Energetic Sex: How Big Is Your Energetic Cock? | Facebook Live With Reid And Lisa

by Reid on October 25, 2020

Energetic Sex: How Big Is Your Energetic Cock? | Facebook Live With Reid And Lisa






Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid Mihalko from https://reidaboutsex.com/ and I’m here with Lisa Grace.

Lisa: Hello!

Reid: Hello Lisa. So, what….as you sign on, say where you’re saying hi from? I’m up in the hills of Oakland right now and we’re in a hot tub and not everybody knows who you are. Do you want to share with people who you are?

Lisa: I’m Lisa Grace and I work with people on shadow material through Tantra through mindfulness and somatic exercises, just releasing the shame when giving people holding and witnessing in space to share about things that they’ve probably had never been able to share that in their life with unconditional love.

Reid: Thanks for doing that.

Lisa: Yay.

Reid: And we’re trying to keep things Facebook friendly. We’re in a gorgeous hot tub, overlooking the….I guess that’s Oakland hills? You know better than I did.

Lisa: Yeah. It is Oakland technically.

Reid: Yeah. And there’s like hawks flying around and all kinds of greatness and you and I had things we needed to chat about and a hawk just landed in a tree and then and then we….we played a little bit with energy and so I wanted I’m like “ooh, we haven’t done my Facebook live today.” So I asked Lisa if she’s…would be our guest starring and we’re going to talk about a little bit about energy sex and…and the question was how big is your energetic cock? And as we were getting ready to climb into the hot tub, you were saying that you are consistently surprised that like so many people have never really played

Lisa: Yeah.

Reid: energetically. So the idea of having energetic genitals or you know an energetic cock

Lisa: Yeah but I can say

Reid: or an energetic yoni

Lisa: I like playing with my energetic cock

Reid: Yeah.

Lisa: and then people say, “What do you mean by that?”

Reid: Yeah.

Lisa: “What is that?”

Reid: So what do you mean by that?

Lisa: What I mean by that is literally feeling my own cock that is full of energy and constructed of energy. It’s basically a representation of…of all of my extraordinary masculine that lives inside me.

Reid: And you’re….and you and I, we…we so Lisa and I’ve done more playing like tossing the Frisbee around…around energy then we’ve actually ever kind of had a conversation about how energy actually occurs for you

Lisa: Oh, Monique!

Reid: Hi Monique! So what like when you say masculine for yourself and energetic cock and things like that like how does it how does it occur for you and I’m just kind of saying like I think it occurs differently for everybody. So talking about

Lisa: Yeah.

Reid:  and and…and learning how it ex….how the experiences are for other people can be really helpful because I think especially for people who haven’t really played in the playground of energy sex like it feels like there’s only like four crayons when it comes to energy

Lisa: Yeah.

Reid: or…or sex and then there’s like a big box of 164 crayons

Lisa: Yes exactly.

Reid: out in the world.

Lisa: Whole spectrum.

Reid: So how does it feel like how does it all occur to you? If

Lisa: How does it

Reid: Yeah.

Lisa: occur to me?

Reid: Yeah.

Lisa: Well, starting with the premise that consciousness is without gender. We have all of what we considered to be masculine and feminine aspects and principles inside of every bodied person. And so it’s being able to play with the fullness of human expression and try that penetrative energy out and try the receptive energy out by not just be limited by physical human meet set.

Reid: Yeah, and…and also just kind of culturally limited right like…..like penetrative

Lisa: Yeah

Reid: is supposed to be masculine and receptive is supposed to be an air quotes feminine because for me I’m very much in my receptive masculine and it doesn’t necessarily occur to me like it’s a gendered thing. It’s more of a….I’m either throwing the Frisbee or catching the Frisbee or doing Frisbee tricks. So for me it’s that it doesn’t occurs very….very gendered. But

Lisa: Right. I just…..

Reid: that’s me

Lisa: I find it helpful to use gendered language because of the concept of polarities and how it’s a common accepted clarity like night and day that creates a whole 24-hour period

Reid: We never talked about this ‘coz I’m a bit polarity

Lisa: Yeah

Reid: Polarity

Lisa: Right.

Reid: But that’s…that’s me like I’m…I it’s just hard for me

Lisa: It is just a place to start from and then once you get people onboard who are…are very

Reid: Yeah.

Lisa: identified like if like I’m a cis-female person and if I’m really identified with that, I probably don’t give my masculine a lot of the time. All of the qualities and principles that I would consider to be masculine, I would tender avoid it if

Reid: Sure, sure.

Lisa: if I’m trying to look feminine.

Reid: Well and especially if you haven’t deconstructed stuff yet, right? Like ‘coz for a lot of people, like you know for the sex…for us sex geeks like we’re deconstructing gender, we’re deconstructing like physical sex ex and…and geeking out on the energetic and the etheric or just the idea of imagination and eroticism and fantasy and all these other things that we’re doing but somebody who hasn’t deconstructed things yet, starting with how they identify

Lisa: Right.

Reid:  is a great place to start and then maybe deconstructing things as their jam maybe it’s not like

Lisa: ‘coz it’s….it’s exactly, it’s…..it’s unpacking, it’s deconstructing, it’s noticing the things that you pursue and the things you avoid so that it can become conscious, so they can be a choice in what you bring in. Either if I’m spending a lot of time avoiding what I consider to be masculine

Reid: Yeah.

Lisa: then I’m cutting that part

Reid: Sure

Lisa: of myself off

Reid: Sure

Lisa:  and not being able to invite all that juice into my being.

Reid: And how did you how did this all start for you like what was your….like how did you get into this?

Lisa: I went on a Tantra retreat in South Africa with Ista people and it was very much about plane. We were all moving between our masculine and feminine all week.

Reid: Nice. Cool

Lisa: And yeah, it was a pretty intense cadel and it changed my life and it came back with just feeling the joy in my being of having permission to express

Reid: Sure.

Lisa: that to myself. And it also it just comes in handy to being able to call upon my masculine and call upon my feminine and then of course like you’re saying that it starts all blending together in blurry

Reid: Yeah, and I’m not

Lisa: so it’s just a place to start

Reid: and I’m not trying to make anybody wrong. Obviously, if something works for you, work it like I’m I just like in…in especially in that having hang out in the Tantra world a lot and especially with  there being a lot of unexamined male privilege in the Tantra world and not a lot of geeking out and deconstructing consent culture and rape culture and how you know sexism kind of can exist in guru models and and…..and I mean just so many things for me that we’re challenging in the Tantra world because as a geek, I wanted to like talk about all these stuff and in I found people in that community not everybody but people who are not interested in starting to break down

Lisa: Yeah.

Reid: subtle power dynamics

Lisa: Yeah.

Reid: And

Lisa: I mean in contrary and you do puja’s.  I know Monique and Alex are great at doing events that are non-gender binary but a lot of Tantra events like Hooters will break things down and gender balance

Reid: Yeah.

Lisa: And that drive me nuts

Reid: Yeah. Well but again like the evi….you know I’ll play devil’s advocate like if you’re if you’re going to be working with people who haven’t started that journey of deconstructing it yet

Lisa: Yes

Reid: then working with binaries can be useful to get people acclimated to then give them give them the literacy to start deconstructing something right because there is there is such a thing as too much, too hard, too fast which

Lisa: We have to meet someone where they’re at.

Reid: Yeah.

Lisa: And so starting with that commonly which

Reid: Got it

Lisa:  unpacking it.

Reid: Cool. This is fun ‘coz this is the first time you and I’ve ever actually talked about stuff such like neat nerd brain sex. So where can people find you? Where like where can….they find you like the links

Lisa: They can find me at http://www.tantricshadowcoaching.com/

Reid: http://www.tantricshadowcoaching.com/ and then what and they can find out like what…what you’re up to and what they can hire you for and geek out with you

Lisa: Yes.

Reid: Okay.

Lisa: Yes, please yes please drop me a line if you have any questions that….that gets into the geekery of….of human expression and sexuality, shame any of it. Yeah.

Reid: And thank you. We’ll check comments when we get out of the hot tub and thank you for allowing us to do a little Facebook live from this beautiful location and up in that tree  is where the hawk landed and

Lisa: I think it’s vultures

Reid: We’re going to keep it is a vulture?

Lisa: Yeah.

Reid: Holy moly.

Lisa: I can see five of them.

Reid: Oh, I need my glasses. Alright, so we’re going to let you go. I’ll be Facebook living tomorrow and I’ve got some fun announcements tomorrow for a sex geek summer camp because we’ve got some of our speakers confirmed. We’re 22 days out or 23 days out. So if you’re interested in coming to camp, it’s https://reidaboutsex.com/campFAQ. I’ll put a link to your website in the description when I get home

Lisa: Oh, I see somebody did it.

Reid: And oh, thank you, everyone

Lisa: Thank you [Inaudible 00:09:54]

Reid:  Thank you comment folk.

Lisa: Yeah.

Reid: And then

Lisa: Oh, it’s fun.

Reid: Yeah.

Lisa: They’re interactive people.

Reid: Yeah and thank you for…for giving me an excuse to hang out with you today and that was super fun playing…playing with energy and then letting in in your hot tub and then I’m going to drive home soon. And so say goodbye to Lisa with some emoticons and we’ll make it rain hearts and smiles and thumbs or that rain thumbs that sounds kind of weird. And then here comes ready, set emoticons. Go. Go. Go. Go.

Lisa: let’s see.

Reid:  Bye everyone!

Lisa: Bye.

Reid:  Look at them. All look at them all. Mwah!

Lisa: Thanks for letting me join you today.

Reid: You’re welcome. Thanks for being our guest star.

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