The ‘Embarrassing Questions Sex Educators DON’T ask’ FREE Telecall

by Reid on June 18, 2015

ReidCatTelecallMemeDon’t Let the Embarrassing “Too” Questions Ruin Your Career!

Dear Sex Geek,

What are the questions that are holding you back from going pro as a sex educator and/or from paying your bills?

Chances are, they’re of the despicable and embarrassing “Too” Questions variety!

The questions that are “too” embarrassing, “too” simple, or “too” obvious. The ones folks will Google or YouTube later when no one’s watching, so they won’t feel ridiculous… The questions people never look up because there’s shame and discomfort surrounding them because they should already know the answers.

The questions that leave holes in the confidence of talented sex educators… Create resistance in the momentum of amazing workshop facilitators… And inject a daunting heaviness into the passion of once radiant sex-positive healers and entreprenures…

It’s the embarrassing questions you aren’t asking that are holding you back the most, undermining your confidence, blocking your forward motion, and stopping your creativity and genius in their tracks.

I role model embracing the awkward in my Sex and Relationship Coaching and in my Business Mentoring. I teach men and women how to say what’s not being said in their romantic relationships, and I think YOU should take this on in your business by unsilencing yourself and asking what it is that you’re not asking…

The reason this post is here? I want to unsilence you…

I have a series of exclusive, VIP calls reserved for my inner circle of sex-positive professionals, the campers of Sex Geek Summer Camp and the members of Sex Geek School for Gifted Sex Geeks, where we geek out on different issues relating to the business of being a sex educator.

And I’m inviting YOU to geek out with us on this call that’s all about helping release the awkward, confidence-sapping, unasked and unanswered questions around business, career building, branding, and making money in sex ed!

PLEASE REGISTER here to get direct access to the audio and download links, plus an automatic email with the link in case you’re a busy sex educator on the go!


Come join us on this call and get a taste of what I share with my select group of sex-positive professionals… Why? Because I think you’ve earned it!

PLEASE EMAIL ME at and let me know what YOUR embarrassing business questions are!… Do it now before procrastination and discomfort shut you down, and you’re left with that confidence block and stalled momentum.

Take action. Help yourself clear the path to your own business success!

Here’s to giving you and your sex geeky career the most momentum…

P.S. Please don’t let uncertainty hold you back. Get answers somewhere- whether it’s with me or some other business geek! And if you’d like to get some answers and release some “business shame” right now, click and be listening to the call in mere moments!

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