Dossie Easton from DossieEaston.com shares with Reid Mihalko of ReidAboutSex.com at Get Slutty With Dossie Easton, an event hosted by Cathy Vartuli of TheIntimacyDojo.com in Dallas on September 29, 2013. The event was a post BeyondVanilla.org meet and greet and VIP dinner, with sponsors Aneros, Aneros.com, Wet, StaysWetLonger.com, Vixen Creations VixenCreations.com/”Ž, Cal Exotics CalExotics.com/”Ž, We-Vibe […]
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Want to Initiate Intimacy? Break the ice? Join Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com as they share ideas and suggestions. Cathy: We had someone ask us- you’re such a goof-ball. We had someone ask us, “Who do I or who to approach for a threesome and how to talk to them about it?” […]
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