Curious about how a Virtual Permission Party works? Looking to attend Crista and Reid’s upcoming event? Join play party facilitators Crista Reid and Reid Mihalko for a FREE 27min orientation + 10mins for Q&A!
In 27 minutes, you will take away:
⭐ How to feel more confident engaging during a virtual play party
⭐ How to functionally use the tech and get your groove on in front of the webcam
⭐ A feel for the cultural design of this space and our consent culture system
⭐ Lots of tidbits on being a good, giving, and game virtual play party goer
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Insights Learned From Transformational Intensive For Extraordinary Facilitators By Monique Darling Reid: Here we go I think we’re good. Hey, everybody, it’s Reid Mihalko from https://reidaboutsex.com/ and I’m here at Monique Darling’s…what does it called? Monique: Transformational Intensive For Extraordinary Facilitators. Reid: And we have extraordinary facilitators behind […]
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