Relationship Coaching
Why share Reid with a crowd when you can have him 1-on-1!
Thanks for being interested in working with me on a one-on-one basis or with your loved ones! Here’s how coaching with me works. Please take a minute to familiarize yourself with my three options so we can discuss further!
I highly recommend him both as educator and coach. I was shocked at how much progress/change I was able to make with just one session.
~ Karoline [Testimonials About Reid’s Coaching and Workshops]
Basic Session Info
Reid’s been working with adults officially since 2004. Since 2009, Reid’s coaching business has exploded along with his other career commitments – mentoring other sex educators, consulting for sex-positive businesses, lecturing across the U.S., and television appearances. In an effort to give his coaching and mentoring clients the quality and focus they deserve and to keep Reid’s advice accessible, Reid has configured his coaching practice into three basic formats. Read further to see which option is the best fit for your situation and finances. Questions? Feel free to email Reid at Reid loves hearing your thoughts!
You’ve Got Three Options…
1. Work with Reid via free trainings, emails, eCourses, and his monthly membership group
2. Hire Reid for a coaching session*
3. Hire Reid for an entire weekend
*After your 1-on-1 session, if you feel like Reid is a GREAT fit for your goals, let’s discuss availability (’cause you’re a busy person, too!) and what booking a coaching package custom tailored to your needs and schedule would look like.
Option 1 – Working with Reid via free trainings, emails, and eCourses is the most affordable way to gain access to Reid’s advice, ideas, and relationship know-how. Over the years of working with thousands of adults, Reid noticed that 80-95 percent of his coaching clients were in need of similar lessons, techniques, and tools. Rather than keep repeating these same lessons with each new client or couple and having to schedule around demanding schedules, Reid began designing eCourses centered around these most powerful and most commonly needed insights and lessons. This way, clients could work on and implement Reid’s perspectives, ideas and solutions first, then, if they needed further support, they could book a session armed with specific questions and a working knowledge of Reid’s approaches.
Because of the ease, scalability and 24/7 nature of free online trainings, eCourses, and digital products, you and thousands of others can work with your “eReid” from anywhere at any time! No appointments to schedule around work or the kids. No cancelations to worry about ’cause there’s nothing to cancel! You get to set your own schedule, work through Reid’s content at your own pace, and support from Reid and his team is always just an email away!
Reid recommends starting here:
- Geek-out with Reid by joining his monthly community calls membership group HERE – you can try it for 7-days for just $1!
- Looking to work on relationships skills? Sign-Up for Relationship10x’s Free Training Videos HERE
- Looking to hone your in-the-bed skills and up your sexual self-confidence? Or feeling “broken” when it comes to sex? Sign-Up for Sex10x’s Free Training Videos HERE
- You’re a sex educator/workshop facilitator looking to build your business? Sign-Up for Sex Geek Summer Camp’s Free Business Training Videos HERE
Reid’s ePrograms and free video trainings are the most cost and time effective way to get many of your relationship coaching needs met. Don’t see the eCourse that you need? Let Reid know what’s missing!
Cost: Varies – Available 24/7/365 – Visit Reid’s store, the Sex Geek Boutique!
Can only afford to read the website? I’ve got you covered, too! Subscribe to Reid’s YouTube Channel HERE and Sign up for Reid’s FREE announcement list HERE (and get a free video tutorial right away)!

Option 2 – Hiring Reid for a 1-Off Session is where nearly everyone starts their coaching work with Reid! Let’s imagine that you’re in desperate straits with your current relationship or bedroom situation and want Reid’s unique advice NOW! Or maybe you’re not in a relationship meltdown per se, but you’re motivated to take your good relationship up a notch to a great relationship. Reid’s take on what you should be doing, considering, and communicating with your loved ones may be just what you need to shift the course of your relationship life forever.
For a lot of Reid’s clients, just one session of wisdom and perspective was what helped them alter the course of their relationship (Get it? Alter course. Relation… Ship…). You may or may not appreciate Reid’s dorky sense of humor, but there is a good chance his experience and thoughts on sex, relationship dynamics and communication skills will illuminate your love life in ways you’ve not been able to see before. Of course, as with all types of coaching and self-help information, it is always up to YOU to do the work to implement and integrate new knowledge!
Sessions typically last 90-minutes and may be in-person (if your and Reid ‘s travel schedules align) or over the phone or Zoom.
Reid also offers 30-minute “laser” sessions for returning clients or workshop attendees wanting some quick feedback or to test-drive an idea. [This is a popular choice with attendees of Reid’s Energetic Sex for Pragmatists workshop who want to hone their skills on “finding someone’s energetic “note.”]
Reid also offers longer, Half-Day Deep-Dive Sessions and 3-Day Exclusive Personal Retreats.
Should you just happen to live in the area where Reid is making an event appearance (Reid’s Calendar), consider booking an in-person session then! It’s fun to sit across from each other, but there’s always the phone or video option, which means you can always work together!
The longer the session, the more time available to discuss, explore, and dive deeper into the nuances of your personal situation. Whatever the length of your session, Reid will do his best to personally recommend books, websites, events and communities tailored to your particular needs, tastes, and orientation to the world.
Cost: Sliding Scale $200 an hour and up for 1-Off Sessions – Limited Availability, 100% Money Back Guarantee… If you only have 1hr, that’s great, but I recommend booking 90-mins. 4-hour half-day deep-dive sessions are available, too.
Coaching Sessions Types
30-min “Laser” Session
60-min Session
90-min Session (Most Popular)
Half-Day Deep-Dive Personal Coaching Session
3-Day Exclusive VIP Deep-Dive In-Person Retreat with Reid
Return Clients Only: 3-Month Coaching Package
Payments can also be made via PayPal, Venmo, or bank transfer as well – email Reid at to request that payment option.
During the booking process for your session, you will be able to select days and times that work for both you and Reid.
Option 3 – Three exclusive, VIP days with Reid 1-on-1 at the location of your choosing! Hiring Reid for an entire 3-days is the most efficient and powerful way to affect massive transformation in your relationship life.
Let’s face it, learning new information is great, but it’s in the implementation and integration of such information that is the difference that makes the difference. Spending 3-days, 8-to-10 hours a day, with Reid -sharing meals, working intensely, taking breaks, mapping out how you integrate your new skills & knowledge into your life- is just the kind of situation that allows for a deep-dive experience where you and Reid can focus completely on making you a billionaire in your relationships, in your bedroom, and beyond!
Cost: $7000 for an Exclusive 3-Day, In-Person, VIP Deep-Dive Retreat plus travel/accommodations – Limited Availability, 100% Money Back Guarantee if you’re not convinced you received your money’s worth after the first day! Really. Includes one 90-min follow-up & brainstorming call two weeks after your 3 days working together.
3-Day Exclusive VIP Deep-Dive Retreat with Reid
Payments can be made via Zelle, PayPal, or Venmo as well – Contact Reid at to request these payment options.
Upon payment, Reid will get back to you via email (usually within 24 hours) to discuss details, travel arrangements, etc.
Reid answers questions you may be asking yourself right about now...
Does Reid offer a sliding scale? And, if so, why? Yes, I offer a sliding scale.
Two reasons…
- How do you put a price tag on someone having the relationship and love life they’ve always wanted, or reclaim their sexual agency? Every time I try, all I come up with is the tag line to those Master Card commercials: Priceless.
- People who can afford to pay more allow me to work with those who cannot. People who can afford to pay more help me finance the creation of more Products and eCourses, which are helping people all over the world. Everyone wins. I know, it sounds a tad Socialist, but it’s the best solution I’ve come up with yet. Sliding scale, that is, not Socialism.
The sliding scale inside my shopping cart is currently set at $200/hr and that number works for me.
If you can afford more, and would like to up the amount, email me at with the amount you’d like to pay and I will send you a special link, or you can tip me after our session. I’m good either way. All I ask that, after you make you payment and secure your booking, that you honor my cancellation/rescheduling policy for whichever session you selected. Your support in this is appreciated and it’s all on an honor system. Really. Pay what you can afford on the sliding scale and we’re good. You’re trusting me with your relationships, why shouldn’t I trust you?
If your financial situation would benefit from a rate lower than $200/hr, please email me at with your request. I set aside several coaching session slots each month for those experiencing financial hardship. I have found that you taking care of yourself financially allows for us to dive deeper into what you’d like to work on. If you have difficulty asking for what you need around finances, I invite you to practice asking for what you need with me! 🙂
Can I book Reid for more than just 1-session or 3-Day Exclusive? Yes. However, I request that you book a one-off session first to make sure you and I are a good coaching fit for each other. After our first session, if we agree that continuing to work together is a good fit, we can lock down a 1-on-1 (or Couples/Thruples) 3-Month Coaching Package.
A typical coaching package looks like this:
- We commit to 20 hours of coaching sessions together
(Depending on your needs, we can break up our sessions into 60-min, 90-min, 2-hour sessions until we “run out of” hours.) - My regular $300/90-min fee drops to $275
(I want to entice & reward YOU for investing in yourself and making a commitment in your growth!) - PLUS, I commit to be “on call” to answer your questions within 24-36 hours inbetween your sessions (See AMA Package below for more details!)
- We commitment to using our 20-hours together within 3 months
(This encourages us to focus on your progress rather than leave things too loosey-goosey and open-ended, which can often feel weird.) - Excusive Ask Me Anything 24/7 Package Coaching BONUS (Value: Priceless!): This service is ONLY available to my Coaching Package Clients, so please don’t ask if this is something you can purchase seperately. During our 3-months together, you can text me via Signal or video chat me via Marco Polo anytime you have a question and I will reply within 24-36 hours (48-hours over weekends)… Imagine how helpful its going to be to your growth to be able to reach out anytime and get a speedy, targeted response that you can review over and over again?
3-Months Coaching Package Cost: $4000 – booking coaching packages is only available for return clients. After working with Reid at least one time, both you and Reid will know if supporting you for 3-months is going to be the most powerful choice for you. If you have already worked with Reid, please email him at and inquire about locking down your coaching package!
I want what’s right for you. If we can make it work, I will make it work on my end! Why? Because I love watching people progress towards living and loving their dreams into a reality, but it’s irresponsible of me to let people think I am available to coach them every step of the way for several years at a time when I clearly cannot anymore.
I’d rather lose your business with integrity than take your money and deliver less than 100% focus. You deserve my best, and this is currently the best way I’ve been able to balance working with and reaching powerfully as many people and demographics as possible while my reputation and career grows. My hope is that this ends up working powerfully for you, too!
What’s up with the Money Back Guarantee? I offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee on everything I do, so if I suck, after you’ve completed a course or session with me, all you have to do is ask for your money back and all you lost was your time. Really. I’m serious. I am worth it, and so are you!
Does a 3-Day Exclusive have to take place over a weekend? Nope. Any 3-Days that work for you and work for me are fair game! It’s been my experience that most people find it easier to schedule a Friday-Sunday or Saturday-Monday to dive deep into their dating, mating and relating lives, but I love any three days that end in “Y,” so let’s figure out which 3-days we’re going to set aside for us!
How do I book a 1-Off Session or a 3-Day Exclusive with you? Unless otherwise arranged, your session slot(s) is not secured until paid for. Please use the payment links above. If you have questions, is the best email to use. And, if you’d like, please tell me a little bit about what you’re looking to work on/have us cover in your email, too. It will help give me some context. Thx!
24-hr and 5-day/72-hr Cancelation Policies: I realize that schedules sometimes change last minute and I trust that you realize that our time together is valuable. With this in mind, please respect my 24-hr cancellation policy for 1-Off Sessions, my 72-hr cancellation policy for 1/2-Day Sessions, and my 30-14-7 Day cancellation policy for 3-Day VIP Retreat Sessions. Since I’m blocking time out from other sessions, events, and appearances to focus on you and yours, I appreciate you in advance for understanding. Cancellation policies are detailed in each of the check-out pages for each of the various session options.
In the event of less-than-24-hour notice for 1-Offs and less-than-7-days notice for 3-Day VIP Retreats, you will be charged for your entire session. However, if I can move another client into your slot (or you can persuade a friend, partner or colleague to sign up to fill the session – hint, hint), then it’s all good and you will not be penalized. Your support in this helps both of us since I often cannot move people into others’ slots. But, it’s worth a try, right? All cancellations made within the policy parametes are eligible for rescheduling. Let me know if you’ve got questions. I’m happy to hear from you!
I look forward to working with you in some capacity soon! Go be the change you want to see in your bedroom… xxREiD