Please Read My Latest Advice for Attending LIVE Events This Summer 2024
- Get a Covid booster/vaccine ASAP if you qualify for one
- Strongly recommend scheduling a PRC test so you get your results right before you travel to Camp (your event) – and, if you’ve recently had Covid, please read more below…
- Start doing throat swabbing AND nasal swabbing with your rapid tests (they are more accurate if done with both a throat swab and a nasal swab—regardless of what the instructions say. This is important because the newer strains are detectable in the throat as much as 48 hours *before* they would be detectable in the nose. Instructions attached below).
- Recommend upping your Covid prevention protocols and vigilance (masking and avoiding large groups, hand washing, etc) 5-10 days before you travel
- Bring extra N95 or KN95 masks to Camp and wear them more (masking is still the most effective way to prevent infection and spread)
- Bring your own rapid tests to your event – enough to test daily
- Bring the specific nasal sprays and mouth rinses to Camp recommended below and use them (I believe these helped me TREMENDOUSLY in avoiding Covid at a recent event – more below)
- Do not come to Camp (or your event) if you’re feeling even the tiniest bit under the weather
- Have a plan for “What if I get ill at the event?” and how you’re going to take care of yourself and those around you
- If you’re coming to Camp, re-read Camp’s Covid plan (https://ReidAboutSex.com/sgsc-covid-policy-and-safety-plan)
Read the FULL POST and more detailed info/recommendations HERE.
Previous Resources
[Everything Below Was Updated June, 30, 2022]
In an effort to support myself during the COVID-19 situation, and because I have nerdy/geeky tendencies towards using learning as a form of self-regulation, preparation, and empowerment… I’ve been looking for and finding some resources that have been HUGELY helpful to me.
It felt appropriate to collect them in one post to make it easier to access and share.
[I will add new things as I find them and as current science & protocol information changes. List placement is where I think it makes the most sense/is most useful and not necessarily when added chronologically. I know lists like this can be overwhelming, so I’ll keep a short, TL;DR list of my top resources at the top with other links and info I have found useful below. If you’re an event producer or workshop facilitator looking for resources and guidelines for running safer events during a pandemic, go HERE. <3 Please take care of yourself.]
I’ve done my best to confirm that what I’m sharing is medically accurate, psychologically sound, and will reduce harm rather than spread panic — Please endeavor to do the same!
And PLEASE try to be kind to one another. This INCLUDES BEING KIND TO YOURSELF. Inform yourself as you have the bandwidth. Trying to learn EVERYTHING in one sitting isn’t healthy. We all have limits — Myself included (even though I don’t want to admit it!). Everyone has their own unique struggles. And those struggles, just like my struggles, are invisible to onlookers. This pandemic won’t be over in one night, so remember to pace yourself and take care.
My wish is that these resources help you and your loved ones as much as they’ve been helping me. Please share this page with your communities and loved ones as you feel called to.
Resources for When Your Vaccinated, Boosted, and Just Tested Positive for COVID…
I’m adding these resources based on what researchers and folks working “in the trenches” are seeing in regards to COVID variants, exposure, testing positive, etc. I hope they help (and, as always, please do your own research since these recommendations might change in a month or two… But I still think the foundational thinking behind these recommendations, IMHO, will most likely stay good advice even as some things shift and change.) May these serve you well, Sex Geek!
Traveling This Summer?
Here’s a great podcast episode to nerd out on… In The Bubble with Andy Slavitt podcast — Latest on COVID Testing and Summer Travel (with Drs. Michael Mina and Patrice Harris)
Tested Positive? Check Out the CDC’s Quarantine & Isolation Guidelines!
Go HERE for the latest recommendations – Be sure to check out the Quarantine and Isolation Calculator, a tool to help determine how long you need to isolate, quarantine, or take other steps to prevent spreading COVID-19. Thanks, CDC!
What to do if you keep testing positive for Covid—even after your symptoms are gone
Check out this article HERE. It might help you or someone you love!
[This is the end of the updated resources – everything below is still useful, but as you scroll down, the posts shared become older and older for the most part.]

FYI, I’m not always able to post all the up-to-the-minute new info on variants, so do your research for what’s happening NOW in your part of the world. Suffice it to say, keep in mind the Swiss Cheese Model of Pandemic Defense approach and consider being vaccinated and boosted, etc., as added layers of protection (rather than only needing one slice of cheese)!
Here are my top TL;DR recommendations on resources…
1. Sign up for the New York Times’ free, weekday Coronavirus Briefing
I’ve found this to be VERY useful in helping me feel in touch with the latest pandemic developments and expert advice about prevention and treatment – Link to Sign Up
2. Start listening to the podcast, In The Bubble with Andy Slavitt: Our Shot
This is my new, favorite COVID info podcast. Accessible. Heartfelt. High-level, knowledgeable guests who are actively working in their areas of expertise in the pandemic. Andy Slavitt is doing a great job and I hope listening to this podcast helps! Link to Podcast.
Need Help Understanding Breakthrough Infections? Listen to this In The Bubble episode…
Direct link to a particularly great episode explaining Breakthrough Infections – Highly Recommend – Link to Episode.
Wondering If You Can Keep Using That Covid Mask?
New York Times article on How To Reuse N95, KN95, and Other Disposable Masks – Link HERE.
If You’re Looking For On-Site Rapid Testing Kits…
Consider checking out your local pharmacies. I’m looking for reliable sources to order kits online (the previous one I was using charges a lot to FedEx ship things overnight which defeats the purpose of affordable kits) — if you know of one, please leave a comment and let me know so I can try it and post it here. Thx!
Here’s a Kick-Ass DIY Airfiltration System for Under $100…
Big thanks to THIS podcast episode that pointed me to the Corsi-Rosenthal box idea, PLUS the importance of air-scrubbing (especially if you have a sick family member who needs to quarantine at home, etc.)!
New York Times – Which Covid Test Should I Get? When Should I Test? What If I Can’t Find One? Answers About Testing and Omicron.
Starting to take more Rapid Tests at home or when you go to gatherings? This NY Times article might help you make better choices – Link to article HERE.
New York Times – Vaccinated and Confused? Answers About Masks, the Delta Variant and Breakthrough Infections
Link to New York Times (updated July 1st when I posted this)
New York Times – Covid Absolutism, And what else you need to know today.
I think the author’s take on “rules” and how we all only have so much energy/focus is spot on… I’m posting this here because I think it might be helpful for someone you know, or even YOU! <3 Article Link HERE.

UPDATE: Many of these 2021 resources are still useful to inform yourself on how to understand and navigate the pandemic, which is why I’m leaving them here. Just know that they are from 2021.
Here are several resources that I’m finding useful for myself as I figure out how I’m going to navigate coming back “into society” after the pandemic. Hope these help! And PLEASE scroll down and check out the “before there was a vaccine” list of resources, articles and podcasts… They may be helpful for your friends and loved ones who are still struggling with understanding the pandemic and things like the Swiss Cheese Model of pandemic defense (of which, getting vaccinated becomes a piece we add to it, not “the sole solution.”).
NEW CDC Guidelines on Wearing Masks If You’re Vaccinated…
Pod Save America podcast — Interview with Dr. Fauci (46mins in)
This interview was VERY helpful to me — Jump to 46mins in — Podcast HERE.
The Guardian – Fauci says new mask guidance not a mandate to take masks off
Other Resources…
CNN – Fully vaccinated people can travel at low risk to themselves, new CDC guidance says
Wall Street Journal – CDC Eases Face Mask Guidelines for Fully Vaccinated People Outdoors
Washington Post – Fully vaccinated seniors are 94 percent less likely to be hospitalized with covid-19
CNN – Ongoing trial shows Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine remains highly effective after six months
As Covid-19 Vaccinations Ramp Up, Hesitancy Wanes
The Wall Street Journal — Article link HERE
Need Help Understanding Guideline Caveats for Live, Indoor Events?
- Check out Blueprint for a Safer Economy – I found the FAQ really helpful, even if you’re not in California!
NBC Bay Area – How to Handle Your COVID-19 Vaccination Card
WashingtonPost.com – Pfizer, Moderna vaccines are 90% effective after two doses in study of real-life conditions, CDC confirms
Quick blurb excerpt in case you don’t have time to read the article… WashingtonPost.com, 3/29/21
In a study of about 4,000 health-care personnel, police, firefighters and other essential workers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the vaccines reduced the risk of infection by 80 percent after one shot. Protection increased to 90 percent following the second dose. The findings are consistent with clinical trial results and studies showing strong effectiveness in Israel and the United Kingdom, and in initial studies of health-care workers at the UT Southwestern Medical Center and in Southern California.
The CDC report is significant, experts said, because it analyzed how well the vaccines worked among a diverse group of front-line working-age adults whose jobs make them more likely to be exposed to the virus and to spread it.
StatNews.com – Comparing the Covid-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson
Quick blurb excerpt on the two main vaccines… From StatNews, Feb 2, 2021
Vaccine efficacy
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have shown astonishing — and essentially equivalent — degrees of efficacy, at least in the early stages after vaccination.
The Pfizer vaccine showed efficacy of 95% at preventing symptomatic Covid infection after two doses. The vaccine appeared to be more or less equally protective across age groups and racial and ethnic groups.
The Moderna vaccine was 94.1% effective at preventing symptomatic Covid-19 after the second dose. The vaccine’s efficacy appeared to be slightly lower in people 65 and older, but during a presentation to the Food and Drug Administration’s advisory committee in December, the company explained that the numbers could have been influenced by the fact there were few cases in that age group in the trial. The vaccine appeared to be equally effective across different ethnic and racial groups.
Lastly, if you didn’t know already, I grew up in a fairly chaotic and unreliable household for a substantial chunk of my childhood… This is why I resonated with Sara Benincasa’s Tweet when I saw it…

Here is a separate post of resources I’m cultivating aimed specifically at Safer Sex COVID Protocols – This gets more in-depth on testing info, approaches for building “COVID Bubbles,” and nerdy things that might be too specific or overwhelming for some folks. Thus, a separate resource list. Hope it helps!
—Evergreen Resource—
These links are the kind that are being updated constantly or, IMHO, have “evergreen” usefulness to almost everyone! The other links below I’ll add as I come across them, hence, they might still be very useful but a tad out of date. Start here with these evergreen links…
CDC’s COVID page
The CDC website – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov – is where I invite everyone to start their journey. It’s filled with straightforward recommendations and is a GREAT place to finds coverage on most things folks need to know.
Best COVID/relationship communication workshop I’ve found…

I highly recommend Marcia Baczynski’s Confident COVID Bubbles online workshop. Not only is this a GREAT workshop on how to think about having COVID conversations, but it’s also filled with amazing resources and information presented in a friendly, empowering manner.
How Severe Is The Pandemic Where You Live? tools

How Do you Calculate Household Risks?
Courtesy of Marcia Baczynski’s Confident COVID Bubbles workshop (above), https://www.microcovid.org is a useful website created by community members in the East Bay who needed a way to calculate risk for their households. See the whitepaper on the website for details.
Check out this great article in the NYTimes by Siobhan Roberts explaining the Swiss Cheese model of pandemic defense.
—Resources Added in Nov 2020—
Lay-person, friendly ways of understanding COVID…

Courtesy of Marcia Baczynski’s Confident COVID Bubbles workshop (above)… “If you are NOT comfortable with numbers, or you want to learn about / share COVID info in a lay-person friendly way that is still grounded in science, Laurel Bristow is an infectious diseases researcher and has a lot of Q&As in her IG stories. Check out her story highlights for playful, but science-based commentary on various studies, answers to specific questions and more.”
Podcast: Conspirituality ep’s 3, Why Are Spiritual People Vulnerable To Conspiracy Theories?
If you enjoy podcasts, the Conspirituality podcast has some exciting thoughts and ideas to chew on regarding what we know about the human brain’s innate tendency to look for patterns and how that can leave folks susceptible to taking sides as to whether something is “true” or a “hoax”… This might be useful to track your feelings and thoughts, or help a loved one track their’s when it comes to COVID. https://www.stitcher.com/show/conspirituality/episode/3-why-are-spiritual-people-vulnerable-to-conspiracy-theories-70813022
—Resources Added in Oct 2020—
Article: The Atlantic’s “How We Survive the Winter“
The Atlantic article, How We Survive the Winter, by James Hamblin, M.D.
Podcast: Social Distance’s “How Bad Will Winter Get?”
A candid conversation about navigating COVID and the cold, winter months… How Bad Will Winter Get?
—Resources Added in August 2020—
Podcast: Radiolab’s Invisible Allies
Historical context for combating Covid-19 with Vitamin D discussed in this July 30, 2020 episode.
Podcast: Radiolab’s Dispatches from 1918
I found this July 17, 2020 podcast episode covering 1918’s Spanish Flu epidemic very useful for understanding pandemics a little better.
—Resources Added in March 2020—
Website: Flatten The Curve
Why this post? The “Do” list is SUPER helpful + it’s being consistently updated… https://www.FlattenTheCurve.com/
Resource List: Resources to Support Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Outbreak
[Edited to Add, 3/25/2020]
Facebook post: Sex Nerd Sandra’s FB Post
I found Sandra Daugherty‘s Facebook post brief, thoughtful, grounding and filled with humanity (for those of you who have limited bandwidth for reading)… [shared with permission]
Website post: How To Have Sex in The COVID-19-Coronavirus Pandemic
For all your sexy sex geeks… This post needs no explanation as to why it’s important!
Shout out to The Cranky Queer Guide to Chronic Illness for putting that together!
Website post: Taking Care of Your Mental Health In The Face of Uncertainty
Hat tip to Damon Holzum for his Facebook post: “Good, simple advice. And… […] use the acronym STOP: Stop, Take a breath, Observe and plan, Proceed.” https://afsp.org/taking-care-of-your-mental-health-in-the-face-of-uncertainty
Thank you AFSP.org for all that you do!
Webinar: Dealing with the Fear of the Unpredictable
Rick Wilkes and Cathy Vartuli of Thriving Now ~ Emotional Freedom for All put a call/webinar together… Thank you for this, Cathy & Rick!
Podcast: How to Find Peace Amidst COVID-19, How to Cultivate Calm in Chaos
Found this Tim Ferriss podcast interview with Buddist mindfulness-teacher, Jack Kornfield, so VERY FULL of useful, peace-of-mind wisdom…
Article: I need you to read this and decide about Coronavirus
This article is aimed at CEOs, but I think it’s really useful reading for anyone, so I’m putting it here…
Podcast: The Pleasure Mechanics’ Love In the Time of Corona
I found this episode of @LearnPleasure‘s #pleasuremechanics podcast to be grounding, impassioned, informative, and soothing…
Short Article: When Social Distancing Means Close Quarters
Stella Harris blog post… http://stellaharris.net/when-social-distancing-means-close-quarters
Potential Support: If you would like more focused support from me…
You can help me support you by supporting my own work…
- Join my monthly membership group (Test-drive over $197 in training + our monthly call for $1).
- Hire me for 1-on-1 or couples coaching… Coaching Info HERE.
Resources for my fellow educators, event producers, artists and entrepreneurs…
Here is the best example of COVID protocols for LIVE, high-touch social events…
- The Bonobo Network’s COVID-19 Guidelines Google Doc — These are some of my favorite smarty-pants event producers. I love their guidelines. Feel free to share with attribution to these amazing nerds!
Website post: How to Protect Your Online 12-Step Meeting against Trolls, Zoom Bombers and Griefers
Great post for all virtual facilitators using Zoom right now… https://medium.com/@nanea/how-to-protect-your-online-12-step-meeting-against-trolls-zoom-bombers-and-griefers-53ffe08b529c
Website post: Things to think about as an event producer…
Hat tip to Rachel Rickards for this informative post for event producers that she shared with me on Facebook —
Free online course: Let’s Make an Online Course…
The idea of making an online course about making an online course while YOU make an online course is SO meta to me! One of the ways I self-regulate and find grounding is to merge helping others with creating things tools and courses that alleviate people’s challenges… A LOT of my friends and peers get paid from organizing or performing in-person at IRL (In Real Life) LIVE events. Many had their livelihoods canceled, which inspired me to help them figure out how they can bring their brilliance to their fans and followers virtually (and, hopefully, help them make some rent money)… Are you an event planner, teacher or performer? Join us for this free “How to make an online course” training…

Paid 6-week online facilitation and virtual workshop skills course for educators: Virtual Conservatory
If facilitating online workshops and upping your virtual teaching skills will help you pay the bills, let’s build your confidence and online teaching savvy so YOU can give GREAT Zoom that has attendees and clients coming back for more!

Paid 6-week business skills course for educators: Virtual Camp
If you were thinking about coming to Sex Geek Summer Camp, let CAMP come to YOU! http://ReidAboutSex.com/are-you-coming-to-virtual-camp

Article: I need you to read this and decide about Coronavirus
I think this article is REALLY useful reading for all event producers and workshop leaders… Please give it a read and let me know what you think!
Facebook LIVE: Social Distancing and Taking Your Events Virtual During COVID-19 with Cassandra J. Perry
Thank you for visiting this resource page. I hope this post was useful for you. If you feel inspired, please share it with your friends, communities and loved ones. And also feel free to email me – Reid (at) ReidAboutSex.com – and let me know what was useful for you or if you want to pass along other resources and recommendations.
Thank you for getting this far, and thank you for making the world a better place.