Trick or Treat!
Happy October, everyone!
Fall has officially begun descending upon us, and with it so has “cuddle season!” So dig out your flannel pajamas and get ready to snuggle up…
In this month’s newsletter:
- Cuddle Party’s snuggle-O-licious new website
- Missed the Times Square Round-Up? Watch the Encore Broadcast!
- Real Men DO Cuddle! – Article of the Month
- What do Threesomes in West Hollywood, Tantra-Paloozas in Hidden Valley, and Elevator Speeches in Seattle, WA have in common?
- Reid’s Product of the Month
- Reid Recommends: Joseph Kramer!
- The Month In Pictures!
Cuddle Party’s New Look…
Cuddle Party, the workshop that launched my career and is now an official non-profit organization, has launched it’s new website –
In honor of Cuddle Party’s new and improved pair of “digital pajamas,” I’m reprinting one of my favorite articles from waaaaaay back in my days as the Sultan of Sunggle! (See below)
Download and Watch the Round-Up!
September was “Back To School” month, and co-produced a very successful learning event in the heart of Times Square! New York City was witness to the 2nd Annual, Great N.E. Sacred Sexuality Round-Up, 4-days of events, workshops and networking with a handful of the most talented peeps in the areas of sex, spirituality, intimacy and consciousness and we’ve got the pictures to prove it (see below)!
Thanks to the awesome people at Quest.TV, we were the first sexuality conference to broadcast LIVE across the Web from Times Square!
And we’ve got VIDEO to prove it! (Video that YOU can watch in the comfort of your own home or office! Yay, technology!!!)
Watch the Encore Broadcast HERE!
Article of the Month: Real Men Don’t Do Cuddle!
by Reid Mihalko
(originally posted Oct 5th, 2004 on
Bill Maher recently declared on his new HBO show, Real Time with Bill Maher, that “Cuddling is for girls.” He went on to humorously advise against Cuddle Parties for men, stating that the only time a man should say that he needs a hug is if he’s choking.
Maybe a good spooning would sway Bill Maher’s view point, but his humor is right on. The opinion that “skipping the screwing entirely” and going “right to the boring part afterward (cuddling)” is a sure sign of the “neurotic and emasculated” is funny because it’s so on-target with what many people think. It’s exactly what a virile, All-American, He-Man is supposed to say about non-sexual touch, right?
Real Men don’t eat quiche, and Real Men DON’T cuddle… Or do they?
Coming Up This Month…
What’s next, you ask? This week I’ll be in Los Angeles teaching my Negotiating Successful Threesomes at West Hollywood’s The Pleasure Chest! (Can’t get to LA? No worries, download my Initiating Successful Threesomes teleclass HERE!)
After the Pleasure Chest, I’ll be hiding out at the Hidden Valley Spa outside of San Diego teaching at Kamala Devi’s Tantra-Palooza (Sorry. It’s sold out. Next year?). That’s 10 teachers on 10.10.10! Go to Kamala’s webpage to check out her FR*EE GIFTS
And later this month, for those of you in the great North West, I’ll be in Seattle, WA, for two weeks running the upcoming Sex and Consciousness Educators Conference, teaching my The Ins and Outs of Hand-Sex workshop at the Sharma Center, and then participating in the Poly-Living Conference and Polyamorous Leadership Summit.
Come join meeeeeee in Seattle!
Product of the Month…
In honor that I’ve been teaching my Negotiating Successful Threesomes workshop all over the place, and have been getting lots of requests to, “Come teach it where I live!”… Please feel free to partake of my downloadable Initiating Successful Threesomes podcast and manual! At $47, it’s a steal AND it comes with a full, 100% money back guarantee ’cause that’s how I roll!
Reid Recommends…
Anything that Joseph Krammer is up to!
Even before Joseph granted me an interview at San Fran’s Center for Sex and Culture, I’d been a big fan of his work! Looking to learn how to give erotic massage to your loved ones, or even to YOURSELF? Check out Joseph’s The New School for Erotic Touch for hundreds of hours of explicit video from the pioneer in Taoist Erotic Massage and creator of The Body Electric School!
This Month in Pictures…
From giving advice on polyamorous dating to teaching at this year’s Dark Odyssey Summer Camp to running sexuality conferences steaming LIVE from Times Square, boy oh boy was September a busy month!
Here are a few highlights from the 2nd Annual, Great N.E. Sacred Sexuality Round-Up (which is now available as pay-per-view downloads, btw)…

Richard Anton Diaz and I kicked off the Round-Up weekend with a special Club Tantra Lounge event near the Empire State Building…
Friday night’s Women And Power Symposium Panel, led by Diana Adams, Esq., drew rave reviews!

We had some fiercely powerful and articulate women on the panel. The crowd loved it and we broadcast it LIVE on the web!

Friday night’s Women And Power Symposium and Q&A was packed and was streamed LIVE across the Web for free! After, I had all the Round-Up presenters join the panel…

Richard Anton Diaz, founder of New York’s and Round-Up co-organizer, leading a talk on Taoist sexual practices and spirituality at Reflections Yoga in Times Square.

Kiovanna, founder and director of East Techniques Sacred Arts Learning Center, talking about the power of women’s anatomy at 2010’s 2nd Annual Sacred Sexuality Round-Up.

Round-Up presenter Erica Henson talked about the power of selectivity and celibacy inside of Tantra and how to attract your ideal partner.

The Conscious Loving Couples discussion panel at the Sacred Sexuality Round-Up drew a huge crowd and generated loads of juicy discussion on how commitment, freedom and spirituality impact intimacy and love!

Young and old alike celebrated the Round-Up… The ever-exhuberant Reverend Goddess Kennedy showed up!

The Round-Up’s 4-days of events, workshops, and community bonding ended on a high note with a dancing ritual and wisdom sharing circle!