
Free Jealousy and Polyamory Resources? 👀 Look Here!

Just in case you heard me talking about jealousy on Esther Perel’s Where Shall We Begin podcast, I thought it might be helpful to put my Jealousy Map and Polyamory Resource links where you could easily find them… Enjoy! Get Your FREE Jealousy Map! Did you know that jealousy is an octopus with 8 arms?  Each […]

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Dealing With Jealousy When Your Partner Wants To Sleep With Your Friends…

Dealing With Jealousy When Your Partner Wants To Sleep With Your Friends…           Find out more with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from   Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “I’m just embarking into the world of non-monogamy with my current partner. We’re having sex with other people […]

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Dealing With Over Jealousy Towards Other Woman

Dealing With Over Jealousy Towards Other Woman         Cathy: A woman wrote it and said, how do you deal with being overly jealous towards other woman? This is Reid Mihalko from       Reid: Cathy Vartuli from     Cathy: It’s a right question. Thank you so much for […]

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Jealousy and the Law of Attraction

Jealousy and the Law of Attraction             Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from (and founder of discuss how understanding jealousy can help you attract more of what you want in your life. Cathy: This is Cathy Vartuli from I’m here with Reid Mihalko from […]

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How Can Understanding Jealousy Give You More Confidence?

How Can Understanding Jealousy Give You More Confidence?         Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from (and founder of discuss how understanding jealousy can give you more confidence. For more information about the product mentioned in the video:… Cathy: Good evening, this is Cathy Vartuli from I’m […]

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Toronto! Reid’s Teaching Several Classes During PRIDE, June 24th-June 27th!

Reid’s In Toronto, Teaching Classes, June 24th-27th! JOIN REID FOR 3 DAYS OF TORONTO SEXGEEKERY! COME TO ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING EVENTS! EXCITED TO SEE YOU THERE! SATURDAY, JUNE 24th TWO CLASSES courtesy Polyamory Toronto! Join us for an evening double-header (we said head)! Yep, that’s two, back-to-back workshops in one night, AND one […]

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Toronto! Let Reid Teach You How To Deal With Jealousy & Get Your Questions Answered, Sat Jun 24th!

An Evening Double-Header: Learn how to deal with jealousy AND ‘Ask Reid Anything’ in Toronto, Saturday, June 24th! Join us for an evening double-header (we said head)! Yep, that’s two, back-to-back workshops in one night, AND one ticket price gets you into both. Big thanks to PolyTO who also created a Pay What You Can Afford option, […]

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You And You Partner Interested In The Same Person? And They Beat You To The Punch?

Some people are more extraverted than others, what if your partner beats you to the punch flirting with someone you like? Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: What happens when you and your partner are interested in the same person and they start flirting with them first? Beating […]

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What Can You Do If Your Partner Is Afraid You’ll Cheat… But You Aren’t Thinking Of It?

Keep getting accused of being a cheater, but not even considering it? What’s going on? Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and said “My partner thinks I’m going to cheat in the future and he’s spending a lot of time talking about it. But the […]

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He Doesn’t Want To Have Sex With You? What Can You Do?

Does he enjoy sex with other people… But now with you? That can really hurt! What can you do? Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: So we had a writer, write in. We’re not going to read it, but it was lengthy, in a good way. We love […]

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