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Unicorn Bootcamp: Skill-Building & Letting Your Sparkle Shine Midwifing Couples and Individuals Into Group Experiences (Without Burning Out!) 🦄

Do you identify as a Unicorn or “Threesome Midwife”? 🦄💞😍😍 Are you a natural nurturer who feels called to support couples and individuals in exploring intimacy, setting boundaries, and discovering their authentic desires when it comes to group dynamics?  Let sex and relationship educator (and fellow Unicorn who’s experienced over 1000 threesomes and moresomes), Reid […]

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Time to Join the Unicorps Retreat With Reid Mihalko

Become one of the greatest Unicorns on Earth by taking your threesome midwifing skills to the next level! 🦄✨ Can’t join us THIS time? Want to know when the next retreat is? Join the Unicorps Announcement List HERE. 🌟 Join the Unicorps Retreat with Reid Mihalko 🌟When: March 7th – 11th, 2025 Where: New Orleans’ […]

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What Snacks Would You Want at Your Play Party?

Do you know what the best snack foods are for play parties? Well, I have answers for you. Read on… What Snacks Go Best at a Play Party? My friends and followers have shared which favorite play party snacks get them in the mood… And I’m curious what foods do it for you? Feel free to leave […]

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Reid’s New Year’s Eve Challenge

• ONLY FOR THE BRAVE (That’s YOU!) •Consider Making THIS New Year’s Unforgettable… The holidaze are upon us so I’ll keep this short! I waited until after Black Friday because I know how bananas the holiday shopping rush can be after the food coma wears off. So now that you’ve escaped family obligations, the stores, […]

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How To Throw a Successful, Kick-Ass Play Party for Your Friends, the online course

Imagine you have a special birthday or holiday coming up, and you want to throw a play party for your friends but you’re worried it won’t go well… Maybe you’ve already been to or hosted play parties and all you see is that they cause MORE drama and upset than fun and orgasms…  It’s true that […]

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Myth Busting: “Keeping It Casual” = You Don’t Care

The Common Misconception:“Keep It Casual” Automatically Means “Not Caring” How many times have you (or someone you know) started dating someone with whom you clicked, only to find yourself madly in love with them ASAP… And then, a year later, find yourselves mad at each other and no longer in love? (And still emotionally attached […]

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The Venn Diagram of Compatability and Why Is It Important?

What Is The Venn Diagram of Compatability and Why Is It Important? The Venn Diagram of Compatability (A.K.A. The Venn Diagram of “Is This Even a Good Idea?”) consists of four circles that Misha Bonaventura and I created. We suggest folks seeking to date or hook up take a peek at the four circles BEFORE […]

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From Premature Attachment To Slut Secure – 5-Week Course

Finding yourself in over your head trying to balance this world of relationship, sluttiness, sexy possibility, love chemicals, and secure attachment? Know someone who’s caught feelings when they didn’t want to? Have you tried not to catch feelings only to have your stomach and heart tied up in knots after having great sex with great […]

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2022 IN-PERSON, Sex Geek Summer Camp Dates Announced!

Can YOU Say 350ft Slip ‘N Slide In 2022? Are you a sex educator, workshop leader, toy blogger, Tantra teacher, therapist, sex worker, burlesque performer, coach (or someone whose career falls under the sex-positive entrepreneur umbrella?)… If you need some R&R and want to nerd out on how to build a more successful business helping […]

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Midlife Crisis, Anyone?

Midlife Crisis, Anyone? 🏖️ I’ve taken up kitesurfing in Mexico! Is it the Pandemic? A midlife crisis? Both? It might be both – the pandemic seems NEVER ending, and I am about to turn 54 at the end of January… However; I also think I’m finally harnessing my sex geeky learning skills to exert some […]

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