Got the “Tantric Twitches?” Want To Win at “The Group Sex?”
I’m coming to Edmonton, for 2-Days Only! So tell your friends and let’s get geeky in an international way, shall we, Canada? Squeeeee!
Both of these classes are open to all genders and all experience levels. Join us and let’s have some fun learning.
Can’t wait to meet you all.
Plays Well
with Others: Negotiating Group Sex, Play Parties, and Non-Monogamy – Wed, August 24th
Is avoiding mistakes when it comes to Group Sex, Play Parties, and Non-Monogamy worth your time? Want to save yourself potential headaches and heartaches? Knowing how to negotiate and where to draw the line for yourself and in your relationships (and how to talk about it all) can save everyone a ton of pain and frustration!
Navigating group sexual dynamics in any relationship takes skill, patience and a little bit of luck. If “luck” is where opportunity and preparation meet, then learning how to negotiate relationship boundaries and agreements is a sure-fire way to make the two, or three, or four of you the luckiest people on Earth!
With the dizzying array of relationship options available to people who’ve decided to “play well with others,” how do you, and your partner or partners (if you’ve got any), figure out what will work best? What is open to renegotiation? And what do you do when the inevitable challenges arise or when someone makes a bad call?
Join sex and relationship expert Reid Mihalko of for Plays Well With Others: Negotiating Group Sex, Play Parties, and Non-Monogamy, a two-hour workshop devoted to single people, couples, and multiple partners of all orientations and levels of experience who want to learn how to create workable boundaries and agreements for playing sexually with others simultaneously.
In this humorous, interactive evening, you will learn:
- The most common pitfalls of relationship agreements for group sex and how to avoid them
- How to figure out what a boundary is and where your boundaries exist, so all involved can negotiate a win-win!
- How and when to renegotiate an existing rule or agreement
- Negotiating techniques for when you’re the single person joining in with a couple or moresome
- How to merge different styles of “sexploration” in monogamy and non-monagamy so that everyone has a decent chance of ending up happy “the day after”
- Five essential things that will help you survive any group sexploration
- How to work through upsets in ways that will make your relationships stronger
This workshop is open to couples and singles and moresomes of all sexual orientations, levels of experience, and relationship statuses.
Whatever you level of experience and curiosity, whatever your relationship status or orientation, Reid promises an informative evening chocked-full of great communication and relationship skills!
Date: Wednesday August 24, 2016
Time: 7-10pm
Location: at alt.SPACE, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Ticket Prices: $25CA early-bird, $30CA pre-order, $38CA at the door
Explore Kundalini, the “Tantric Twitchies” and Vibrational Luvin’ with Reid without the Woo-Woo! – Thurs, August 25th
Remember that Cosmo magazine article that talked about how Tantra and breathing could give you explosive orgasms? How about the urban legend about Sting having sex for eight hour stints?
Regardless of your tolerance for words like “chakras” and “yoni,” there is a non New Agey way to understanding and incorporating ecstatic experiences into your bedroom routine that is fun, easy, and explosive.
If you or a lover have ever experienced post-orgasmic spasms or “twitches” after lovemaking, or feelings of heat and tension in your lower back, hands, neck or throat… You might be more energetic in your sex life than you think! And if you’ve never experienced those things but would like to, you might be pleasantly surprised how easily energetic sex is to grasp and play with.
Join sex and relationship expert Reid Mihalko of for an evening of frank, fun, and electrifying learning targeted for folks who aren’t necessarily New Agey. Reid promises to drop the woo-woo and leave his Sandskrit-to-English dictionary at home! And, for those of you who say Namasté instead of “thank you,” Reid’s got you covered, too!
You will be introduced to:
- Reid’s particular views on how sexual energy “behaves” and how it “works,” as well as ways you can begin accessing more energetic awareness in the bedroom
- What Kriyas (“the twitchys”) can look like and what to do when you or a lover experiences them
- Three possible approaches for engaging sexual energy and expanding it when exploring energetic sex with a partner or solo with yourself
- What playing a singing saw has to do with energetic sex and expanding your lovemaking
- Simple breathing and “presence” techniques to build up energetic awareness
- How to use “pressure play” and where so you can help unlock and activate points on your lover’s body to augment energetic experiences during love making
- A few advance tips and tricks that will make you smile and your partner moan regardless of whether “the twitchys” happen or not!
Whatever your level of experience with sex that seems to be “more than just sex,” Reid’s humorous and informative instruction, sex education, and live demonstrations on this esoteric (and yet more common than you think) realm of energetic sex is not to be missed!
DATE: Thursday August 25, 2016
TIME: 7-10pm
LOCATION: at alt.SPACE, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
TIX & INFO: $25CA early-bird, $30CA pre-order, $38CA at the door
Curious about booking Reid for a private class? Go HERE!
ABOUT REID MIHALKO: America’s favorite sex geek, Reid Mihalko of and helps adults and college students create more self-esteem, self-confidence and greater health in their relationships and sex lives using an inspiring mixture of humor, keen insight, and comprehensive sexual health information.
Reid frequently speaks at colleges and universities on sexual assault prevention and healthy relationship skills, and regularly appears in the media sharing his views on consent, dating, and shame-free sexuality.
Reid’s workshops and college lectures have been attended by close to 50,000 men and women. He has appeared in media such as Oprah’s Our America With Lisa Ling on OWN, the Emmy award-winning talk show Montel, Dr. Phil’s The Doctors on CBS, Bravo’s Miss Advised, Fox News, in Newsweek, Seventeen, GQ, The Washington Post, and in thirteen countries and at least seven languages.
Reid is also founder of Sex Geek Summer Camp and Sex Geek School for Gifted Sex Geeks which help sex educators learn valuable business skills that allow them to reach more people, transform move lives, and make a better living as sexperts.
Follow Reid on Twitter and Facebook and YouTube.