Reid About Media!
Looking to add Reid to your show,
article or documentary? Looking to produce a sex-positive segment and need to tap into Reid’s resources, rolodex and/or Reid’s producer skills?
Email Reid
at and
CC Mike Sword at
Reid, you were FANTASTIC!!! We are so glad to have found you. Your segment of Swingers Next Door was KEY – informative, enlightening, down-to-earth, funny and filled in many missing pieces from the rest of the show. Thank you for your participation, and for the lovely note!All best,Amy
Amy Bucher | part2 picturesExecutive ProducerOUR AMERICA with Lisa Ling
If you want a thoughtful (and sometimes humorous) man’s take on anything
having to do with sex, communication, dating, intimacy and relationships on college campuses and beyond Reid has appeared in media worldwide in at least fourteen languages across twenty-four countries to date and growing…

- Sex Diaries [ep 3], HBO – As the episode follows a day in the love life of polyamorous woman, Lola, Reid makes a guest appearance as one of Lola’s long-term, long-distance partners/lover.
- Chelsea Does… [Marriage, ep 1], Netflix – Reid and Chelsea Handler talk about marriage, polyamory, and what makes for healthy relationships
- Our America with Lisa Ling season 2, Swingers Next Door episode, Oprah’s OWN – Reid’s Plays Well With Others workshop and 1-on-1 interview featured
- The Doctors, CBS – Reid talking about Tantra and Kundalini Yoga
- Fox News, FOX – Segment discussing Reid’s controversial college lecture series
- Miss Advised, season 1, episode 4, Bravo TV – Reid’s Full-Body Kiss workshop and Date Your Species advice featured
- CSI: New York, episode: Grand Murder at Central Station, CBS — Cuddle Party’s first prime-time drama appearance
- Saturday Night Live, NBC — Cuddle party mentioned during Weekend Update segment
- Stephen Colbert Report, Comedy Central — Cuddle Party mentioned in the Wag of the Finger segment
- The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC — Cuddle Party mentioned in Jay Leno’s opening monologue two nights in a row

Reid would also like you to know, in early 2018, some very brave people came forward sharing harms that Reid had caused them. Reid stepped down from teaching and initiated a restorative justice-based accountability process to address his misconduct and make amends if and where possible. The formal, year-long process along with Reid’s apology and resources were shared publicly and can be found at Going forward, Reid’s projects and appearances will include pointing people towards resources and experts on restorative and transformative justice (RJ/TJ), as well as community accountability processes. If you’re looking for recommendations on people and organizations focusing on this vital work, Reid would be more than happy to pass you along to the ones who’ve made the biggest impact on his journey.
View Reid’s Recent Press Appearances
- CBS News
- Fox News
- CBS’ The Doctors
- Oprah’s Our America with Lisa Ling on OWN
- Montel with Montel Williams
- Netflix’ Chelsea Does… [Marriage, ep 1], with Chelsea Handler
- Bravo’s Miss Advised
- Sweden’s 69 Things You Would Like To Know About Sex
- Showtime’s Pen and Teller’s Bulls**t!
- PlayboyTV’s Talking Dirty
- VH1’s Scott Baio is 35 and Single
- HBO’s Real Time w/ Bill Maher
- Canada’s The Sex Files and SexTV
- Comedy Central’s Weekends On the DL
- Telemundo
- Sirius’ Maxim Radio and Cosmo Radio and The Inner Circle with Neil Strauss
- Newsweek
- People
- The Washington Post
- GQ
- Marie Claire
- Seventeen Magazine
- The New York Daily News
- The London Sunday Times
- Newsday
- Details Magazine
- The Los Angeles Times
- The National Enquirer
- Media coverage in at least fourteen languages in at least twenty-four countries worldwide to date.
Listen to Reid on NPR:
Reid quoted in the Huffington Post:
Reid quoted in

The press page for the communication workshop that launched Reid’s career into the stratosphere: the hugely successful…
And a 3-minute montage from the first four years of Cuddle Party media coverage… (Unfortunately, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The Colbert Report, and SNL’s Weekend Update Cuddle Party skits aren’t on this clip. Yet!)
Other places Reid’s face, work or words have appeared…

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