Should You Take The Bus To Sex Geek Summer Camp? With Sarah Elke, Brian Forst and Rena McDaniel

by Reid on October 20, 2016

should-you-take-the-busNot sure if the Sex Geek Summer Camp Bus is for you? Here’s some tips!


Reid: Campers are thinking whether they should take the bus or not. Any tips? Or…

Brian: Take the bus

Reid: Take the bus?

Brian: Take the bus

Sarah: First of all, it’s really hard to navigate here and even the bus gets lost so you’re kind of cutting out that factor by just getting on the bus. Now we’re all lost together. It’s also really…

Reid: This year, we didn’t get lost.

Sarah: We did not.

Reid: We made sure that the drivers had printed out and…

Sarah: And our driver’s really cool. About halfway through here, he figured out what we were and he was like, why are you guys talking about sex all the time? And I explained to him what we were and he thought it was really cool. Yeah.

Reid: He was actually…I talked to him and it’s his birthday this weekend?

Sarah: Yeah!

Brian: Yeah.

Reid: So he’s going to Jamaica for his birthday but he said if he wasn’t going to Jamaica for his birthday, he would have come to Woodhull just to hang out with us.

Brian: Just play good games with people. You have to connect with people a whole bunch…

Sarah: You can also opt out of the games if you’re not a games person.

Brian: Yeah.

Reid: You have any advice as well?

Rena: Take the bus. Yeah, I would have gotten hopelessly lost without it. It’s a great time to connect with people, meet some people and kind of kick start you camp experience. And plus I’m really tired and I wouldn’t want to go drive eight hours at this point. That would be terrible. So yeah.

Sarah: No.

Reid: I think I got you…did you have other tips you remember?

Sarah: I don’t remember. Bring also lots of water, dress in layers because it can get quite warm sometimes even with the AC.

Rena: People like it if you bring chocolate.

Sarah: Oh, yeah. That’s a good way to make friends.

Rena: Or sugar…some kind.

Sarah: You can opt out of games, I think I said that but like if you’re not a games person, you don’t. Nobody, you’re not gonna be weird if you don’t do the games.

Reid: Should they bring like a little earbuds or earplugs if everyone’s really chatty and…?

Rena: Yeah.

Sarah: Yeah. It can be very loud just like the bus environment and then also all the people talking so yeah, earplugs if you are one of the people that needs them.

Reid: Cool.

Sarah: What other bus tips do we have? Try to move around. People are usually pretty good about like switching seats at…

Reid: Oh, mingling! Mingling on the bus.

Sarah: Yeah, that’s mingling on the bus.

Brian: Yep. There’s a few extra seats that makes it super easy for everyone like swap around and go around and meet people. And everyone’s pretty excited when they arrive to chat with those sex geeks and just not be able to have…not have to coach their language, coach what they do, hide what they do is they might have to do in their other…

Reid: On a normal Greyhound bus.

Brian: Normal Greyhound bus.

Sarah & Rena: Yes.

Brian: Yeah, yeah. They normally don’t talk about fisting on a normal Greyhound bus.

Sarah: Oh, there’s so much talk about fisting.

Rena: So much fisting, so much fisting.

Sarah: The last two years there haven’t been bathrooms on the bus and so I think people always have questions about that?

Reid: Yeah.

Sarah: This year, we were stopping at two airports so at the second airport, people like hurled off and peed and then we also made a stop at a gas station…

Reid: Oh, perfect!

Sarah: Yeah and people peed there too. So, ask for what you need, turn the AC down, ask to go to bathroom. We don’t need any conscience.

Reid: Thank you so much.

Sarah: No problem.

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