
Are Boundaries Permanent?

Are Boundaries Permanent?           If someone declares a boundary, is it forever? How do you know? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: So we just set a video and we’re talking about what do you do when somebody’s boundary change and they didn’t tell you. And […]

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How Do I Regain Sexual Ownership of My Body After Trauma?

How Do I Regain Sexual Ownership of My Body After Trauma?     After a trauma, how do I reconnect with my body and my sexuality? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, how do I go about regaining self-ownership of my body and sexual aspect […]

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How Do You Know Your Partner Won’t Freak Out If You Come Clean?

How Do You Know Your Partner Won’t Freak Out If You Come Clean?       If you come clean, how do you know if your partner won’t freak out? Should you always come clean? Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: This was a question in response to […]

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How Do I Get A Question Answered Here?

How Do I Get A Question Answered Here?         If I have a question, how do I get it answered? Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, how do I get a question answered? So this is a video on how […]

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Should I Combine Or Separate Businesses If I Have Multiple Practices?

Should I Combine Or Separate Businesses If I Have Multiple Practices?     How should I organize my business if I do different things? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “Could you speak to whether to combine or separate businesses if you have multiple practices?” […]

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How To Handle People Who Can’t Take a “NO” Gracefully?

How To Handle People Who Can’t Take a “NO” Gracefully?       How do you know when its appropriate your desire? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: Video number 4 here in a series because we’re on a roll. How to handle or how to work with people who […]

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When Is The Right Time To Talk To Somebody Being Sexual?

When Is The Right Time To Talk To Somebody Being Sexual?       Reid: We are on a roll. Video number 5 in this thread about something which I can’t remember now. I’m Reid Mihalko from Cathy: Cathy Vartuli from Reid: What is this video all about, Cathy? Cathy: We’re talking about […]

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Ways and Techniques to Please Multiple Partners if You’re a Poly

Ways and Techniques to Please Multiple Partners if You’re a Poly       Cathy: So someone wrote in and asked what are some techniques and ways I can please multiple partners if I’m a swinger or a poly? This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: Cathy Vartuli from Get them other lovers and […]

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Not having orgasm with a condom on?!

Not having orgasm with a condom on?!       Cathy: Someone wrote in and said I’m really, I’ve never been able to cum while wearing a condom during sex. I’m trying to be safer but I feel like it’s almost like a waste of time. I’ve tried masturbating with a condom too, nothing works. […]

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Can You Give Yourself Herpes if You Use Your Own Saliva as Lube?

Can You Give Yourself Herpes if You Use Your Own Saliva as Lube?       Cathy: If I use my own saliva, can I give myself herpes? This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: What a great question. Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: So this person wrote in that they were using their own […]

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