
How Do You Write Workshop Descriptions and Good Sales Copy? | Facebook Walk With Reid

How Do You Write Workshop Descriptions and Good Sales Copy? | Facebook Walk With Reid           Reid: Alright I think we’re live everybody. Cathy: Are we live? Reid: We are live. Hello everybody! It’s Reid Mihalko from and and when I’m wearing my green sex geek summer camp T-shirt […]

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How Do You Navigate Consent Violations In The Community?

How Do You Navigate Consent Violations In The Community?       Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “How do I navigate consent violations on a group and what about accusations for spaces where I might be in a facilitation role or even brave enough to step into one when no one else can or […]

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How Can You Share That You Want To Go Deeper Into A Relationship While Staying Grounded?

How Can You Share That You Want To Go Deeper Into A Relationship While Staying Grounded?     Cathy: So we’re just doing a video talking about how you can transition from casual sex into a relationship and how you might want to have that conversation and I really liked when Reid was role modeling, […]

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How Can I Transition From Casual Sex To Relationship?

How Can I Transition From Casual Sex To Relationship?     Cathy: So we were talking in some…a video where we just shot about how to initiate sex if you’re out on a date or hanging out with someone that might be a friend like you’re not sure and this person wrote in and said, […]

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Tips For Submitting Proposals To Sex Positive Conferences

Tips For Submitting Proposals To Sex Positive Conferences         Reid: Hello everybody, it’s Reid Mihalko from creator of Sex Geek Summer Camp and I am here with guest star today in the early morning.   Cathy: Beautiful morning.   Reid: Beautiful morning here in Portland, Oregon right outside of Portland and […]

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How Can You Add Value For Yourself, Other Panelists, and Attendees At A Conference?

How Can You Add Value For Yourself, Other Panelists, and Attendees At A Conference?     Reid: Hello everybody. It’s Reid Mihalko but I’m on I’m on your Facebook channel   Cathy: You are. Hi everyone. I’m Cathy Vartuli from and I’m here with Reid Mihalko and yesterday we did a video on […]

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Shame, Perfectionism, and Redemption How Community Clean Things, Restore Justice, and Heal #cconheal

Shame, Perfectionism, and Redemption How Community Clean Things, Restore Justice, and Heal #cconheal       Cathy: To overcoming shame and perfectionist….perfectionism in the sex positive community, we want to promote a culture that enhances intimacy growth in community. I’m really glad you’re here today, I think this is a very difficult topic but we’re […]

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Using Video and YouTube to Reach New Audiences, Inspire Your Followers and Touch Lives #cconvideo

Using Video and YouTube to Reach New Audiences, Inspire Your Followers and Touch Lives #cconvideo       Reid: Alright. Let’s start, let’s start, let’s start! Good morning campers!   Cathy: They’re not necessarily campers.   Reid: Shhhh. Let them do it. They can identify whoever they want to identify Cathy.   Cathy: Yes   […]

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Walk With Reid Facebook Live: Different Ways to Reach And Engage Your Audience

Walk With Reid Facebook Live: Different Ways to Reach And Engage Your Audience     Reid: Alright. Okay. Hello everyone! It is Reid Mihalko. I think I’ve got this all working out right. I’m broadcasting from my office on my walking treadmill but I’m being really geeky I’m I’m testing out my wireless mic which […]

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Vera Casey And Reid Facebook Live: 3 Mistakes Sex Educators Make

Vera Casey And Reid Facebook Live: 3 Mistakes Sex Educators Make     Reid: Hello everybody it’s Reid Mihalko from I’ve got my, I brought my sex geek summer camp shirt to put on so you know this is business advice and I’ve got the amazing sex doula. Vera: Hi. Reid: Vera Casey here […]

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