduct a group and transmit wisdom! It was thrilling for me to participate in the process. I can appreciate how much experience and practice went into getting the teachings distilled down into the bullet points, and your humorous presentation was brilliant!”
~Cheri, San Diego [on Reid’s Tantric Dating teleclass]

Hey You!
“I’m writing to share some big shifts in my experience that feel connected to your energy workshop.
Nearly a week later I continue to be amazed at the huge shift I feel when I “straighten my hooks”. I’m referring to the velcro analogy you gave for disengaging with another person’s energy. I thought it might be a fluke, or my imagination, so I keep testing it and I am continually amazed. I get a bit teary just writing it…”
~ Madelon Guinazzo, Chicago
“It is a rare and wondrous thing to come across a life coach like Reid, who is not only prepared to give so much of himself to the process but, can help you redefine not only who you are but what you do. As a practicing psychotherapist, I approached Reid to explore certain personal issues relating to intimacy and self-confidence. Not only did he help me address those with an engaging mix of enthusiasm, humor, wisdom, and compassion–he also left me with insights that I have found valuable in my professional practice.
What I found so refreshing about Reid and his approach to life coaching was the degree to which he invested himself in the process. He was imaginative in his choice of settings, made me feel both supported and well cared-for, and was willing to address any concerns I had between sessions. Above all that, my time with him was not only illuminating, searching and life-enhancing–it was also fun!
I really cannot recommend Reid highly enough. He was open and engaging, and he helped me to change those aspects of myself that I wanted to change. Even when I felt scared about stepping away from old behaviors, with his support and encouragement I felt able to take the risk. Reid leads by example, and he has the charisma and acumen to take his clients with him. It is one hell of a journey and I would encourage anyone to take it.”
– Dr M., Psychotherapist
London, UK
“No matter the topic, even if it was one I thought I wasn’t interested in, I have always found Reid’s presentations more than worth the time. He is always both highly informative and entertaining. He clearly knows what he’s talking about, and unlike many other experts, he can also COMMUNICATE that knowledge well.
I highly recommend him both as educator and coach — I did go to him once with something I’d been stuck on for years, and was shocked at how much progress/change I was able to make with just one session. (I was able to stay unstuck after that, so didn’t need to go back, but would not hesitate to do so with other problems.)“
~ Karoline
Energetic Sex for Pragmatists (online course)
“I was reminded that sexual expression can be so much more than the same old, same old, between the same old two people.”
“I choose to acknowledge and thank you for your gift to me, Reid. It really took me into new territory of receiving on many different levels. It stretched me in ways I had not anticipated and made me aware of an area of my life that has been grossly neglected, and which I choose to schedule in some nourishment time for myself now on a more regular basis. You really helped me see the importance of nourishment time for a more balanced, “life-filled” life! I feel empowered to “choose more” for myself than I was willing to claim before, and that is part of what you give people. The empowerment to choose more.”
~ S.R., Spiritual Facilitator
I just wanted to express my sincere gratitude for what you accomplished with my husband. He listened to you, he has begun to accept what an awesome human being he is, and most importantly he has begun to allow feelings a place in his life and he has begun to believe again.
Thank you for all you have shared with my family, and the huge awakenings you have brought to my spirit. There have been so many marvelous changes and for a huge part it was because you opened my eyes, Thank you! You have gained the respect of my whole family.
Much love,
M.D., Utah”
“Hi Reid,
I have been wanting to express my gratitude for the communication skills you shared with me. I have already used them in some sticky situations and although at first it was challenging it has only brought me closer to my lover and friends…sending you so much love!
From the heart,
“Our first session was very informative and I think in certain ways it helped me get back on course in my relationship with C.K. It also helped me realize how much I’ve been hungering to be a part of a community and that was one of the things that brought me to where I am living now and am very happy.”
– Arnold C., New York City
“Reid has a way of immediately making subjects comfortable, that are otherwise awkward. His fresh perspective and ability to simplify concepts make his classes accessible and very valuable…. It changed my perspective about herpes and also helped me to work out some of my irrational fears about “catching something,” and what that really means to me psychologically.“
“Despite all my fears and anxieties that I had generated in my mind before attending Reid’s Clothes On Sex workshop, from the moment I walked into the workshop I felt comfortable, safe and at ease. Reid’s warmth, humor and frankness dispelled all my anxieites so much so that not only did I find myself asking questions but also volunteering to to take part in some of the exercises! I arrived at the workshop fearing I would be the odd one out , and left feeling far more open to myself and others with an immense curiosity of the potential possibilities in my life ahead of me”
~Dr. G.
New York City
I randomly came across this interview, and I wanted to let you know that I found what you had to say very helpful. It’s always good to hear the constant reminder that fear of rejection is not a good reason to not approach girls. I also found what you had to say about not trying to impress girls and just being honest very interesting. I am going to a party on Friday where I won’t know anyone, and I will definitely be trying out some stuff I heard in this interview.
Aside from women, I thought what you had to say about going on a journey within your own body very interesting. I have done a fair amount of traveling, and am considering quitting my job to travel some more in a few months. While there are definitely some thing about myself I would like to change, I have a hard time making the concious effort to do so. It’s easy to buy a plane ticket and quit your job… not as easy to really think about your life, your personality, how to change things for the better.
Lastly, your interview made me realize that as miserable as I am at the moment, I am actually pretty lucky with girls compared to most men. At the ripe old age of 24, I have been in 2 multi-year relationships and slept with a number of other girls. Your interview let me know that I need to constantly remind myself that girls want me more than most men, and just go into every new interaction with quiet confidence.
In any case, thanks for the words of wisdom.
Jordan R.
Reid’s offerings are a wonderful tool to connect to various parts of ourselves. No matter where you may be on your self-knowledge journey, there is space here for you.
~Kris Ellen, Sacred Sensualist,
about Reid’s Sacred And Single podcast
Wow! How AMAZING and completely unexpected! What a true gift from the Great Divine! My experience with you was the single most powerful and heart opening event for me the whole weekend…and more : )
North Carolina
Thank you thank you thank you! Are you sure your name doesn’t stand for Really Extra Incredible Dude? Or maybe the ‘D’ is for Dawesome?
~Panda S.
San Francisco, CA

I loved that people with all kinds of and depths of experience came to the workshop, and that you encouraged them to speak and contribute. I also seriously appreciated your attitude and your approach to leading the workshop. Your sincerity and attentive presence were obvious, as was the fact that you had prepared thoroughly for this workshop. These complemented each-other really well.

I absolutely love Reid’s teleclasses.
They are so engaging and funny and keep you wanting for more and more and more. Reid is witty, smart and gets straight to the point, no BS. I have never really heard anyone talk about relationships so honestly and openly and look at this topic from so many different angles.
Reid’s teleclasses never stop surprising me. I listen to them at night going to bed, in the morning waking up, while cooking, sometimes with friends after dinner. They are an excellent source of ideas for interesting conversations with friends and help me become better at explaining myself, explaining relationships and observing people in relationships. Also helps me keep a sense of HUMOR about all this relationships stuff.
When I am down and discouraged and think relationships are hell, I listen to a teleclass and get optimistic again. Thank you for the amazing work!
~Jade Jossen, music teacher
Sacred but Single (teleclass)…
I found this teleclass profoundly helpful. Reid opens up an important area of discussion for anyone involved in sacred intimacy work.
~Caffyn Jesse, MA