
Let Reid & Allison Teach You How To Combat Jealousy in Eugene Thurs Aug 18th!

Let Reid & Allison teach you how to deal with jealousy in Eugene, Oregon Thursday Aug 18th! When the Green-Eyed Monster rises from our emotional depths, we usually find ourselves powerless to stop its many arms from tearing our relationship-world apart. Well, not anymore! Join sex and relationship experts Reid Mihalko ( & Allison Moon […]

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Jealousy – Feeling Special

Cathy Vartuli from as she asks Reid Mihalko from how to balance feeling special in a group. Cathy: Hi everyone, this is Cathy Vartuli from, and we’re here with Reid Mihalko from Hi Reid. Reid: Hi. Cathy: I have a question for you. People like to feel special and you have […]

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Jealousy As A Signal That Needs Aren’t Being Met

Most of us avoid the topic of Jealousy, but when we face the feelings and learn new skills, we can transform our relationships and create new intimacy. Being jealous doesn’t mean you’re bad- it may just mean you have some needs that aren’t being met. Join Cathy Vartuli from as she talks to sex […]

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Stories About Jealousy In Polyamorous Relationships

What are some examples of jealousy in polyamorous relationships? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and asked about jealousy in a polyamorous relationship and was asking if we had some stories we could share that would help bring it down to a real level, like a more […]

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Someone Flirting With Your Boyfriend…. And Gossiping About You?

What do you do if someone flirts with your boyfriend, then says bad things about you behind your back? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: We had a writer write in. Cathy: Yes. Reid: We love it when you write in. Cathy: Yes. Reid: Because it gives us things to […]

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What If Your Boyfriend Is Charming and You’re Jealous?

If people are pulling on your partner who is charming, and you’re jealous, what do you do? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid:    One of you amazing viewers just wrote in. Cathy: She wrote in and said that, there’s been some jealousy and people that are kind of pulling at […]

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Jealousy – Feeling Special Example

Cathy Vartuli from as she asks Reid Mihalko from how to balance feeling special in a group. Cathy: Hey everyone, this is Cathy Vartuli from I’m here with Reid Mihalko from, and this is Feeling Special Video Two. Reid: Video two. Cathy just shared with me that we had … do […]

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Jealousy vs. Envy

In the last article I talked about Jealousy as Asthma and shared how you can identify, avoid, and inoculate against the 8 tentacles/triggers of the Octopus of Jealousy. I also promised to share soon about the difference between Jealousy and Envy, because it can make a BIG difference in relationships. So here’s the distinction between jealousy and […]

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Treat Jealousy Like Asthma

Jealousy isn’t something we look at closely, in general. We’re mostly taught that jealousy is bad, painful, shameful, and there is no relief. When it comes for you, you’re sunk, and it’s better to pretend it doesn’t exist and to just suffer through it when it does happen. (Or, blame our partners viciously if jealousy […]

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Battling the Eight-Armed Octopus of Jealousy, the Workshop!

Battling the 8-Armed Octopus of Jealousy! 4-Call Podclass + Workbook on Overcoming Jealousy by Understandingand Taming Your Emotional Monsterswith Reid Mihalko Four 90-minute Teleclasses Recordings,Weekly Jealousy Homework Assignments, PLUSYour very own downloadable Jealousy Workbook AND Cheat Sheet! When it comes to jealousy, many of us are left feeling like superstitious sailors who whisper of an almighty […]

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