
The Ethical Slut 2nd Edition (Pt 3): An Interview with Dossie Easton

Part 3 in this 90-minute interview with the legendary Dossie Easton, therapist, and co-author of the book The Ethical Slut, now in its 2nd Edition! Full interview with audience Q&A available @ COMING SOON! Reid: I think the thing for me being a sex educator is this idea of that you’re always giving permission. […]

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The Ethical Slut 2nd Edition (Pt 2): An Interview with Dossie Easton

Part 2 in this 90-minute interview with the legendary Dossie Easton, therapist, and co-author of the book The Ethical Slut, now in its 2nd Edition! Full interview with audience Q&A available @ COMING SOON! Dossie: I had… at a time we doing it for very long time, I took non-monogamy vow in 1969, so […]

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How Do I Stop Seeing Sex As A Chore?

Ever feel like sex is a lot of work and a burden? What can you do?   Suggestions from Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: One of our amazing viewers wrote in stop seeing sex as a chore. This is Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: And Reid Mihalko from Reid: Cathy […]

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You’re Partner’s Sex Drive On Again, Off Again? What Can You Do?

How can you take care of yourself when you’re partners sexual connection is on-again, off-again? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “We have had this relationship with this woman on and off again, and the -“  Reid: Is it “we have had” or “I have […]

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Is There Such A Thing As A Male G-Spot?

And if there is… How do you play with them? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: Is there a male G-spot? I’m Reid Mihalko from  Cathy: I’m Cathy Vartuli from  Reid: The answer’s yes.  Cathy: Called the P-spot.  Reid: But it begins with a P, yes. It’s the […]

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Keep Falling In Love When You’re Sexual? Feel Like Its Easier To Avoid Sex All Together?

What do you do if you always fall in love when you have sex? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: What do you do if you’ve been struggling with being sexual? You’re a really sexual person, but every time you’re sexual you kind of fall in love, and it doesn’t […]

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Not Climaxing With Your Partner? How Do You Feel Satisfied Anyway?

What do you need to feel satisfied, if you don’t come? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Fresh off the press, someone said in a question-  Reid: There’s a press? We have a press? This is amazing. What’s the question?  Cathy: They said, “For a woman who haven’t figured out […]

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Desire…What Happens When It Goes Away?

What can cause desire to go away, and what makes someone hot for another person? Find out with Reid Mihalko and and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Desire. When it goes away…  Reid: This is video 5. There are 4 other videos that you might have missed. I’m Reid Mihalko from  Cathy: I’m […]

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What If Your Partner Refuses To Sleep With You?

If they’re desire is really gone, what can you do? Find out with Reid Mihalko and and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: You’ve done your thing, and your partner is still not wanting to sleep with you, not wanting to connect that way. What do you do? This is Reid Mihalko from  Reid: […]

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What If Your Partner Won’t Even Talk About Having Sex?

If your partner isn’t interested in you and won’t even talk about it? What can you do? Find out with Reid Mihalko and and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: Video 3. What if your partner won’t sleep with you?  Cathy: Reid Mihalko from  Reid: Cathy Vartuli from  Cathy: We’ve been talking about […]

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