Reid Speaking At International Academic Polyamory Conference, Berkeley, Feb 17th!

by Reid on January 23, 2013

Sex and relationship expert Reid Mihalko wearing a black tux shirt sitting  against red velvet curtains with in text across the bottomJoin Reid in Berkeley for the International Academic Polyamory Conference!

The International Academic Polyamory Conference will explore psychological research, sociological surveys, sociocultural studies, anthropological research, political analysis, historical studies, future projections, or other types of studies related to monogamy and nonmonogamy, including polyamory, open marriages, polygamy, “swinging” and other forms of consensual non-monogamy. 

Dates: Feb 15-17th, 2013
Where: 2601 Warring Street, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 – Clark Kerr Campus, Bldg #14, Room 204*

*PLEASE look for signs in case room/bldg changes!


The conference goes from Feb 15-17th! Reid’s talk happens Sunday morning, Feb 17th, at 10:30am.

How Not To Eat Our Own: How We Can Use Communication Skills, “Self-Cleaning Design” And Aspirational Role Modeling To Uplift The Sex Positive Community

Have you noticed that the sex positive community is facing more in-fighting these days? Are you noticing that people inside of your community are “choosing sides?” Do you find it difficult to get clear, accurate information when you try to look into a community issue that’s causes you distress? Are peers sharing with you things that seem to create more drama than they’re reveal solutions?

It’s natural for any growing community to inevitably go through it’s growing pains, but with today’s social networking landscape being what it is, gossip and unchecked opinions travel faster and wider than ever before causing more damage.  And though most people have a cell phone with them at all times, less and less folks actually call the people they’re having issues with before they hit “publish,” all with disastrous effects on the change we want to effect in the world.

What if it didn’t have to be like this? What if our growing pains could be celebrated and calibrated to bring us closer together rather than further apart?

Join Reid Mihalko as he talks about how we as a community can be more inspiring role models for each other, design stronger, less drama-filled communities, and take the bandwidth we spend on “eating our own” and redirect it to helping make the world a better, more sex positive place.

Dates: Feb 15-17th, 2013
Where: 2601 Warring St, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 – Clark Kerr Campus, Bldg #14, Room 204*

*PLEASE look for signs in case room/bldg changes!





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