Workshop Facilitation

Reid visits the In Presence We Trust Podcast to talk Facilitating with Intention

Reid visits the In Presence We Trust Podcast and talks to host Rachel Rickards about Facilitating with Intention Listen to the podcast episode here: Rachels’s website: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: YouTube: Are you a sexuality educator or other sexuality professional and considering facilitating workshops, retreats, and more? Then you should definitely listen to this episode of […]

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An Invitation To Join A Conversation About Synergy In Our Teaching and Healing Lives…

How Alignment With Your Self-Expression Generates Synergy and Momentum in Your Sex-Positive Business and Career… Greetings, Peers and Friends! This is an invitation to a professional discussion, one of an eventual series… As many of you may have noticed, I’m developing my “Reid Mihalko, sex and relationship educator” brand and business into two distinct arms […]

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5-Week Downloadable Workshop Design Class – Pimp My Design!

You can design and be running your own workshop in less than 2-months! Learn exactly how Reid designs each and every one of his workshops! Based on the practices that made the communication workshop Cuddle Party an international success, this 5-part, 5-week course will introduce a unique and revolutionary set of concepts and practices for creating […]

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