Tonight’s theme: “Starf*cker!”
Who’s in Reid’s story…
[From Bawdy Storytelling’s website…] Admit it: you’ve rubbed one out to a celebrity daydream. You know, the naughty notable that feels like they’re speaking especially to YOU from the TV/radio/podium – and that unsurpassable fantasy that you’ve crafted about them, the one you pull out when we need that extra boost to get ya ‘over the top’ at that crucial moment? What would happen if you stopped merely thinking about it, and actually went out there to make it happen?
We’ve wondered the same thing, so this month Bawdy Storytelling — the Hollywood Babylon of true personal narrative – takes on making your big cheese dreams a reality. These talented storytellers will tell true stories of what they wanted, and just exactly what they got; from making the most of that backstage pass to meeting their favorite pornstar to insert-your-sweet-release here. You’ll walk away with insider information on some of the superstars and sub-lebrities you’ve always wondered about — plus: we call them ‘tellers’ for a reason. These folks will lay it all out so that YOU can do the same!*
*But insert your own favorite megahottie, of course.
Your salacious celebrity soilers for tonight:
- Pansy Division’s Jon Ginoli
- Former Strap-On Queen & Duranie Electric Barbarella
- Showman & Raconteur Chicken John
- Sex Educator & Role Model Reid Mihalko
- Lube lover and Manager of dongs & thongs Tovah
- Lesbian Werewolf Author & Vulva Instructor Allison Moon
- Sex therapist & PornStar Katie Peach
- Music by Tom Jonesing!
Tickets here:

Phone sex with my girlfriend while under CIA phone tap? But of course! ONLY at Bawdy…
ABOUT BAWDY: Bawdy Storytelling features real people & rockstars sharing their bona fide sexual exploits in 10 minutes or less; think of us as a One Night Stand with the Moth & Savage Love. Storytellers are an eclectic mix of authors, porn stars, & sex educators, along with regular joes just like you who submitted their stories online and were chosen for their panache and sense of (mis)adventure.
Each themed evening of true dirty stories features tales of carnal wins and epic fails with no scripts, no nets, and no holds barred. You may even go home with a few new tricks for your boudoir arsenal!