What Is FC2 (Female Condom)? | Facebook Live With Reid, Matie, And Kate Reid: So we’re trying pursuing Facebook live from an airplane while we’re boarding. I have Kate and Matie from Self Serve toys. Kate: Hi Reid: Hi. In Albuquerque. Matie: Hey. Reid: And we are in Denver. Kate: […]
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Have you ever had someone stare at your cleavage? Or have you had trouble tearing your eyes away from someone’s boobs? Join Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com as they discuss The Cleavage Dilemma! Reid: Hi, I’m Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.com and this is Cathy Vartuli from TheIntimacyDojo.com. Today we’re going to talk […]
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