
How Can You Handle Fluid Bonding in Poly and Open Relationships?

If you’re fluid bonded and one of your partners partners is not playing safe with others, what can you do? With Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com   Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, my husband and I are fluid bonded with another couple, but they’re more active in the scene and engage […]

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What Do You Do When In a “Monogamous” Situation and Someone Hits on Your Partner?

If you’re not in a poly party, what do you do if someone flirts with your boyfriend in front of you? With Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com. Reid: Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com reading one of our amazing watcher/listener’s comments while I spit everywhere. Cathy: Someone wrote and said, “Hi Cathy, I’ve been […]

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Join Reid for 2 nights of SexGeekery Nov 9 & Nov 10 at Self-Serve Toys in Albuquerque

Join Reid for 2 nights of SexGeekery Nov 9 & Nov 10 at Self-Serve Toys in Albuquerque WED NOV 9TH AT 7:30PM-ROUGH SEX FOR NICE FOLKS If you’re a lover, not a fighter, but you or your lover like it a little rough, let America’s favorite sex geek (and double black belt), Reid Mihalko of […]

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Stories About Jealousy In Polyamorous Relationships

What are some examples of jealousy in polyamorous relationships? With Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com. Cathy: Someone wrote in and asked about jealousy in a polyamorous relationship and was asking if we had some stories we could share that would help bring it down to a real level, like a more […]

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Get Slutty With Dossie Easton! With MC Reid Mihalko

Dossie Easton from DossieEaston.com shares with Reid Mihalko of ReidAboutSex.com at Get Slutty With Dossie Easton, an event hosted by Cathy Vartuli of TheIntimacyDojo.com in Dallas on September 29, 2013. The event was a post BeyondVanilla.org meet and greet and VIP dinner, with sponsors Aneros, Aneros.com, Wet, StaysWetLonger.com, Vixen Creations VixenCreations.com/”Ž, Cal Exotics CalExotics.com/”Ž, We-Vibe […]

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How Can You Tell Who To Approach For A Three-Some?

Want to Initiate Intimacy? Break the ice? Join Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com as they share ideas and suggestions. Cathy: We had someone ask us- you’re such a goof-ball. We had someone ask us, “Who do I or who to approach for a threesome and how to talk to them about it?” […]

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Polyamory and Non-Monogamy Resources

Resources! Resources! Rah! Rah! Rah! It’s hard enough to have a successful relationship with one person and you want to explore open relationships and non-monogamy?! You came to the right place! Congratulations on being the kind of person who’s smart enough and courageously curious enough to fortify themselves with resources on open relationships and non-monogamy! Let […]

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Polypalooza in Desert Hot Springs, CA Oct 9-13 2014

Join me for Kamala Devi’s 4-day festival for free lovers: POLY-PALOOZA! Want to experiment in community, connection and compersion? PolyPalooza is an advanced, 4-day community building and educational festival focusing on non-monogamy happening in Desert Hotsprings, California, with Kamala Devi and nearly all her lovers on Oct. 9-13th 2014. Here are my favorite FIVE “Top 10 […]

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Talk Back AND Key Party with Reid Mihalko and NYC’s Looking Glass Theater! Oct 31st, 9:45-11:30pm

Key Party, Anyone? Enjoy Off-Broadway’s The Goddess by Justine Lambert and Kenneth Nowell presented by Looking Glass Theatre and then experience meeting like-minded adults in a modern day version of a 70’s Key Party facilitated by sex and relationship expert Reid Mihalko! The Goddess is an original comedy exploring the ideas of Open Marriage and contributing to […]

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Allison Moon and Reid Mihalko Double-Team LA’s The Pleasure Chest with Poly-Curious 101, Oct 15th!

He said. She said. The 411 for Non-Monogamy’s 101! Curious about this new “lovestyle” you’re hearing a lot about called polyamory? Maybe you’ve read all the books but want to talk to folks actually living and loving the poly lifestyle… Perhaps you caught Reid and Allison on Bravo’s Miss Advised where they talked to Emily […]

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