Events & Appearances

BEING RESCHEDULED: Receptive Masculine Meets Penetrative Feminine Retreat

Unlock the “forbidden” pleasures most polarity experts won’t tell you about! Join Amanda Ananda and yours truly for a weekend retreat devoted to exploring what polarity teachers and common concepts of “masculine” and “feminine” often leave unexplored: The ideas, practices, and immense pleasures that are ripe for the picking when you unlock the “receptive masculine” and “penetrative feminine!” 🍑 🍆 🥰

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From Premature Attachment To Slut Secure – 5-Week Course

Finding yourself in over your head trying to balance this world of relationship, sluttiness, sexy possibility, love chemicals, and secure attachment? Know someone who’s caught feelings when they didn’t want to? Have you tried not to catch feelings only to have your stomach and heart tied up in knots after having great sex with great […]

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What Do Sex Educators Do?

What Do Sex Educators Do?               Cathy: What does a sex educator actually do? I’m here with Reid Mihalko from Reid: I’m here with Cathy Vartuli from sitting right next to me. Cathy: Yup. So Reid, what is it that a sex educator, if you were defining […]

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Unrealistic Desire: Fears And Ways Of Sharing Them To Someone

Unrealistic Desire: Fears And Ways Of Sharing Them To Someone Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “I would love you to talk about the fear that one’s desires are too unrealistic or niche to express or share with anyone.” I’m here with Reid Mihalko from Reid: Cathy Vartuli from staying right by my […]

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Reid’s Sex 10X Deep Dive Retreat | Facebook Walk With Reid And Gretchen

Reid’s Sex 10X Deep Dive Retreat | Facebook Walk With Reid And Gretchen   Want to learn more about Sex10x? Go HERE. Want to see if Reid has other retreats coming up? Visit Reid’s Calendar HERE. ************* Reid: Hello Facebook it’s Reid Mihalko from and it’s Gretchen! Gretchen: Good morning! Reid: And we are […]

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Memorable Experiences At Sex Geek Summer Camp

Memorable Experiences At Sex Geek Summer Camp Reid: Hello sex geeks. This is Reid Mihalko from and I have my flying squirrel on a t-shirt on. And I’m on a train and it’s quiet right now so if you can hear me, I’m in San Jose cause Cathy Vartuli and I are gonna do […]

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How to Create Retreats For Women Without Dramatic Attachment?

How to Create Retreats For Women Without Dramatic Attachment? Cathy: We had someone write in saying, “I’d like your advice in creating private one-on-one or group retreats for women where we can really wake them up to bliss and pleasure and inspire them to get them to leave all their shit behind and I want […]

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Tips On Designing A Powerful Sex Positive Workshop

Tips On Designing A Powerful Sex Positive Workshop           Cathy: Reid can you give us some tips on designing a powerful workshop? Reid: Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Reid Mihalko from Reid: However, I can teach you things and give you ideas maybe they occur to […]

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Free Permission Party Orientation

Curious about how a Virtual Permission Party works? Looking to attend Crista and Reid’s upcoming event? Join play party facilitators Crista Reid and Reid Mihalko for a FREE 27min orientation + 10mins for Q&A!

In 27 minutes, you will take away:

⭐ How to feel more confident engaging during a virtual play party
⭐ How to functionally use the tech and get your groove on in front of the webcam
⭐ A feel for the cultural design of this space and our consent culture system
⭐ Lots of tidbits on being a good, giving, and game virtual play party goer

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Insights Learned From Transformational Intensive For Extraordinary Facilitators By Monique Darling

Insights Learned From Transformational Intensive For Extraordinary Facilitators By Monique Darling               Reid: Here we go I think we’re good. Hey, everybody, it’s Reid Mihalko from and I’m here at Monique Darling’s…what does it called? Monique: Transformational Intensive For Extraordinary Facilitators. Reid: And we have extraordinary facilitators behind […]

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