
Welcome to Reid’s Sex Geek Boutique!


Ready to get your Sex Geek on? Grab a t-shirt, Get some Sex and Relationship Advice, Learn my Insider Secrets on running a Sex Ed Biz, or get some One-On-One Coaching or Mentoring? You’re in the right place!

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee on All Purchases!

That’s right! Your purchase automatically grants you 30-Days to Test-Drive the course/workshop/program and see if it’s the right fit for you. Not the right fit? No worries! Just ask for a refund within the 30-Day Window and receive a refund on what you paid, no questions asked! How’s that for geeky goodness?!

Sex Geek T-Shirts

Declare your sex geekery loud and proud with your very own SEX GEEK t-shirt and let your t-shirt bring all the sex geeks to your yard! Let your Geek Flag fly!

Sizes, Styles, and Ordering Info for your Sex Geek T-shirt HERE



Sign up to get these life (and sex) changing resources sent to your inbox for free…

The Safer Sex Elevator Speech
cheat sheet

Want to make “the talk” easier and look & sound like you’ve got your black belt in sex geekery? Start with the Safer Sex Elevator P.L.E.A.S.U.R.E. acronym and Reid’s FREE cheat sheet!

Grab your FREE Cheat Sheet HERE

Reid’s Difficult Conversation Formula

Get clarity on what it is you’re not saying and how to say it with Reid’s handy, easy-to-fill out worksheets so YOU can bring some ease to the difficult conversations you might be avoiding. Read the article then scroll down to the bottom to access the handouts! (Ps. the article is a great -hint, hint- link to send to a friend or family member who could use some help with their communication skills.)

Read the article & get the free worksheets HERE


Increase your sexual self-confidence and up your relationship savvy with any or all of Reid’s most popular courses and programs…

30-day money back guarantee blue ribbon seal

30-Day No-Risk, Money-Back Guarantee on All Purchases!

That’s right! Your purchase automatically grants you 30-Days to Test-Drive the course/workshop/program and see if it’s the right fit for you. Not the right fit? No worries! Just ask for a refund within the 30-Day Window and receive a refund on what you paid, no questions asked! How’s that for geeky goodness?!

Battling the 8-Armed Octopus of Jealousy

Do you or does someone you love struggle with the green-eyed monster of jealousy? Learn how YOU can get the upper hand by learning Reid’s Map of Jealousy (Guess what? It’s an octopus!), what each tentacle means, and how to figure out how to combat them.

Whether you’re experiencing jealousy on a regular basis, in love with someone who does, or just afraid that jealousy might rear its ugly head, Battling the 8-Armed Octopus of Jealousy will guide you through ideas, discussions, and homework assignments designed to bring you into deep connection with your emotions and give you the tools to not only mitigate your jealousy, but tame it!

Get the entire course – $97 – HERE or
Let me walk you through just the Jealousy Map – $27 – HERE

Image from above of a bed with grey sheets and three sets of entwined, naked, adult legs peeking out from beneath a white comforter with the text, "Negotiating Successful Threesomes the Online Course with Reid Mihalko of" in white letters outlined in pink

Negotiating Successful Threesomes

Become so adept at threeways that YOU and your loved ones get invited back to do it again…

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, threesome-curious or the lucky benefactor of a menagé à trios experience that fell in your lap, here’s your chance to gain valuable insight on something that no one’s talking about: Ways YOU and your loved ones can actually initiate, negotiate, and facilitate your own threesomes!

Get the course – $47 – HERE

Dramatic image of a woman sitting in a man's lap on the floor, facing him, whipping her hair back against a glowing orange/yellow background, with the text, "Energetic Sex for Pragmatists Primer Course with Reid Mihalko of"

Energetic Sex for Pragmatists, the Primer Course

What is sexual energy? Are energy sex and energetic orgasms real?

It’s not fair that practices like Tantra and Taoist Sacred Sexuality are so cloaked in esoteric mysticism and jargon that feels inaccessible. And if you LOVE “woo-woo” and speak it fluently, what if you’re loved one doesn’t speak “woo-woo?” How do you bridge the gap so they can experience the energy and ecstatic experiencing with you? Start learning the nuances of energetic sex… It’s easier than you think!

Whatever your level of experience with sex that seems to be “more than just sex” or playing with energetics, Reid’s humorous and informative instruction, sex education, and live demonstrations on this esoteric (and yet more common than you think) realm of energetic sex is not to be missed! 2-hour video with discussion and demonstration PLUS EXTRA BONUS CONTENT!

Get the course – $47 – HERE

Blowjob Grad School

You’ve learned the basics… Now it’s time to get your masters in the advanced tricks, and leave with your PhD in Fellatio!

  • Would you like to take your current skills and craft to Jedi levels?
  • Want to ask those nagging questions and get advanced-level tips and tricks?
  • Wish you could leave your loved ones stammering, “h-h-How did you do THAT?!”

Get the course – $47 – HERE

Promotional image featuring an picture of children's playing blocks in various shapes - squares, triangles, circles, pentagons, and stars - set into a peg board of cut-out similar shapes with the promotional block-letter text, "Finding Your Perfect POlyamorous Match. What is your ideal Poly-Style? And who is a good fit for how you do consensual nonmonogamy? with Dr. Beth and Reid Mihalko”

Finding Your Perfect Polyamorous Match

Join renowned sex and relationship educator (and queer/poly/slut for over two decades) Reid Mihalko and expert in interpersonal relationship dynamics, Dr. Beth, for this downloadable, 3-call teleclass series (Click Link for Call Outlines) designed to teach you to stop picking Mr. and Ms. Wrong, and how you can find better matches for your consensually non-monogamous relationships.

Get the course – $47 – HERE

Image of Rosie The Riveter with the text "Give Less! Get More!, Download the Entire 4-Call Series Women Who Give Too Much"

Women Who Give Too Much teleseries

Do you spend more time taking care of others than you do taking care of yourself? If so, then order this 4-Call teleseries designed to give you the know-how to give less and receive more regardless of your gender!

Join sexual civil rights lawyer and TED Talk speaker, Diana Adams, and world renowned sex educator Reid Mihalko for a frank, humorous, and enlightening series of downloadable podcasts designed to give you the skills and know-how to receive more, and assert and nourish yourself in all areas of your life, especially relationships!

Get the entire course for the special price of $27 – HERE

A grainy night-vision photo of a cat and dog cuddling on a couch looking surprised with the text, "Do you fall in love with good people who are horrible fits for you? Start... Dating Your Species"

Dating Your Species, the workshop

Why do we fall in love with good people who are HORRIBLE fits for us? 

Are you confused about dating, mating, and relating in the 21st Century? Unsure how to make a relationship last past binge-watching a NETFLIX show together? Can’t tell Mr/Ms. Right from Mr/Ms. Trainwreck?

Sex and relationship expert Reid Mihalko of knows what you need to make the current dating and mating scene less screwed up. Join us for this humorous, frank, and illuminating, collection of educational videos where Reid boils down more than 150,000 conversations he’s had about sex and relationships and walks YOU through his best thinking and advice on making sex, dating, relationships and mating work!

Get the course – $47 – HERE

Couple in bed with sex and affection. Love and eroticism in the bedroom.

Oral Sex Expertise Made Simple

Say goodbye to your bedroom insecurities and helllllooooo to a whole new world of self-confidence!

Increase your oral confidence and competence. Watch something respectful and fun with your lover that entertains while teaching! Respectful advice that’s suitable for all adults. Instant online access! (Be learning minutes from now…).

Join sex and relationship educator Reid Mihalko for the next installment in his Sexual Self-Confidence Series: Oral Sex Expertise! 2-hours of humorous, down to Earth, clothes-on-sex education where Reid personally walks you through his best teachings and techniques for creating AND receiving oral pleasuring.

Get the course – $69 – HERE

WANT MORE Reid Courses?
CLICK the IMAGE Below:

Do you wanna see all of Reid’s courses? Click on the image below to jump to Reid’s new storefront at

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Joe Yonek November 28, 2014 at 2:56 am

Hi Reid!

Wayne Clayton told me about some DVD that you did with Kamala about building communication skills with your partners. He said it was about 45 minutes and had lots of exercises that you work through.

I can’t find it on your site.

Can you help me?



Reid April 26, 2017 at 3:10 pm

OMGoodness, Joe! I’m just seeing this now. Eeeeek! Did you find it? It’s available on Amazon, too, and should be on my Store button. Hope that helps!


Andrea November 16, 2017 at 11:40 am

Help! I have been trying for 24 hours to buy a spot a Sex Geek Summer Camp 2018 and it will not process!


Reid November 23, 2017 at 4:05 am

I saw that you’re registered, Andrea! Congrats and welcome, Camper!!!


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