You Might Not Be As Far Away From Success As You Think… With Sarah

by Reid on September 29, 2016


Hear what Sarah Wessells thinks about Sex Geek Summer Camp 2016.



Sarah: Hi, I’m Sarah Wessells, I’m here at Sex Geek Summer Camp. One of the things that I learned here at camp is that I’m not as far away from getting my business up and going as I thought. I’ve got a few clients now and they gave me some great pointers on how to really grow my business so that it can start sustaining me. I love that we were at this amazing camp, that there are trees to hug, that there’s water to climb into. So when I got the, oh my god, dear in headlights, they’re talking about business and I don’t know what to do, I could always go find a place to decompress. If you’re on the fence because you think that maybe you’re not far enough along in your personal business, I would recommend coming because I’ve just barely gotten my feet off the ground and I’ve got a lot of resources now that I feel like I can go back and start implementing. And the idea of jumping into business for myself is less scary now and I’ve got more resources.

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